Lu Chen was unwilling, and he continued to fall into the disadvantaged. This is an indisputable fact. Lu Chen had a headache. He persisted to this level. If he gave up, it would not be worth the loss. Then Lu Chen's efforts and dedication may be in vain. .

Loud noises of earth-shaking and earth-shaking spread in all directions, so that the surrounding world fluctuates more and more intensely. This mysterious shadow man has not only powerful and unpredictable methods, but also an unknown side. It was that the calmness used such a powerful mental power that it disturbed Lu Chen's thinking.

He unknowingly fell into a strange state, as if he had encountered ice and snow before, Lu Chen was slightly surprised, the next moment, in his sight, a giant golden net appeared overwhelmingly!

"It's actually a net of heaven and earth!" The half immortal Yin and Yang recognized the origin of this golden giant net for the first time. The shock in his heart could not be added. Originally, the net of heaven and earth was a legendary mysterious treasure. However, it appeared here. There are also a few other veteran powerhouses, which are all shocking things. What is the terrifying effect of the sky and the earth, they have only seen it in the records of ancient books, so they dare not make any comments. Power, transmitted from the golden giant net, even Lu Chen, who had good defense, felt this irresistible magic power, as if everything was gone, Lu Chen frowned, and his mood fell to the bottom.

Lu Chen sighed, this was the last chance. He knew well that once it was caught by the net of heaven and earth, it would be impractical for Lu Chen to escape.

The oppressive power given to him by this giant golden net was unprecedented, and Lu Chen was very curious about where the mysterious man in black got the treasure. It seems that he underestimated the mysterious shadow man.

Lu Chen concentrated his whole body strength, all surging out, like the substance, Lu Chen slammed out with a fist, the seemingly unpretentious attack, but it was full of destructive power, Lu Chen gritted his teeth and appeared on his forehead. The big beads of sweat and the violent veins make it easy to see his pain, but Lu Chen can only hold on to it, otherwise, he will be in a different place.

Lu Chen’s behavior made the mysterious shadow man a little disdainful. This kid was completely seeking his own death. How could Lu Chen be able to contend with this sky and the net? It touched the Tianluo Diwang body, but unfortunately it did not have any substantial effect, which made Lu Chen a little headache.

He feels limp, and he can't use any strength at all. Even if his strength is maximized, he can't do anything. Is he really going to be caught by the mysterious shadow man?

In the blink of an eye, Lu Chen was caught by Tian Luo Di Net, his power was restrained, and the mysterious shadow man stared at Lu Chen coldly. There is no doubt that the contempt and spurning were obvious.

I have to say that Lu Chen's courage has surpassed his imagination, but in the end it didn't have much effect. Although Lu Chen kept struggling, there was no significant effect.

He sighed, did he really want to be slaughtered? Although Lu Chen resisted a bit, the facts proved that he had no advantage anymore. His previous efforts were all in vain. For the mysterious dark shadow man's eyes, Lu Chen He didn't move at all.

"What do you want?" Lu Chen disagrees, and asks lightly. After so many things, he has been able to face all of this calmly. At this time, Lu Chen's mentality can be said to be like still water, and the mysterious shadow man burst out Pressure has no effect on him.

"Huh, kid, you still have the courage to ask me, if you want to break into the second floor, isn't that a dead end? Although you are good at strength, but you want to challenge me, it's a little far away." The mysterious shadow man felt There was a wave of shame, and those old-brand powerhouses witnessed such shame with his own eyes. How could he tolerate this kind of thing.

"There are also some of you who are dead, but I am thinking about how to make you die." The mysterious black shadow man said in a hurry, and the old powerful men were startled, and their hearts were abrupt. , It’s undeniable that Lu Chen has fallen into such a field, and they will still be implicated. This is inevitable. They used to have a fluke mood. Now it seems that this situation has failed. Because they were stared at by this mysterious shadow man, they were destined to be the same.

They paid so much, but they didn’t expect that they would still be involved, but they didn’t have anything to blame Lu Chen. This was inevitable. After all, Lu Chen’s talent potential was placed there and it was much stronger than them. After Lu Chen tried his best, he didn't defeat the mysterious black shadow man, so what could they do? They could only sigh.

Several veteran powerhouses have never thought of escape, although they want to escape, but the facts have proved that this mysterious shadow man is powerful, even if they flee wildly, they will not have any effect.

It may also arouse the resentment of the mysterious black shadow man. In that case, the consequences will be unimaginable. As the saying goes, if the gun is shot, they naturally understand this matter.

At this time, the mysterious aura between heaven and earth is quite strong. The mysterious black shadow man glanced at Lu Chen and said in a little surprised, "You kid, you are not even your opponent with a bull's head and horse face. Not bad, not bad, but you are now How can it be." The mysterious dark shadow man began to sneer.

Lu Chen was indifferent to this. His eyes rolled around, and he didn't know what he was thinking about. The broad and profound Hongmeng origin aura in his body revealed. For Lu Chen, this is his trump card and killer. Under normal circumstances, Lu Chen is not. It will show up, but the situation is special. If Lu Chen is hiding and tucked away, then what is waiting for him must have fallen.

Then Lu Chen would not be worth the loss, he knew that he had to race against time.

Tianluodiwang is very powerful, and it can actually restrain his Hongmeng original aura. At this point, what Lu Chen has to do is to give it a go, and to be more secretive. Delaying time now is also a very important thing for him.

"Are you the **** emperor's subordinate?" Lu Chen said unhurriedly. His voice was like a bolt from the blue. In fact, this is not a secret. Several veteran experts know more or less. But they didn't break it, and Lu Chen didn't know the circumstances under which he learned about it.

He also said that the mysterious shadow figure trembled. After mentioning the Emperor Blood Fiend, his emotions could not be calm, "Anyway, you are a dying person. There is nothing wrong to tell you, in fact, I I don’t deserve to be his subordinate because I’m too weak.” The mysterious shadow man Feng Qingyun said calmly, but he gave Lu Chen a lot of pressure. This kind of thing, he had never thought about the strength of the shadow man. , Is very impressive, he can't be the underling of the Great Blood Fiend, Lu Chen dare not imagine.

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