If you change to an ordinary cultivator, I'm afraid that your mind will be destroyed at this time. After all, they can't hold so much information in their minds. It is a fierce impact for a time. It is good not to become a fool.

"So that's the case." Lu Chen muttered to himself with a complex expression. The most direct reason why the powerful Blood Fiend emperor in ancient times would destroy the elves is that the patriarch of the elves is the most powerful. Heisen the Great with great talent and potential. At that time, Heisen the Great robbed the blood of the beloved woman, so the blood of the emperor was angry and became a beauty. Actually, it is very simple, but there are many untold things in it. Lu Chen's secret, Lu Chen is considered to be the inheritor of Blood Fiend.

His luck is good, this is undoubtedly something, and I have to say that the courage of the blood evil emperor is beyond ordinary people's imagination. He spent countless treasures of heaven and earth, various cultivation resources, to create this piece. The mysterious island, this handwriting was enough for Lu Chen to be amazed. He was still a little too small compared to Emperor Blood Fiend.

He has to work hard to reach the legendary height, but Lu Chen is not too satisfied with the progress of his cultivation strength. If he is known by other young leaders, he will not know what he will think. After all, Lu Chen This guy, his cultivation base has always been leaps and bounds, and he is much superior compared to ordinary cultivators.

"Aha." Lu Chen took the magic axe and suddenly felt that he was a lot stronger. He was full of fighting spirit at this time, but he couldn't find a decent opponent. This mutant stone man exists here. It was not accidental, Lu Chen knew it well, but he didn't say it.

His keen observation ability and analytical ability, even if he is a few veteran strong, not necessarily comparable to him, Lu Chen's face is as usual, just glanced at the ground, is it right here?

His brows were slightly furrowed, and he waved the magic axe, the strange and unpredictable auras of heaven and earth, like the essence, sank into the ground. At first there was no change. After a while, there were bursts of noises, which were amazing. In the scene, the flying sand and walking stones were all lifted up, so that the situation below was seen by a few people. They could not calm down. The surrounding area was a desert, and after Lu Chen made a square hole Only then did they see the situation clearly. It turned out to be hiding this underground palace. Before they saw the palace, it turned out to be an illusion. They didn't get any rare treasures in it.

Except for Lu Chen, he met the five-clawed golden dragon primordial spirit. He was unexpectedly lucky. If he is known by a few old-brand experts, they don’t know what they will feel. They thought the treasure was always behind, but now it seems , It also makes sense, but Lu Chenhui's eyes are like torches, and he has noticed this.

Lu Chen holding the magic axe, his whole body showed endless power, just like the essence. I have to say that the help of the magic axe to Lu Chen is even stronger than the panacea he has used before, Lu Chen I was a little excited, but in front of these old guys, he was still calm as before. He swept around, his breathtaking eyes seemed to be able to penetrate everything. The legacy of the old guys was obviously Chen's courage was shocked, and a mysterious and unpredictable aura of heaven and earth came from the ground. For a while, it attracted the attention of Lu Chen and others. His figure flashed out like lightning, and his body surged. With unparalleled pressure, it is just like substance.

Those veteran experts looked at each other and followed. They didn’t want Lu Chen to be in a different place. After all, Lu Chen led them to this place. Compared with Dapeng Demon King, Lu Chen It is quite righteous. This is understandable. They rushed out one after another, but without exception, they became vigilant and careful. It is undeniable that they are unwilling to fall into a disadvantage, in case there is any precious treasure here. , They missed it, so how good it is, even though most of the treasures may have to become Lu Chen's things, this is something that cannot be avoided.

Lu Chen curled his lips. He found that there was a hazy atmosphere in the underground. Normal cultivators entering into it would probably cause suffocation. That way, they wouldn’t be able to stay for a long time, let alone hunt for treasure, but Lu Chen Out of the ordinary, his tyrannical physique, coupled with his cautious observation ability, recognized this at the first time. Therefore, he kept a mind and did not underestimate the enemy, but used it lightly and lightly. With aura, to protect his body in this way, Lu Chen has some protection. The faint brilliance diffuses out. Several veteran powerhouses are slightly frightened. They have done the same, but they still have some influence. .

"Why is there such a heavy miasma here?" After recognizing it, the yin and yang half-xian raised his brows, a little dignified, and said in a hurry. That's right, the underground looks ordinary, but it has such a rarity. Rare breath, miasma is not derived under normal circumstances, but it is not without exception. Obviously, but it is not absolute. Once the environment is completely closed and evil spirits spread, it cannot be avoided. The multiplication of the miasma, as a result, affects the practitioners who enter it. For the most part, some of their veteran strong have the means that are not weak, and it is impossible to completely resist. This makes it even more clear that this is thousands of years. The treasure left over from the past, they don't know why, Lu Chen will find this place.

They just followed, they just need to have a certain amount of strength to stay in it for a while. Just as a few veteran strong guys breathed a sigh of relief, they "hissed." A sharp voice came, calling them Several were startled. Even Lu Chen, who had a good mentality, couldn't help but raise his brows. He fixed his eyes and saw that there were three zombies with two tall zombies not far away. They were expressionless. With an unparalleled heaviness, Lu Chen took a deep breath. These three zombies may have monstrous abilities, and he can't take it lightly.

The oppressive power displayed by the three zombies was quite shocking. Undoubtedly, several veteran strong men were moved by it. They were in a complicated mood and did not know what to do. They only saw Lu Chen bear the brunt. The attack came out, surging with the vigorous breath of the mysterious soul in his body, coupled with the effect of the blood-colored river, caused Lu Chen's breath of the mysterious soul to reach an unprecedented height, he condensed his breath, because he faintly moved from two The zombies felt a lot of deterrence.

Therefore, Lu Chen still flinched. His fist slammed out. The condensed fist marks contained earth-shattering oppressive power. I have to say that after Lu Chen grew up, it was far beyond what ordinary people could compare.

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