Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2925: Just have you!

"Lu Chen, are you okay!"

Liu Mei had eased up now, and she could also see Lu Chen killing the mutant snake from a height.

"What can I do! Look, it's not good!"

Lu Chen smiled softly, raised Liu Mei's hand and said:

"Let's go! My current strength has been stuck at the peak of Grade B. The next step is to help you raise your strength to the peak of Grade B, and then solve the mutant beasts of Grade A!"

In the next time, it was exactly the same as Lu Chen said. The two went directly to trouble those B-rank mutant beasts, and directly raised Liu Mei's strength to the same level as Lu Chen's B-level peak.

These few times, I don't know if it was because of the "rules" that Lu Chen no longer needed to improve his strength, so the mutant beasts he killed did not directly turn into virtual spots, but left their bodies.

But despite this, Liu Mei can directly absorb about 10% of the strength of these mutant beasts.

Although the absorption strength was slightly lower, because none of the mutant beasts they encountered next was a mutant snake that was afraid of the willow eyebrows, the two of them cooperated, and it took less than half a day to complete it. These things.

However, when Liu Mei's strength rose to the B-level peak, she suddenly told Lu Chen one thing:

"Lu Chen, I feel that I am afraid it is not as easy as I started to upgrade my strength to A rank!"

"En? What do you mean?"

Lu Chen asked puzzledly.

"Didn't we just kill mutant beasts directly before to increase our strength! For you, if you kill a mutant beast of A rank directly, you can break the bottleneck of rank B, but I really want to not!"

Liu frowned and said in distress.

"Ah! It shouldn't be like this!"

Lu Chen was a little surprised. He originally hoped to raise Liu Mei's strength to A level. If he really followed Liu Mei's words, it would definitely not be that simple!

More importantly, Lu Chen didn't even know how Liu Mei could break through Level B. If he couldn't find a way, he couldn't let Liu Mei's strength stay at Level B all the time!

"Let's try to find an A-rank mutant beast, maybe your feeling is wrong!"

Lu Chen really couldn't think of a way, and suddenly felt that if Liu Mei's feeling was wrong, wouldn't they be entangled here for nothing!


Liu Mei nodded and agreed to Lu Chen's suggestion.

The two can easily find an A-level mutant beast. Before both of them could solve the A-level mutant beast, it is naturally easier to deal with the A-level mutant beast.

Except that it felt slightly stronger than the B-rank mutant, and didn't feel how they were, Lu Chen and Liu Mei joined forces to kill the A-rank mutant.

While this mutant beast turned into a virtual dot, Lu Chen found that the strength on his attribute panel had directly broken through the A rank, and at the same time, the mental power in his mind seemed to slowly begin to condense in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness.

But Liu Mei, as Liu Mei had previously guessed, was still stuck at the pinnacle of Grade B, although Lu Chen clearly saw the virtual spot transformed by this A Grade mutant beast, 20% of it was integrated into Liu Mei’s body. In the middle, but Liu Mei's strength has not improved.

"Lu Chen, look, I said so!"

Liu Mei waved his hands twice, and there was only a trace of loss on her face. Obviously, she had already thought of this, so she didn't expect too much.

"But it shouldn't be like this!"

Lu Chen scratched his hair a little irritably, and his hairstyle was immediately messed up by him.

Liu Mei looked at Lu Chen's appearance, walked slowly to Lu Chen's side, and gently helped Lu Chen to smooth the hairstyle that was messed up by him, and then said:

"Okay! Lu Chen, don't worry about me anymore. I can rise from the E-level strength to the B-level peak level in such a fast time. I am quite satisfied. Now, with my spirit Ability, even if I can deal with some mutant beasts of A rank, what can I not be satisfied with!"

"However, we don't even know why you are stuck at the top of the B level! If you can't find the answer, you are likely to be stuck here for the B level, and you can't continue to improve your strength!"

Lu Chen put his hands on Liu Mei's shoulders, with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Maybe the reason why I can't continue to improve my strength is because my strength has improved too fast during this period! God is not satisfied with the speed of my strength improvement, so I deliberately lowered a level! After a while, God thinks that if I have enough time, my strength will naturally increase!"

When Liu Mei said that, Lu Chen suddenly thought of a question. When a cultivator cultivates, in addition to his own cultivation level, there is another aspect of the cultivation of his state of mind. The reason he has no bottleneck is entirely because he has such a state of mind, so does that mean? Say, Liu Mei's mood is not enough, so he can't continue to improve?

But if this is the case, then why can't Lu Chen feel the so-called state of mind at all? Could it be that the so-called state of mind cultivation in this world is completely hidden, and he can't feel it at all?

But Lu Chen thinks about the things Liu Mei has experienced over the years alone, which can support her until now, she should be completely in her mood!

But if it's not for this reason, what is it?

Lu Chen now wished to have a hundred A-level masters by his side, and asked him to ask them one by one about how they broke through the B-level bottleneck. In this way, Lu Chen would know where he should go. Direction, help Liu Mei!

"Lu Chen, you said, don’t worry about me! I think I’m pretty good now! There’s not a saying that says:'Everyone must be content.' I am very satisfied with my recent things. Regardless of my strength or..."

Liu Mei glanced at Lu Chen, with a happy expression on his face, and said slowly:

"I still met you, the person I love the most in my life, even if my strength is always stuck at level B, as long as you are by my side, what can I do for nothing!"

Lu Chen was immediately shocked by Liu Mei's words.

He has never thought about this. For his women, he only knows one thing, he can't let them suffer any harm, no matter what, he must protect them and make them happy every day!

But I have never thought about a problem, if I am no longer around them, how can they be happy?

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