Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2895: Breakthrough D level

"Damn! I'm scared to death, I don't want my RP to be so bad!"

In the end, Lu Chen gritted his teeth, made up his mind, and made up his mind that he must be that profitable fisherman.

"Liu Mei, be careful here, let me go out!"

Liu Mei seemed to have guessed what Lu Chen wanted to do. He was a little worried. He wanted to hold Lu Chen and not let Lu Chen go out. But seeing Lu Chen's firm expression, Liu Mei said to his mouth to comfort him, leaving only one sentence:

"Be careful!"

Lu Chen grinned and said, "I will naturally be careful, isn't there such a beautiful baby waiting for me?"

As Lu Chen said, he kissed Liu Mei's small mouth lightly, and then the figure disappeared directly in front of Liu Mei.

Looking at Lu Chen's disappearing back, tears appeared in Liu Mei's eye sockets.

After leaving the subway station, Lu Chen did not appear directly on the ground carelessly. He cautiously rushed to the back of Mutant Treeren, turned his fists into palms, and stabbed them fiercely at the wound behind Mutant Treeren.

"Crack! Poof!"

Lu Chen's hand went straight from the wound of the Mutant Tree Man into the Mutant Tree Man's body without any hindrance, but he clearly felt that he was poking on two things with different feelings.

Could it be that mutant caterpillar?

Lu Chen just had this idea in his mind, he saw the familiar scene here, the huge body of the mutant tree man, turned into a sky full of imaginary spots.


Regardless of thinking about other things, Lu Chen quickly used his skills and began to swallow.


This time it swallowed, Lu Chen suddenly felt that there was something in his body that had been broken, and his physical strength and mental strength had naturally increased rapidly.

After a few seconds, all the virtual dots disappeared, leaving two spars at the location of the mutant tree.

Seeing these two spars, Lu Chen knew that, as he guessed, his hand not only stuck into the body of the mutant tree man, but also into the body of the mutant caterpillar that sneaked on the mutant tree man. .

I have to say that Lu Chen's luck is really good. If he hadn't killed the mutant caterpillar directly, maybe he would have forgotten the existence of the mutant caterpillar after he eliminated the mutant treeman.

At that time, the mutant caterpillar will act on Lu Chen again, which will not necessarily endanger Lu Chen's life, but it is still possible that he will be seriously injured!

Regardless of checking his current attribute points, Lu Chen rushed to the surrounding mutant caterpillars again.

Each is just one shot, these mutant caterpillars have no life, and all the mutant caterpillars are dead and clean.

But Lu Chen was puzzled that the bodies of these mutant caterpillars did not immediately turn into virtual dots, but their bodies remained in place even after they died.

"Nima, is it because the strength of these mutant caterpillars is lower than mine, so I can't let me absorb it!"

Lu Chen quickly checked his attributes:

"Host: Lu Chen

Grade: C

Body strength: 200,000 (unlimited strengthening type)

Mental strength: 200,000 (infinitely strengthenable)

Comprehensive strength: 200,000 (infinitely strengthenable)

Talent skills: swallow, fly"

"The strength has indeed been promoted to C level, but why does it seem to absorb not 80% this time, but to make up the numbers behind and directly become an integer?"

Although he didn't understand, Lu Chen couldn't help but feel extremely happy when he saw that a flying skill appeared behind his talent skills!

Haha! Finally you can swim in the air again!

Lu Chen's gaze shifted from his attributes to those mutant caterpillars that had been killed by it.

Although Lu Chen didn't know whether there were any materials in these mutant caterpillars, it was more important, but he knew that the crystals in these mutant caterpillars were equivalent to money!

The ten mutant caterpillars in this book can definitely provide Lu Chen with millions of soul crystals, and they are also high-level soul crystals.

If calculated in terms of purchasing power, these millions are equivalent to hundreds of millions of wealth when Lu Chen was on earth.

Of course, this soul crystal cannot be calculated like this. After all, soul crystals can still be used for cultivation. For some people, a 99999 energy soul crystal, they are willing to buy hundreds of millions of low-level energy soul crystals.

Lu Chen didn't think about letting Liu Mei deal with these caterpillars this time.

For women, even though these caterpillars have become very large, they are still caterpillars in nature, so Lu Chen believed that Liu Mei would still feel that these caterpillars would be very disgusting.

So Lu Chen was going to do it himself, no matter what the material was, he just had to take out the soul crystals in them!

Lu Chen squatted down beside the body of the mutant caterpillar. Lu Chen began to collect the soul crystals in the body of the mutant caterpillar.

Before swallowing the mutant tree man, Lu Chen's body strength was only more than 40,000, which may not have any effect on this mutant caterpillar, but now he has 200,000 body strength, and he does not even look down on 100,000. A mutant caterpillar that does not appear on the body.

The reason why Lu Chen was able to directly kill the mutant treants and the mutant caterpillars was entirely a trick.

The Mutant Treant was killed because the wounds of the Mutant Treant could not resist Lu Chen's attack, and the mutant caterpillar was because Lu Chen used the Mutant Treant to kill it!

Lu Chen easily tore the body of the mutant caterpillar, and took out a D-class soul crystal with an energy value of 99999 from its head.

At the same time, Lu Chen also discovered that the bodies of these mutant caterpillars were not as disgusting as he had imagined. Their bodies had become firmer. A piece of meat had been cut off. People who didn't know thought it was chicken!

After discovering this, Lu Chen felt that it was more appropriate to call Liu Mei to deal with these mutant caterpillars.

So he immediately cleaned up a mutant caterpillar next to him, and after collecting the two soul crystals, Lu Chen rushed directly into the subway station.

From the position where Liu Mei was standing, she could clearly see things outside. Seeing that Lu Chen had killed those mutant creatures, she thought of it, but thinking that Lu Chen hadn't let her out, she still held back and continued to stay where she was. .

Now that Lu Chen finally thought of coming over to find him, Liu Mei's eyes showed joy, but then her joy turned into surprise and panic.

Lu Chen didn't notice. When he turned and left and called Liu Mei, the two mutant caterpillars he had just cleaned turned into empty spots in the sky.

But these imaginary spots, let alone 80%, just 1% of the amount, did not blend into Lu Chen's body, but all disappeared directly into the air.

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