Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2893: Snipe and clam fight


Just when Lu Chen and Liu Mei were already unconscious and ready to continue their hands, there was a huge roar of bomb explosion outside, awakening the two men and women who were immersed in spring.

Liu Mei gave Lu Chen a shy look. Seeing the expression in Lu Chen's eyes, he lowered his head shyly for an instant, not daring to take another look.

Lu Chen looked at Liu Mei's movements, the clothes on Liu Mei's body were almost non-existent, and his heart was trembling. However, thinking of the explosion sound from outside, he quickly patted Liu Mei and said:

"Liu Mei, quickly put on your clothes first, I'll go out and have a look!"


Liu Mei nodded softly, slowly putting on his clothes with an extremely shy mood, hating the explosions in his heart.

Lu Chen put on his clothes in three or two seconds, opened his heavenly eyes, and looked outside.

But because his strength was still very low, Lu Chen's Sky Eye could only cover the entire high school.

But it was obvious that the explosive roar that was produced was not within this school, so even if Lu Chen opened his sky eyes, he still saw the empty school and a small part of the outside of the school.

It is estimated that it is because of the D-class mutant murloc, so even in the outer circle of this school, no humans or mutant creatures can be seen.

"Liu Mei, you go out with me and have a look!"

Because Lu Chen didn't see what happened outside, he didn't feel relieved to leave Liu Mei here alone.


Liu Mei nodded happily, naturally she was extremely happy, she knew that Lu Chen had finally put herself in her heart!

Lu Chen took Liu Mei, who was dressed, and he thought it would pass, but after thinking about it, Lu Chen still took the bag. He was worried that something bad would happen to him later.

The dry food in the bag, at my current level, may be fine without eating for ten and a half months, but Liu Mei will not work.

In such a world occupied by mutant creatures, it is not so easy to find food.

And there are many other essential items in the bag, which is also necessary to carry.

After the two left the storage room, they walked in the direction of the explosion.

At the beginning, Lu Chen didn't feel anything, but as he walked, he felt inexplicably that there were two powerful threats in front of him.

But what makes Lu Chen strange is that none of these two powerful threats are human, and depending on the situation, the two powers belonging to mutant creatures are actually attacking each other.

Could it be the snipe and the clam fighting?

Lu Chen couldn't help but imagined himself as a profitable fisherman in his mind, with a smirk at the corner of his mouth.

"Lu Chen, what's wrong? What did you find?"

Liu Mei looked at the smirk at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth, and was not so scared in his heart. He took Lu Chen's hand and asked in an anguish.

"Don't talk, I'll take you there, you'll know it after reading it!"

Lu Chen looked at the eyes of the sky again, because this time, the two of them were very close to the place where the explosion occurred. Lu Chen had already seen the situation clearly with the eyes of the sky, smiled and took Liu Mei's hand, carefully walking towards the destination.

The place where the two mutant creatures were fighting was above a dilapidated subway station. After Lu Chen left the school with Liu Mei, he jumped off a cracked ground at the entrance of the school. Below was the railway connecting that subway station.

The two walked along the railway for about two kilometers. Lu Chen signaled Liu Mei to be careful, and then walked along the ruins of the subway station to find a road for them to pass, and finally let Liu Mei see the two sides of the battle clearly.

The two sides of this battle are a tree and a monster like a big, cylindrical caterpillar.

Lu Chen has clearly seen the strength of the two mutant beasts:

"Mutated Tree Man:

Grade: C

Body strength: 100000

Mental strength: 100000

Comprehensive strength: 100000

Talent skill: evil bomb"

This mutant tree man turned out to be a mutant beast that just broke through to C rank.

The attributes of that cylindrical caterpillar are:

"Mutated caterpillar:

Grade: D

Body strength: 99999

Mental strength: 99999

Comprehensive strength: 99999

Talent skills: strong acid"

Similarly, this mutant caterpillar that can only fight with mutant tree people, its strength is not to be underestimated, although it has not broken the threshold of D level, it has reached the peak of D level.

Although speaking, the difference between the two is only a little numerical value, but Lu Chen can clearly feel that this numerical value is an unbreakable scourge for the mutant caterpillar.

Looking at its current appearance, it has been sorted out by the mutant tree man and it is quite miserable.

At this time, Lu Chen already knew that the bursts of explosions that came just now were the talent skills of this mutant tree man-evil bomb, and the bombs it released were the weird-looking fruits on the tree.

These fruits are how it attacks. According to human terms, the explosion of this fruit is equivalent to the equivalent of 10,000 tons of TNT after the explosion.

However, Lu Chen also discovered a strange thing, that is, this mutant caterpillar seemed to be one with the mutant tree man at first, because he found that there was a mutant caterpillar drill behind the mutant tree man. Into the big hole.

And through some common sense knowledge, this caterpillar must be attached to the mutant tree to survive.

But the same, Lu Chen is a little strange again, then why are these two guys fighting together now.

Could it be that the original strength of the mutant tree was the same as the mutant caterpillar, but because of a breakthrough later, he was dissatisfied that the mutant caterpillar continued to attach to his body.

In fact, Lu Chen didn't guess wrong, this caterpillar was indeed attached to the mutant tree man before the end of the world, before the world had mutated.

The caterpillars and the tree were natural enemies, but at that time, the tree wanted to clean up the caterpillars on its body and could only rely on external forces. It wanted to do it on its own, and there was no such possibility.

Later, as the world mutated, the big tree finally mutated into a treeman, and it had the ability to do things on its own, but the problem was that it was not the only one that mutated, because of its reasons, the caterpillars attached to it were also the same. Mutation!

Both are mutated, and both have just mutated, so the tree man is once again restrained by the caterpillar.

So the mutant tree people hated this mutant caterpillar, and always tried every means to give this mutant caterpillar a fatal blow.

Now it finally has another chance. Its strength first broke through the D level and reached the C level.

Although there is only one difference between the two, this is not easy, at least it has a way to pull out the mutant caterpillar that has been hiding in its body!

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