Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2927: College and Tianyu

But the problem was that when Lu Chen was about to try to use some of the methods he knew to promote his awareness of the spiritual power in the sea and condense it into a golden core as soon as possible, he suddenly discovered a problem.

Those were the methods he used. Not only could they not gather these mental powers as quickly as possible, but they also showed signs of slowly dispersing.

This made Lu Chen so frightened that he had to stop doing what he was doing now. He looked at the current situation in a puzzled manner, not knowing why.

Is it because of the rules of this world, cultivation methods that do not belong to this world cannot be applied here?

Shouldn't it!

If that were to be said, when I was reborn in the Dragon Soul Continent, it was not the cultivation method of the Dragon Soul Continent, but my strength was still improving very quickly!

Furthermore, I used the energy in my body that I didn't know if it was vitality before, and used spells that only cultivators could release. It was still possible, and there was no saying that I couldn't use it!

Lu Chen, who couldn't figure out a way, could only put this in his heart temporarily. Anyway, his current cultivation level is enough to deal with some things that will be encountered before him. If he continues to improve his strength, it is better to wait for them to go to Chaowu. After the college, maybe you can find a way!

It can be said that Lu Chen and Liu Mei are now in this city, and they have nothing to do. They can choose to leave directly and return to Liu Mei's base city.

But for some reason, Lu Chen did not leave immediately with Liu Mei, but stayed at the resting place they were looking for, ready to rest for the night, and then go back tomorrow morning.

You know, the speed of Lu Chen and Liu Mei now returns to the base city from here, and it doesn't take long at all.

Lying on the bed, although the two of them hugged each other tightly, they both slept in their clothes and did not think about doing something they love to do.


The two of them just lay on the bed quietly, and did not directly fall asleep, as if feeling the faint warmth at this time, but suddenly, a loud noise came from outside, making this faint feeling, Disappeared instantly.

"Nima, what's the matter?"

Lu Chen couldn't help but frowned, his face became very gloomy, he walked off the bed, came to the window, and looked outside.

In the darkness, a small group of people walked slowly, and the cheerful laughter of these people could be heard in the air from time to time.

"Haha! Boss, this is worthy of the most famous A-level mutant city. There are so many mutant beasts. These are our gains, I am afraid there are many! It is estimated that the points we got from the academy should be a lot!"

"Six boys, I don't think you are happy because of these, but because your strength has improved a bit, so you are so excited!"

"Why? Third sister, can't I be happy! That's right, I'm excited because of the improvement in my strength. I'm not like you. My strength has been stuck at this level for quite a long time. I just don't know why I can't. Improve, now I can finally improve my strength again, why am I unhappy?"

"Okay, you two, today our gains are indeed not small, but don’t forget, in the entire college, there is more than one team like us. If we want to win the ranking in the college competition to be held soon, we still need Keep working hard!"

"Boss, you are one of the top ten players in our academy. As long as your character is not too bad, and you meet those perverts before the finals, your ranking should not be too low!"

The chirping little six who has been very excited said again.

"You have already said that if the character is not too bad, what if my character suddenly deteriorates during the few days of the game, and I encountered those abnormalities in the first round? So, my strength still must Improve it!"

"Haha! I said, boss, your current strength is pretty good at our age, don’t forget, the reason why those perverts are so powerful is because they were already martial artists or abilities before the end of the world. It’s a winner! Their age is not too young now, can we compare with them?"

"We have now broken through to Grade A in strength, and our life span is at least a thousand years. With a thousand years of time, with your potential as the boss, I am afraid that you can't surpass those abnormalities!"

"The second child is good, but you know why I brought you here today to improve your strength?"

"Yeah! Don't tell me, I forgot to ask, boss, why would you suddenly want to take us here to experience? Although some of our strengths are really good, if we face really powerful mutant beasts, we can just For escape, there are quite a few such mutant beasts in this mutant city!"

"That's because I got the news that the top ten people in this big match can enter there!"

"There? Where is it?"


The boss just said these two words, the members of this team were all silent. Obviously this place called "Tianyu" was really shocking to them!

It made them almost unable to react, whether what they heard was true!

"Boss, you are sure that you are right. The top ten in this competition can really enter the universe? The top ten you mentioned is a competition for all grades?"

"how is this possible?"

The boss's tone was full of disdain, and continued:

"This competition is different from the past. In addition to each grade level competition, there will also be a cross-grade competition. The top ten students in each grade level continue to fight and select the ten students who win the final , And ten students with strong potential, a total of twenty students, entered the universe."

"Ah! This competition is obviously unfair! How could our fourth-grade students compare with the bosses and fifth-grade students! Not to mention those thirty-two-year-old students, the final match was a place, obviously It's just for your fifth grade students!"

"This is not necessarily true. Our school has students with hidden strengths, but there are quite a few. With the news of joining Tianyu, those students with hidden strengths will definitely explode to their full potential!"

"Moreover, didn't I say that! In addition to the last ten winners in the competition, the academy will also select ten students with strong potential to join the universe together. The so-called strong potential must be revealed by you during the competition. Some of the things that are beneficial to all students!"

"Hey! No matter what, I don't think I will have the opportunity to join Tianyu! I just don't know if there will be such an opportunity in the future!"

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