Whether it was the big competition or the retreat room, Lu Chen knew about it. Although he would also participate in the big competition, he would never go to the retreat room, because for Lu Chen, the retreat was really useless.

And in the face of a group of people with the peak strength of A Grade, Lu Chen, a super A Grade master, is it necessary to retreat?

Walking slowly towards the library, the library of Chaowu College, the higher the grade, the smaller the library area.

Because after the strength is high, the materials you have will be less and more profound. Unlike the first-year library, the materials inside are very rich. A book even has a bookshelf to help explain the meaning of the book. .

This is why the library area owned by the first-year students is much larger than the library area owned by the other four.

After entering the library with his student ID, Lu Chen walked to a bookshelf at will and swam in the ocean world of books.

Time passed slowly, and Lu Chen didn't know how long it had passed. He almost read all the books in the bookshelf in front of him, and then slowly came back to his senses. He glanced around and found that it was bright. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows next to it, I realized that it was already dark outside. It turned out that it was already night.

"Lu Chen, you are finally optimistic!"

At this time, Lu Chen noticed that Liu Mei was sitting on a chair not far from him, holding a book, and watching slowly. Perhaps Liu Mei raised his head when he heard a movement, only to realize that Lu Chen had stopped. Read the book.

"Sorry~www.readwn.com~ I'm so fascinated to watch, how long have I watched it?"

Lu Chen thought about it. He probably has read more than a thousand books. Although he reads books very fast, time has probably passed for a long time.

"From the morning you said you want to come to the library, you have probably watched for more than ten hours, and it's more than ten in the evening!"

Liu Mei slowly put the book she was reading back on the shelf, and said with a smile.

"Unexpectedly, I have watched it for so long! Let's go eat!"

Lu Chen did not say what he learned after reading so many books, because in fact, even if he had read so many books, he was still a little confused about the understanding of certain rules of the world. He felt that he needed to go to a lower grade. In those libraries, I have some understanding of the nature of this world.

What Lu Chen didn't notice was that when he was reading, the mental power in his mind accelerated a little bit of concentration.

For a super-large college like Chaowu College, how could there be no snack street, and even in the whole school, there are no fewer than ten famous snack street like this.

Perhaps for outsiders, because of the outbreak of the end times in some places, although more than ten years have passed, even the seeds of some food have mutated. For example, if a potato is a thing, the yield per mu It can reach hundreds of thousands of catties.

But because of the mutant beasts, these fields are not protected by too many powerful people, so they are often destroyed. Naturally, such materials are still very scarce in some places.

But Chaowu Academy is different. He can feed more than 20 million. He must have his own huge production base, and is there still a lack of masters in Chaowu Academy?

So he doesn't have to worry about these materials and the like!

Therefore, as far as the teachers and students of Chaowu Academy are concerned, they are more willing to stay in Chaowu Academy and do not want to leave here because the materials here are much richer than those outside.

They are accustomed to the luxury life, and they will definitely not be able to accept that when they are asked to try that kind of era when materials are barren and scarce.

Liu Mei is outside. Although she is also one of the top ten masters of the base where she is located, the base is too small, and it also belongs to a place that lacks supplies. So even Liu Mei has not eaten too many snacks.

Now when he came to the snack street of Chaowu Academy, Liu Mei's eyes were full of light, and the tangy fragrance floating in the air made Liu Mei's saliva flow involuntarily.

Not to mention Liu Mei, the same is true of Lu Chen, a foodie.

So there was such a scene in the whole snack street, two stunning men and women, regardless of their own image, eating and drinking in front of many people.

"Tsk tusk, where are these two hillbillies from! What are these snacks? Shall I ask you to go to the Maple Leaf Pavilion for a good meal?"

Bart was walking around the academy with his little brother at this time. Suddenly a fierce and graceful figure that almost made him squirt a nosebleed appeared in his eyes, causing his eyes to burst into flames.

Although I didn’t see clearly what the cheeks of Miaoman’s master looked like, for Bart, even a very ugly woman, with her figure, would definitely be able to do a good job, anyway for him. , When the light is off, nothing is seen!

So Bart wiped off the saliva that unconsciously showed from the corner of his mouth, and then slowly brought his little brother closer to the master of this wonderful figure, and said with a "silver" smile in his mouth.

Hearing this sound, Lu Chen's brows wrinkled. On the Dragon Soul Continent, such aristocrats did not know how many aristocrats had abandoned for him, and now it was when he was eating, someone came to say that. Excuses to disturb him made him very upset.

However, Lu Chen also noticed that the master who said this seemed to be half a devil in the eyes of the surrounding students, especially those girls who were a little bit more charming. When they saw this person, they turned around and left in a hurry. If you go later, you will be innocent.

"Nima, who is it! It's so annoying, I don't know it's annoying to disturb people eating!"

Lu Chen took a bunch of skewers, and while eating slowly, he turned around and looked at Bart behind him.

"Boy, get acquainted, and give me the woman next to you to spend the night with the young master, and my young master will invite you to the Maple Leaf Pavilion to have a good meal. What's so delicious about these junk snacks!"

Standing by Bart's side, a big urn said angrily.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Lu Chen's eyes were cold, and his face was cold. Only the string of the signature was left in his hand, which was instantly thrown out by Lu Chen with a "swish".



A scream sounded, and I saw that the talking man’s mouth did not know when, there was an extra bamboo stick, and the bright red blood slowly fell down the bamboo stick. Upon closer inspection, it was not the one Lu Chen held in his hand. Root, what else can it be!

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