Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2941: How can it be that big

"Lu Chen, what should I do now!"

Looking at the current situation, Ye Qingyun had a headache. All the men were drunk by Lu Chen and fell on the ground alone, but Lu Chen had nothing to do!

"With their cultivation, it doesn't matter if they sleep here directly!"

Lu Chen chuckled, glanced at the group of people lying on the ground somewhat wretchedly, and thought with a smirk in his heart: If you want to drink your brother and get down, you are still tender!


Hearing what Lu Chen said, Ye Qingyun was a little dumbfounded, "Just let them sleep here? Doesn't it matter?"

"What does it matter! They are all C-level peak-strength people. Are you still afraid of the cold? When you go out to practice, the sleeping environment should not be better than here!"

Lu Chen was still smiling.

In the end, Ye Qingyun was naturally persuaded by Lu Chen and left these people here.

The next day, when the group of people woke up and found that they had fallen asleep directly in the box, they were extremely speechless. When they knew that the idea turned out to be Lu Chen's location, they were a little angry at first, but then they thought about it. This is all self-seeking hardship, can only helplessly smile.

However, it was precisely because of what happened today that Lu Chen had an indelible position in the hearts of this group of people. They had a feeling of awe of Lu Chen, but the relationship between Lu Chen and them was also Get more intimate.

The remaining girls in the box, because they live near Lu Chen's villa, naturally they don't need Lu Chen, the only sober man, to send them off, just leave them together!

When paying the bill, Lu Chen originally wanted to pay the bill, but Ye Qingyun was unwilling to live and die, saying that this time they invited Lu Chen and Liu Mei, how could he let Lu Chen pay the bill!

When Maple Leaf Pavilion’s owner, Feng Ye, knew that Lu Chen and Liu Mei were new students, he did not hesitate to give a big 50% discount. The money for the wine was even more direct, so that there was not much money for food except for the wine. Become even less!

Lu Chen had no choice but to say that he would have to pay for the next meal.

Accompanied by the few sisters present, Lu Chen and Liu Mei sent them back to their respective villas in turn, and they were slowly returning to Lu Chen's villa.

In the past two nights, although neither of them drank too much, but with the energy of alcohol, the two "played" wildly, causing Liu Mei to almost faint in Lu Chen's arms.

But it also made Liu Mei thoroughly realize what "feeling like flying" is.

Early the next morning, Han Meimei ran over again and knocked on the door, awakening Lu Chen who was still asleep.

"Mei Mei, what's the matter so early!"

Lu Chen didn't notice either. He was covered with red fruits at this moment, and when he heard the knock on the door, he went downstairs to open the door.

"Ah! Lu Chen, why don't you wear clothes?"

Even if it was Han Meimei's rough girl, seeing this scene in front of her made her let out a scream, which made Lu Chen wake up instantly, as if she hadn't been dressed yet.

However, Lu Chen always felt that Han Meimei’s screams were pretended, because Han Meimei only screamed, and then the pair of lovely big eyes on the flushed cheeks stared at Lu Chen’s huge face without blinking. The second brother couldn't stop fiercely.

Even when Lu Chen closed the door subconsciously, he still vaguely heard Han Meimei's self-talk:

"Wow! How can it be so big, it is obviously different from the book!"

After Lu Chen got dressed and opened the door again, Han Meimei seemed to have forgotten what happened just now, and said to Lu Chen with a smile:

"Lu Chen, where's the Liumei school girl? It's already so late, why are you still sleeping!"

"Why is it late? It seems it's only eight o'clock now!"

Lu Chen checked the time. It was only 8 o'clock in the morning and couldn't help but complain.

"School brother Lu Chen, don't forget that you are now a student. From the perspective of past freshmen, they are already in the classroom at this point in time!"

Han Meimei looked like an elder, with her hands behind her back, and she was instructive.

Not to mention Han Meimei, Lu Chen really forgot that he had become a student again.

For Lu Chen as a student, too much time has passed. Even on the Dragon Soul Continent, the school that Lu Chen once attended did not say that he would go to class on time. Even if he did, he would wait until Lu Chen woke up. It's almost noon, or it's in the afternoon.

"Then senior sister, are you calling me to go to class now?"

Lu Chen smiled and hugged his hands, leaning against the door frame and said.

"Of course, as a junior, I have the responsibility to supervise my new juniors and learn them well. At the same time, as a member of our Qingyun team, I don’t want my new team members as an old team member. The kind of students who are late and absent from class and leave early!"

Han Meimei looked at Lu Chen as if she were taking it for granted, and then she seemed very upset that Lu Chen smiled at this time, stretched out her hand and patted Lu Chen twice, like a little girl who acted like a baby with her little boyfriend.

"Hurry up! The time for our first class is half past eight, and it will take a while to get to the classroom from here! You haven't eaten breakfast yet, and you have to waste some time if you include breakfast time!"

Han Meimei twitched her little nose, and said very dissatisfied.

Han Meimei was already like this, what else could Lu Chen do? Just as he was about to go upstairs to get Liu Mei down, he felt a movement on the stairs. Turning his head to see, Liu Mei was already neatly dressed and walked downstairs.

Just looking at the way she walks, her legs are still slightly trembling, it is not difficult to see how crazy they were last night!

Following Lu Chen's gaze, Liu Mei whitened Lu Chen a little bitterly, as if he was blaming Lu Chen for bullying him.

Lu Chen grinned at the corner of his mouth, showing a smirk, and said, "Can't blame me! Who was calling her for it last night!"

Liu Mei could naturally understand the meaning of Lu Chen's mouth shape. Lu Chen gave Lu Chen a charming white again, and he leaned on the escalator downstairs, making a nice voice at the same time:

"It's Meimei-senpai! I don't know what happened to Meimei-senpai who came here so early!"

"Call you to come over and go to class together!"

Han Meimei popped a small head from a gap in the doorway blocked by Lu Chen, and said hello to Liu Mei.


Obviously, Liu Mei is the same as Lu Chen. Because of the craziness of last night, he has forgotten what he will be attending today. When he heard Liu Mei say this, he ignored his sore legs and rushed to the second floor again. A voice floated over:

"Wait for me, I'll go wash now and come down immediately!"

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