Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2901: Three beasts

While Liu Mei was absorbing the pure soul crystals, Lu Chen took out the map from Liu Mei's bag and marked the place he had passed by, the mutant beasts in that place.

Although for Liu Mei now, there is no need to complete this task.

Because even if she finishes it, she gets a very small part of the reward. This part of the reward is simply impossible to raise her cultivation base to C level.

But following Lu Chen, for such a time, as long as she completely absorbs the mental power in this soul crystal, then Liu Mei's strength will not necessarily be upgraded to C level, but it can definitely be upgraded to D level. of.

After all, after being purified by Lu Chen, the spirit power contained in this soul crystal was already less than 180,000.

Even if it is a full 180,000, all absorbed by Liu Mei, it can only reach the level of D-level peak. After all, the division of strength is calculated according to the average level.

After half a day of work passed away, Liu Mei easily absorbed the mental power in the pure soul crystal, and then spent another half a day to consolidate his strength.

Especially her ability, it has directly improved several levels.

Liu Mei's original ability was related to mental power. Now that his mental power has increased so much, there is no reason why his powers will not improve.

After Liu Mei had absorbed the pure soul crystals, her strength had indeed risen to the pinnacle of Grade D. Now her attributes are:

"Liu Mei

Grade: D

Body strength: 1200 (strengthened type)

Mental strength: 180,000 (enhanced type)

Comprehensive strength: 90600 (enhanced type)

Talent skills: mental abilities"

Because of the increase in mental power, Liu Mei's physical front has also been slightly strengthened, and her strength has increased by about a hundred points. Her current strength is more than 90,000, which is indeed the level of the D-level peak.

As long as Lu Chen is helping her get a pure C-level soul crystal, her strength can definitely be directly raised to the level of C-level.

However, there is one point. Although Liu Mei's original ability is related to mental strength, after all, there is too much difference between her physical strength and mental strength, and her physical strength is only a fraction of the mental strength.

This is quite terrifying for ordinary human beings. If you can't balance as soon as possible, it will lead to mental breakdown because the body cannot withstand the strong mental power.

It's also because Liu Mei's sea of ​​consciousness has changed, so that her body can bear her excessively strong spirit a little bit. If her body cannot be strengthened as soon as possible, then there may be only two kinds.

One is that her strength is always stuck at level D and will not be improved, and the other is that her mental strength continues to improve, and her body cannot bear it, so she collapses.

Although for many people, the level of D is already quite strong, but it is natural that Lu Chen could not be satisfied with Liu Mei's strength, so after knowing this, Lu Chen began to find ways to help Liu Mei increase her physical strength. .

In addition to boosting the body's strength, it relies on the 20% absorption capacity to strengthen the body, as well as what kind of exercises you get, or what heaven and earth treasures you get, and what to strengthen like in other worlds.

Lu Chen had a lot of such things before, but now that he has no Hongmeng Ring, he has nothing.

Lu Chen didn't know that he had never tried to use the exercises in his mind, but in this digital world, there was no spiritual energy that could be used for cultivation, so naturally, these exercises couldn't be used.

Lu Chen couldn't use it himself, so even if he knew a lot of powerful exercises, he wouldn't be able to teach Liu Mei!

After Liu Mei had fully grasped the sudden increase in mental power, it was already a day later. It was ten in the morning. Lu Chen had some barbecue. The two of them ate at will, and they continued their exploration of the city.

This time, the two of them no longer had the mentality of completing the task they had started, but were purely looking for mutant beasts to obtain soul crystals to increase their strength, so the two of them moved forward very fast, but still, they were still Be careful.

The neighborhood of this high school is also a community. At this time, Lu Chen used the Sky Eye skill again. Compared with the previous, Lu Chen's Sky Eye skill has lasted a lot longer, and the scope has naturally expanded a lot.

So Lu Chen discovered at a glance that there were three C-rank mutant beasts in this community.

You know, the area of ​​this community is similar to that of the high school, but how could there be three C-level mutant beasts?

And there are still three different mutant beasts!

"Mutated Hummingbird

Grade: C

Body strength: 240,000 (enhanced type)

Mental strength: 180,000 (enhanced type)

Comprehensive strength: 220,000 (enhanced type)

Talent skills: speed"

"Mutated Piranha

Grade: C

Body strength: 240,000 (enhanced type)

Mental strength: 180,000 (enhanced type)

Comprehensive strength: 220,000 (enhanced type)

Talent Skill: Hidden"

"Mutated Blood Ant

Grade: C

Body strength: 240,000 (enhanced type)

Mental strength: 180,000 (enhanced type)

Comprehensive strength: 220,000 (enhanced type)

Talent skill: formic acid"

However, after Lu Chen saw the strength of the three mutant beasts, he also vaguely guessed it.

Because the strengths of these three mutant beasts are all comparable, and relatively speaking, they also influence each other, which led to the appearance of the three beasts in this community.

And Lu Chen also discovered that the strengths of the C-rank mutant beasts he has seen so far are generally the same, no, it should be said that they are exactly the same. This makes Lu Chen extremely curious, even if these mutant beasts are in the same group The place is not so similar in strength!

Is there any baby here?

Lu Chen is extremely excited when he thinks of the baby. Whether it was before or now, Lu Chen's favorite thing to do is treasure hunting, although many times, those treasures are of no use to Lu Chen!

This should also be the so-called collection addiction!

Lu Chen said that he has no way to change this hobby, it has penetrated into his own bones!

Could it be that you were a poor dragon in your last life?

There was no way to collect a lot of treasures in the previous life, so in this life, all the treasures that could not be collected in the previous life were collected in this life?

Of course, Lu Chen never thought of breaking this habit. For the baby, no one would be too much. Even if he can't use it, can he not use it if it is difficult to beat the people around him? People around you can’t use it, can’t you use it for your disciples and grandchildren?

You know, Lu Chen's most indispensable is his disciples and grandchildren. After so long, compared with his disciples, he has already developed the saints!

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