Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2881: Red light district

The more he walked into the slum, Lu Chen found that the value of the people here was higher, and the equipment he was wearing looked better.

But the expressions of the people here are even more indifferent.

It's really rare to see someone like Lu Chen with a curious expression when he comes in!

"Stop, who?"

After continuing to walk a short distance inside, suddenly a roadblock appeared in front of Lu Chen.

On both sides of the roadblock stood two people with a combined value of more than 100 and more than a dozen people with a combined value of more than 50.

These people had serious and solemn faces, meticulously grasping the weapons in their hands, glanced around with vigilant eyes, and seeing Lu Chen approaching, they immediately raised their weapons and asked Lu Chen's identity.

"I'm here for the first time, and I walked here without knowing it!"

Lu Chen smiled casually, guessing in his mind that it was probably the place where the big people lived, and he was about to turn around and leave after speaking.

Lu Chen had no doubt about the existence of masters in the slums. After all, some masters would rather accompany ordinary people than lower their status, accompany or protect some so-called big people.

And such a big person, usually in the city, there will definitely be.

Lu Chen was about to turn around and leave, but one of the two guards whose combined value exceeded one hundred suddenly shouted:


"what's the matter?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly and asked calmly.

"I ask you, who are you? You are not allowed to leave until you finish answering!"

When the guard saw Lu Chen, his first reaction was that he was the son of a big man.

It has been a long time since the end of the world happened, and it is estimated that only the big people and their families can be dressed like Lu Chen now.

After that, he didn't feel any pressure on Lu Chen, and he became more sure of his guess.

For such a person, he has always been very upset. The reason why he did not appear in the city, but in this slum, was that he was forced by a so-called big man's son in another city before, which made him feel unhappy Do not fall to where it is now.

Therefore, since then, he has always been disgusted with the so-called big shots, but could not find the opportunity to do it.

Now he suddenly encountered a "brother son" who had no bodyguards to protect him. He naturally didn't want to miss the opportunity and was ready to abuse the so-called "brother son" in his eyes.

By this time, everyone has completely ignored life!

The other guard also knew the experience of the guard before interrogating, so seeing the guard's reaction when interrogating, naturally he wouldn't say much, but rather gloated at Lu Chen.

For people in their slums, those in the city, especially the big ones, are particularly annoying.

"Boy, do you know this is a restricted area!"

The guard who began to speak, walked up to Lu Chen in a dauntless manner, looked at Lu Chen with contempt and said.

"All said, I'm here for the first time, so naturally I don't know!"

Lu Chen also guessed what the guard wanted to do, and he was even more disdainful of the guard's reaction.

A small person with a comprehensive numerical value in the early 100s is awkward in front of a person like Lu Chen with a comprehensive numerical value of several thousand. Isn't this a death hunt?

The talking security guard approached Lu Chen with a smile, holding the weapon's hand, suddenly raised high, and a smug smile appeared on his face.

But his smile didn't last long, and it solidified in an instant.

He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He looked down and saw that a weapon exactly like his own hand penetrated through his stomach, and the blood instantly stained his equipment.

At this time, he realized that the weapon in his hand had disappeared.


This guy raised his head and looked at Lu Chen, only to find that there was a smile on Lu Chen's face, and he regretted it immediately. He knew he was wrong, but he had no chance to regret it!

Lu Chen's speed was very fast. When the guard held up the weapon in his hand, his hand instantly grabbed the guy's weapon, and then plunged directly into this guy's body with a sense of measure, while holding the handle of the knife. , Rotating quickly, smashed the organs in the body of the guard, making him silent instantly.

Because Lu Chen controlled very well, even if the guard had died, the other guards behind him who were gloating to see Lu Chen preparing to be abused by this guard did not find anything wrong at all.

For such a world, Lu Chen didn't have any good feelings. The reason why he entered here was entirely to find Shui Yulan, and he didn't pay attention to everything else.

Not to mention killing someone, it is killing everyone in this world to find Shui Yulan, he doesn't care!

Finally, the people behind the slain guards found something wrong, and just about to sound the alarm, they were surprised to find that their bodies could no longer move!

Just now in their opinion, a very weak guy appeared in front of them instantly, but they were surprised to find that their body was flying backwards, no, it should not be the body, but the head.

Because they also saw a familiar headless body.

It wasn't until these people's bodies fell completely that Lu Chen didn't bother to walk through the roadblock slowly, and wanted to see where it was behind the roadblock.

After walking into this place, Lu Chen realized that the situation here was totally different from the periphery of the slums.

No, here is no longer a slum, it is simply a rich area with all kinds of entertainment facilities. Before each store, it was overcrowded with men and women.

The men are all blood-stained equipment, while the women, except for three points, are all exposed to the seductive dress, standing in front of every shop, attracting bees and butterflies.

Lu Chen suddenly realized that, no wonder there weren't any masters out there just now. After the sentimental group of masters came back here, they were all here.

Lu Chen was not surprised why these masters didn't go to the city. He vaguely guessed that perhaps the big people in the city could not get these industries into the hands of others in order to consolidate their rule.

Moreover, it is normal for the price to be high for monopolistic transactions in the city.

Although this group of people don't necessarily care about the money, why don't you come to the cheap place where it is cheap? After all, at this time, supplies are more important, and it is necessary to keep something on hand.

Lu Chen stood on the periphery and took a look at the situation here, knowing that he could get something he needed more here, so he smiled slightly and walked in!

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