Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2953: Worrying IQ

"Your uncle! Your little mutant dog, dare to wash me!"

Le Pepsi was a little annoyed. In the extremely shocked eyes of the mutant dog beside him who was happy thinking that he could escape, his body rolled in a circle in the air, then suddenly stopped, and then immediately went to the mutant dog.

The mutant dog was already dumbfounded, his mouth was wide open, his face was extremely surprised, his expression was much richer than that of human beings.

But soon, its complex expression solidified, and then it was replaced by a burst of intense pain. There was a scream in its mouth, but the scream did not last long. In its blood-red eyes, basically There is no trace of agile expression.

Le Pepsi turned and rushed towards the mutant dog, and directly poked the dagger in his hand at the mutant dog's, cough, chrysanthemum-flower.

Without waiting for any reaction from the mutant dog, Le Pepsi used mental power to control the dagger, directly from the position of the mutant dog chrysanthemum-flower, through its entire huge body, and then rushed out of its head.

I have to say that the dagger in Le Pepsi's hand is really an artifact. Even if it is worn from the body of the mutant dog, there is no blood or mucus standing on it. It may also be because Le Pepsi's movements are so fast. !

"Tsk tusk! This man is so stupid that he was fooled by a mutant dog! Who is he!"

"Yeah! It's so stupid, this IQ..."

"It's really worrying!"

Seeing Le Pepsi easily solved the mutant dog, Lu Chen and the others couldn't help but laugh, and then pretended to not know Le Pepsi, and said with a regretful face, and finally said in unison, "IQ is worrying". This sentence.

Le Pepsi’s entire face has gone dark, but he also knows that he did make a big joke just now. Although it can make everyone happy, it has always been something he is doing, but according to his nature, he I will certainly not make everyone laugh alone.

"Little Dongzi, don't be smug! It was not the same with you just now, and it was not played by the dog!"

Le Pepsi walked directly to Xue Dongguang's side, revealing an expression of "Let's each other, you are half a catty and I'm half a cat."

Xue Dongguang, who had already cleaned up the blood stains on his face, could not wait to take the initiative to smear his face with blood stains, so that his embarrassing expression would not be noticed, and he couldn't help saying:

"I don't know the attack method of this mutant dog, otherwise I won't be fooled. I am not like someone who made such low-level mistakes!"

"What's wrong with a low-level mistake? That's also a mistake, and you still made a high-level mistake!"

Coupled with Le Pepsi's expression at this time, this sentence made everyone laugh a little bit straight.

"Okay! I smiled, you go to clean it up, let's go down!"

Ye Qingyun clapped his hands to calm everyone down, and directed a sister to clean up the corpse of the D-class mutant dog, and then he was about to continue walking down.

However, Lu Chen and the others didn't go on for long, suddenly there was a bark of mutant dogs from around.

Then Lu Chen and others discovered that they were actually surrounded by a group of mutant dogs from all sides.

"Damn, where did these mutant dogs come from?"

Lu Chen carefully recalled the topography of this layer in his mind. It was very certain that every channel here was not connected, so these mutant dogs could not rush to them from different places at the same time.

Unless there is a possibility, they came from the same place, but they took different routes.

And there is only one such place, and that is the biochemical museum, which is very important for the entire underground base.

What exactly is this biochemical museum?

Looking at a large area of ​​D-class mutant beasts, Lu Chen can be sure that this underground base is a real strength, which is much different from their team. Since D-class mutant beasts can appear here now, then C-class B Is it possible that the one of the level will not appear?

"Be careful, everyone, try to kill them all! Don't let one go!"

Ye Qingyun has a strict expression, already holding a weapon in his hand, but her weapon, why is it so like a staff?

This group of D-class mutant beasts could not have any influence on Lu Chen, so Lu Chen followed Ye Qingyun's instructions and took out weapons to prepare for battle, while carefully peeking at Ye Qingyun...The one in his hand was very similar to a scepter. Weapons.



Ye Qingyun suddenly yelled, and the staff in his hand aimed at the mutant dog. A basketball-sized fireball formed quickly from the front of the staff, and then flew directly to a mutant dog like a sharp arrow.

"I rub, this is a magician!"

Lu Chen was a little bit painful, what kind of world is this Nima?

It's all about the warrior! There are even capable people! But that's all there is to the ability, and even the magician has appeared! Will there be other existences such as masters of fighting spirit and cultivators in the future?

Lu Chen, who kept rolling his eyes in his heart, thought of a more speechless question. He felt that in this world, there was only energy such as vitality besides spiritual power, but there were so many kinds of professions. Could it be that when they release their skills, they only need Is vitality enough?

While killing the mutant dog, Lu Chen curiously explored Ye Qingyun's body with mental power, and found that there was no vitality in Ye Qingyun's body, but the mental power in her mind was not bad, of course compared with him and Liu Mei. It's nothing.

The fireball she sends out is similar to a magician, communicating magical elements between heaven and earth through mental power, releasing magic.

It's just that what she communicated was not magic elements, but also vitality. She was able to send out magic that can only be released by a magician, as if here, vitality is omnipotent.

It can be used as a magic element, or as a fighting spirit element, it can be used as the internal power of a martial artist, and it can also be used as the true essence of a cultivator.

Is it based on what my occupation is?

If so, then it's no wonder that the spiritual power of this world is more important than vitality. If you want to break through to S-level, you must form a spiritual core in your mind. You must know that no matter what it is before, the first requirement is The energy pill is condensed in the Dantian, not the spiritual pill.

Lu Chen didn't notice. When he was thinking about things while solving the mutant dogs, he couldn't help but speed up a lot, and he didn't show his true strength, but it was also much faster than Ye Qingyun and the others. .

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