Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2934: History of Chaowu Academy

"Congratulations to both of you, we will all be one in the future!"

Director Xie gradually came back to his senses after Elder Ye Qi left. The benefits that Yu Ye Qi gave to Lu Chen just now were something he had never seen before, so he knew that the two of Lu Chen had already entered the eyes of high-level officials. So their future achievements will definitely be very high.

Now he naturally dare not have any dissatisfaction or disrespect towards Lu Chen and Liu Mei. Although he is a teacher, he is just a very low-level teacher!

Not to mention that Lu Chen and Liu Mei have been put in the eyes of high-level officials, but when Lu Chen and Liu Mei enter the fourth grade, their status will already be higher than his little director.

And he knew very well that Lu Chen and Liu Mei could now enter the fourth grade, and even one of them could enter the fifth grade, so their status was actually higher than himself.

"Little brother Lu Chen, congratulations!"

Elder Li was actually a little envious in his heart. Although he didn't quite understand what was going on just now and what it meant, he could still tell from Yu Ye Qi's attitude that Lu Chen and Liu Mei were about to "post" in the future.

For the same thing, although he didn't know who this Yu Yeqi was, he knew that Yu Yeqi's status in Chaowu Academy was definitely not low when he heard Director Xie actually call him the Great Elder.

"Haha! Elder Li, we wouldn't have had this opportunity without your help, right? Don't worry, Elder Li, we will definitely not forget you in the future!"

Lu Chen didn't know what Elder Li wanted now, so such a non-binding verbal help was spoken by Lu Chen.

"Then naturally, thank you little brother Lu Chen!"

When Elder Li heard Lu Chen's words, he couldn't help but feel happy.

Following Director Xie, the admission procedures of Lu Chen and Liu Mei were quickly completed. From now on, both Lu Chen and Liu Mei have truly become students of Chaowu Academy.

Chaowu Academy occupies a huge area, and it is no different from a city. There are everything that the outside world has.

Therefore, the college’s accommodation for students is not like those of those schools. They arrange accommodation in large dormitories. Of course, there are also such dormitories. If you are willing to live, there is no problem at all.

However, 99% of people will definitely not live in such dormitories. Except for such dormitories, every new student who enters the school has the right to choose an apartment as his residence within the scope of the college. , After all, as long as you enter Chaowu Academy, it is generally at least twenty years before leaving.

Of course, in addition to apartment buildings, there are also villas, but these villas, the college will only provide students with strong and strong potential.

Strong strength is after enrolling in the arena competition, the score is ranked in the 100th, to have this opportunity, each grade has such a ring competition.

Therefore, in fact, each grade actually has villa districts and apartment complexes belonging to this grade.

For those with strong potential, they are assigned by the college based on the level of the entrance test.

The potential of Lu Chen and Liu Mei is enough to be assigned to a villa like this. Although both Lu Chen and Liu Mei have obtained the keys to a villa, Liu Mei will definitely not go to live in their own villa, but Live in Lu Chen's villa.

When going through the college formalities, Lu Chen personally experienced the power of Chaowu Academy, and a student who walked by him at any time could be of B-level or A-level strength.

You know, this kind of strength can be the elder of the five major forces in the outside world.

At this time, Elder Li next to Lu Chen is a good example!

Lu Chen and Liu Mei also knew that the students they were seeing were only a small part of Chaowu Academy, and most of the students had left the school to go outside to practice.

They have special training locations. Of course, they can also choose to go to the mutant city where there are more outsiders, but they can't tell those people their identities!

In the entire Chaowu Academy, the total number of teachers and students in the five grades is about 20 million.

Although many of them are students in the first to third grades, there are no less than one million students in the fourth grade, and there are slightly fewer students in the fifth grade, but there are also tens of thousands.

Such a powerful strength made Elder Li feel extremely fearful.

Lu Chen and Liu Mei felt excitement. It was not easy to meet a master outside. It was too easy to meet a master here. This would also improve their own strength.

It can be said that with such a large population, Chaowu Academy is already equivalent to a large-scale city, which is larger than the so-called super base cities in the outside world.

If it's just huge, then that powerful strength is the root cause of the Chaowu Academy's ability to stand tall until now, and there is no collapse.

And now Lu Chen knew that this so-called Super Martial Academy actually existed before the end of the world broke out. His original purpose was to cultivate martial artists and super-powers.

However, before the outbreak of the end times, Han Lin star was a world of technological development, just like the earth, so-called warriors and supernatural powers were quite few, and the total number was less than 10,000 people. Among the nearly 100 billion Han Lin star population , It's already pitiful.

However, after the apocalypse broke out, these less than 10,000 people turned out to be martial artists and supernatural powers, so their strength increased a lot, becoming the number one power on Han Lin at the time.

At that time, Chaowu Academy did not have any idea of ​​ruling Han Linxing at all, and it still started its own way, continuing to train martial artists and supernatural powers.

Due to the outbreak of the apocalypse, the number of warriors and abilities has greatly increased, so Chaowu Academy has also begun to slowly expand. With the support of those who were warriors and abilities at the beginning, Chaowu Academy has developed to the point it is now.

These were naturally introduced by Director Xie to Lu Chen and Liu Mei, but Lu Chen had deep doubts about this. Is this Chaowu Academy really not ambitious?

To say that one or two people may be indifferent to fame and fortune and have no ambition, but to say that everyone has no ambition, especially when their own strength suddenly rises, the dark side of mankind will gradually be revealed. Lu Chen would never believe it. Great people exist.

But looking at Director Xie's proud face, Lu Chen couldn't say what he said. He silently followed Director Xie and continued to listen.

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