Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2922: Strike again

"Since they can control the entire external network to prevent news about them, how can they not prevent the entire external network from showing bad things about them!"

Lu Chen has experienced the powerful importance of technology, otherwise he would not have thought of turning the Dragon Soul Continent into a world where technology and magic are combined!

"How come! Chaowu Academy would not be like that at all, otherwise, according to his strength, he could rule the entire Han Lin star, but he didn't do that!"

Liu Mei said directly without even thinking about it.

When Lu Chen heard Liu Mei say this, he didn’t argue with Liu Mei anymore. He could see that the Chaowu Academy had brainwashed the entire Han Linxing human beings without knowing it. The college will not have any bad thoughts.

If this Chaowu Academy is really what Liu Mei said, it is just for the sake of Han Linxing, and sincerely cultivating masters for the entire Han Linxing, then that’s fine, if they are plotting something else, then Lu Chen I can't imagine it!

In short, in Lu Chen's heart, he has already developed some resistance and some vigilance against this so-called Han Lin star!

He suddenly became a little unsure, he felt that he had to improve his strength to A rank before entering the Chaowu Academy!

Thinking of this, Lu Chen said directly to Liu Mei:

"Meier, do you know where the nearest mutant city with A-level mutant beasts is?"

Liu Mei didn't know why Lu Chen asked this suddenly. After thinking about it, Liu Mei said:

"I know! It is about a thousand kilometers away from our base city. It used to be a large city built in the mountains. Because there are mountains and forests nearby, there are a lot of mutant beasts in that city, and they are very powerful. A famous A-level mutant city!"

"Sister, bring me up the map of this base city and the route from here!"

Lu Chen didn't say anything, turned his head directly, and ordered the supercomputer girl.

Soon, the topography of the famous A-level mutant city and the route from this base city to the A-level mutant city appeared on the screen of the supercomputer girl.

"Lu Chen, what do you want to do?"

When Liu Mei saw Lu Chen doing this, he suddenly felt something in his heart, and asked stupidly.

"I feel something is wrong, so I want to raise my strength to A level before entering Chaowu Academy. Would you like to go with me?"

Lu Chen was originally unwilling to take Liu Mei with him, because after seeing the map of the A-level mutant city, he found that it was too scary compared to the B-level mutant city they had visited before, so he brought Liu Mei. It was really unsafe, but he wanted to know what Liu Mei thought.

"Of course I will go with you!"

Although Chaowu Academy has a relatively high status in Liu Mei's heart, no matter how high it is, it cannot be as high as Lu Chen's status in his heart.

Since Lu Chen has already said that there may be something wrong with this Chaowu Academy, then there must be something wrong!

Now that Lu Chen said that she wanted to improve her strength, she would naturally also want to improve her strength!

Liu Mei's reaction made Lu Chen happy and helpless, but Liu Mei said so, and he couldn't say much.

It was still in the Yonghe Chamber of Commerce. After purchasing some supplies, Lu Chen and Liu Mei left the base city, came to a place where no one was there, and then flew directly to the A-level mutant city.

Originally, Lu Chen wanted to buy some more practical equipment from the Yonghe Chamber of Commerce, but later discovered that because the base city was too small and its strength was too weak, the equipment prepared by the Yonghe Chamber of Commerce was only Grade D at the highest.

Equipment of this level was useless for both Lu Chen and Liu Mei, so Lu Chen had to dispel this idea.

However, when purchasing supplies, because the ring he had was too large, and because of his previous habits, Lu Chen directly purchased enough supplies for one hundred people for one month, and replaced them with two of them, enough for one. Years used!

Of course, these things were bought by Lu Chen while Liu Mei was not paying attention, and when he received the ring, he was not discovered by anyone.

Regarding that ring, Lu Chen discovered that it actually possessed invisibility, and no one could see it except Lu Chen.

When Lu Chen and Liu Mei left the base city, Lu Chen seemed to vaguely see Yanqing that guy, who had bought a lot of things, and was ready to leave the base city, but Lu Chen didn’t care, nor did he go to say hello, and left with Liu Mei. Up.

The distance of more than a thousand kilometers, for Lu Chen and Liu Mei, only took a while, and it was there!

Not yet near the A-level mutant city, Lu Chen felt that a few kilometers around the A-level mutant city, he had the aura of a mutant beast.

The aura of these mutant beasts is big and big, but for Lu Chen, the strength is generally a little low.

Therefore, Lu Chen ignored them, pulled Liu's eyebrows, and flew directly to the door of this A-level mutant city in one direction.

Perhaps because this A-level mutant city is so famous, Lu Chen and Liu Meifei have not seen any human existence until now.

But it's right to think about it. After all, for those people, there are too many A-level mutant beasts in this A-level mutant city, and they can't be faced by a single person.

It's better to go to some A-level mutant cities that are not very powerful, and the same harvest, why not do it!

Lu Chen would not think so. The more mutant cities there are, the more he likes them, because then his strength will increase faster, just don’t know if there are S-rank mutant beasts in this city. If so, that would be the best!

"Meier, take out the map and take a look. Let's determine a direction first!"

Lu Chen took Liu Mei and walked to a ruin near the city to hide first, and then said to Liu Mei.

Lu Chen seemed to be used to hiding in the ruins. No matter where he went, he first found a ruin to hide himself and Liu Mei before proceeding to the next step.

Lu Chen took out the map from his backpack and spread it out in front of Lu Chen. Lu Chen carefully checked the content on the map, took a pen to write and draw on the map for a long time, and found a more suitable road. Said with a smile:

"Okay! In the past few days, let's follow this route! Presumably, there should be many B-level and even A-level mutant beasts along the way, waiting for us to kill!"

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