Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2947: Task is coming

In the next few days, Lu Chen stayed in the library, not only in the third-year library, but also in the second- and first-year libraries, because he was reading books too fast. , So although the time hasn't been long, he has read all the books in these libraries.

Originally, he was planning to visit the fourth and fifth grade libraries, but thinking that he had accepted so much basic knowledge in a short period of time, he had better consolidate it.

After spending two days, Lu Chen completely consolidated the knowledge he had learned in these days, and he discovered that he already had a little understanding of the laws of this world.

Moreover, Lu Chen had a feeling that after his strength broke through the S rank, he would definitely need to comprehend the law, but it was still a long time for him now.

Lu Chen himself had a good guess. He did want to comprehend the law later, but that was not on the star of Han Lin, but after he arrived in the so-called Tianyu.

After so many days, Lu Chen finally discovered that when he was reading, the mental power in his mind would accelerate the speed of condensing, but now the mental power in his mind has almost liquefied, but the distance solidified into a spirit Jindan, it is estimated that it will take some time.

After reading so many books, Lu Chen still did not find any way to speed up his mental strength to gather the golden core. Perhaps it was because these were basic things. In addition to giving Lu Chen some understanding of the laws of the world, there were more. Understanding of martial arts and abilities.

As for the energy in his body that is likely to be vital energy, it was confirmed by Lu Chen that this is indeed vital energy, but the cultivation method of vital energy can only be obtained after breaking through to A level, which means that only Lu Chen enters the fifth These things can only be seen in the library of the grade.

However, from so many books, Lu Chen still found a comparatively named Yin Yuan Shu cultivation technique.

When he found the book, Lu Chen thought it was a useless thing, because when Lu Chen found it, it was not a book, but a piece of paper.

This piece of paper was clamped in a thick book of power principles, and it was flattened and flattened. At a glance, I don't know how long no one has read it.

The book on the principles of supernatural powers was not written after the outbreak of the end times. It seems that his appearance is quite old, but because it is placed in the wrong position, it seems that it has not been read for a long time. According to Lu Chen himself It is estimated that this book does not have a history of several thousand years, and definitely has a history of several hundred years.

But with something like Hongmeng Jue, it is impossible for Lu Chen to stay in this world for too long, so after finding this exercise called Yinyuanshu with its name on it, Lu Chen didn’t take it seriously, just according to himself. The original habit will be practiced every morning and evening.

I don’t know if it’s because all the acupuncture points in Lu Chen’s body have been opened, or because the technique of Yin Yuan Shu is too powerful. Lu Chen originally had only a ray of vitality in his body at this time, so he directly used Lu Chen The meridians are all full!

You know, Lu Chen's meridians are quite huge. Compared with the current Yuanqi, it is the difference between a drop of water and a river!

But if Lu Chen filled his acupuncture points with vitality, it would be the difference between a drop of water and a piece of the sea!

This Yin Yuan technique has only one formula, and it is not like other exercises. It is divided into many layers, and each layer is different.

It just allows the cultivator to continuously increase the vitality in the body. As for how to do it later, there is no mention of the exercises.

But Lu Chen was able to affirm that this exercise must be a complete exercise.

As a result, Lu Chen became more and more sure that this Yin Yuan technique was rubbish!

However, it was not until a long time later that Lu Chen knew what kind of existence Yin Yuanshu was!

Originally later, he had the opportunity to learn the more advanced cultivation techniques, but because he was used to Yin Yuan technique, Lu Chen didn’t bother to change the technique and still practice Yin Yuan technique every day according to his habits. ...

Of course, these are things to follow, we won't talk about it for the time being.

After Lu Chen finally consolidated all his knowledge, he left the library directly, and when it was time for Liu Mei to leave get out of class, he was ready to pick up Liu Mei to leave get out of class.

During this period of time, Liu Mei has been very active in class, because the things the instructor in the class have really used her. Like Lu Chen, during this period of time, although her strength has not exceeded the B-level peak, she I feel that the day of my breakthrough is not far away.

"School Lu Chen, where have you gone these days? Why haven't you seen you all the time! You are a student who is not in the classroom. You really shouldn't!"

As soon as Lu Chen walked to the door of Liu Mei's classroom, he saw Han Meimei, Ye Qingyun and Liu Mei holding hands and walking out of the classroom grinning. As soon as he saw Lu Chen, Han Meimei "fired" at Lu Chen.

"I've always been in the library!"

Lu Chen walked to Liu Mei's side and gently held Liu Mei's small hand in his palm before speaking slowly.

"Huh! You're in the library? Why didn't I see it? Just now, my brother Qingyun and I went to the library to find you!"

Han Meimei twitched her little nose, snorted coldly, and said dissatisfiedly.

"Why are you looking for me in the library?"

Lu Chen didn't respond to what Han Meimei was doing, but asked suspiciously.

"Our Qingyun team has accepted a task, and everyone is ready to do it together!"

Ye Qingyun opened his mouth gently at this time, and said with a sweet and dignified voice.

"Accepted the task!"

In fact, if Ye Qingyun didn’t say anything, Lu Chen had already forgotten that he was still a member of the Qingyun team. After the last time they had a banquet, everyone did their own things. Lu Chen kept hiding himself in the library. In, immersed in the ocean world of the book, I have long forgotten this.

"What task? Is it difficult?"

Lu Chen only asked this sentence subconsciously. In fact, for him, how could the task that Qingyun Team took over was rare.

"Why, it's rare that you didn't participate? You are still not a member of our Qingyun team!"

Han Meimei seemed to be very dissatisfied with Lu Chen, and when she heard Lu Chen say this, she directly addressed Lu Chen.

"Let's discuss the specifics of the mission together at the Maple Leaf Pavilion..." Qingyun smiled slightly, as if afraid that Lu Chen would be puzzled, continued:

"Every time we go out on a mission, we will have a dinner together at Maple Leaf Pavilion!"

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