Even if it is a grand shot, it may not be good enough. Maybe it is still possible to be killed by the Black Shadowman. Their strength is not as good as Lu Chen. If they are not careful, they will bear this kind of horror. Power, then they have no vitality.

This is undoubtedly a matter. They still have some self-knowledge. Besides, Lu Chen is surging out of a violent five-element aura, the shadow man has received a lot of shock, he is hungry and gritted his teeth, no Willing to lose to Lu Chen, the mysterious and unpredictable aura of heaven and earth has changed the surrounding oppressive force quite a bit, Lu Chen's expression is cloudy and sunny.

"Boy, what are you doing for this purpose?" Unexpectedly, this strong man took the initiative to ask Lu Chen's opinion. As a result, Lu Chen couldn't figure it out. Isn't this guy trying to target him?

But at this moment, the mysterious shadow man attacked. He wouldn't give Lu Chen any chance to breathe. It turned out to be to distract Lu Chen. Lu Chen understood this guy's shamelessness.

"Huh, I'm going up, it's that simple." Lu Chen said concisely. His expression is quite powerful, but for this mysterious shadow man, it is a strong shock. I have to say, Lu Chen's The courage is definitely not what ordinary people can compare. Even this mysterious shadow man can't figure out where Lu Chen comes from. Is it possible that with the presence of these old guys, he can emerge unscrupulously. Is it?

But the mysterious powerhouse glanced at those veteran powerhouses, and he was a little bit sneered. Their strength is not as good as Lu Chen. How can they be able to protect Lu Chen? It is really irresponsible. Lu Chen had a certain level of confidence. Otherwise, how could he fight against him? For a while, he was extremely angry, and his eyes flashed with breathtaking light, as if he could kill people. The murderous aura was quite obvious. Yes, Lu Chen was indifferent.

He has experienced many winds and waves, and now his mentality is quite stable. His figure flashed, and his fist slammed out, and his speed was so fast that even Lu Chen did not see what the situation was.

This is incredible. This is also inseparable from Lu Chen's previous speculation. After all, Lu Chen does not have much advantage. With Lu Chen's strong strength, he may be able to refute a little advantage, but he is only now It was discovered that when this mysterious person really showed his means, he only understood his weakness, which was also unavoidable.

This mysterious shadow man has been cultivating in the second floor of the pagoda. Lu Chen could feel it only from the slightest leak of aura just now. The distinctive and rich aura here has exceeded the so-called aura of heaven and earth. Perhaps it is the legendary true spirit aura.

Lu Chen thought of an elite leader Qiu Shui Wuhen he met when he was at the Cangqiong Gate before. That guy has his own uniqueness. Lu Chen's unpredictable vitality aura caused Lu Chen headaches. Fortunately, Relying on the speed of his own cultivation level, he abruptly defeated Qiu Shui Wuhen, and he felt the aura of True Essence just now, no wonder he felt familiar, and now Lu Chen couldn't calm down.

He vaguely looked forward to it. Once there is a way to defeat the mysterious shadow man, Lu Chen will have an absolute advantage. There is no doubt that the mysterious shadow man’s methods are powerful and domineering, but Lu Chen is not willing give up.

He burst out and wanted to show the magical technique of Dacheng Realm without reservation. This was a certain degree of difficulty for Lu Chen, who had just reached Dacheng Realm not long ago.

Therefore, he has to think carefully before he can gain a little advantage. The next moment, Lu Chen kicked his feet and shot out at a very fast speed. Although the speed of the flying shoes is limited, they can follow Lu Chen's repair. The progress of the realm is beyond doubt in terms of speed. At least Lu Chen is quite satisfied with the effect of the flying shoes.

It can only be said that the mysterious person I met in the prison killing space gave him a lot of help, but what made Lu Chen a little depressed was that he was not there when the killing prison space closed. After meeting the mysterious person, Lu Chen had more than one million points at the time, so he could naturally exchange for some rare treasures. Unfortunately, Lu Chen did not force anything against his wishes. He knew exactly that. Only by letting things go, his cultivation realm could unlock the seal faster, maybe everything is destined in the future, he hasn't reached that height yet, it can't be said to be monstrous Powerful man.

So what he has to do is to constantly improve his strength, so that Lu Chen can know more secrets, this is also inevitable.

The speed at which the two played against each other was so fast that the veteran experts were dazzled, and they couldn't help but be moved. This is the true peak duel of the strong. In comparison, they are far worse, or That said, there is no comparability, but this is also something that cannot be avoided.

After all, Lu Chen has an incomparable talent potential for ordinary cultivators. Even if it is them, they can't help but give birth to an unmatched idea, a broad and profound aura of heaven and earth, which is transmitted from all directions.

Lu Chen's expression did not change. Although he had a huge wave in his heart, he was unwilling to retreat. His purpose was simple, that is, to do his best. Only then could Lu Chen be able to continuously stimulate his own strengths. Once he is long, he can squeeze out his potential, and in this way, his cultivation level can also unlock some of the seals.

"Bang Bang." The momentum of the two fighting against each other was quite strong. A series of lightning and thunder, accompanied by earth-shaking noises, several veterans were surprised to find that this first-story pagoda, I don't know when it started. , Turned into a maverick space, which is quite rare.

Is it because of the appearance of this mysterious shadow man? In the mid-air, dark clouds were densely covered, giving people a feeling of black clouds pressing down on the city and wanting to destroy the city. It was really tight, and breathing seemed a bit difficult.

"Rumble." Under the control of the mysterious black-clothed man, those thick lightning bolts slammed towards Lu Chen. When ordinary people see this situation, they will surely be frightened and **** off. This is also impossible. Things to deny.

But Lu Chen was different. His face was full of solemnity. Amidst the thunder and lightning, he felt a special breath. That's right, that was the aura of Emperor Blood Fiend. It seems that this mysterious shadow man is also an emissary cultivated by Emperor Blood Fiend. , Or the guardians, they rushed into the second floor of the pagoda. Although they got a key to open the second floor, no one had expected that there was such a powerful guardian. It is not so easy for them to stand out from the siege. Lu Chen sighed. Since this is something he must deal with, then he will not shirk responsibility.

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