Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2968: Very similar people

It is worthy of being the Shui Loulan Alliance, one of the five major forces on Han Lin star except Chaowu Academy.

According to Yu Ye Qi, the base city they are seeing now is a super base city. Although the masters in it are not as good as the Chaowu Academy, even if the S-level masters come, it is impossible to take advantage of it.

Although the area of ​​the entire Shuiloulan Alliance Base City is not as large as Chaowu Academy, it is about one-third the size of Chaowu Academy, and the population is even larger than that of Chaowu Academy. After all, it is a base city, and ordinary people occupy it. too much.

After walking into this super base city, Lu Chen and Yu Yeqi did not waste too much time on the street, and walked directly towards the place where the Zhongshui home in the base city was.

The water house in the base city did not have a huge courtyard like the noble families on the Dragon Soul Continent.

The entire Shuijia here looks like a small community. There are security guards at the gate of the community. A large fence and tall green trees enclose the entire Shuijia community, creating a distance from the surroundings.

After Lu Chen and Yu Yeqi came to the gate of the Shuijia community, they were shocked to find that the Shuijia was particularly lively today. All kinds of luxury cars gathered from all directions and slowly drove into the Shuijia community.

Now this so-called luxury car is not only fast, but also has the characteristics of high defense and high force value to be called a luxury car.

"Any invitation?"

Perhaps seeing Lu Chen and Yu Yeqi looking around at the gate of the Shuijia Community, a security guard in the community walked over and asked suspiciously.

"Invitation? What invitation?"

Yu Yeqi asked with some doubts.

Hearing what Yu Yeqi said, the security's face changed in an instant. The weapon pinned to his waist was instantly nestled in his hand, looking at Lu Chen and Yu Yeqi warily:

"Who are you? Why are you sneaking around the water house? What is your purpose?"

The security guard's words made Lu Chen and Yu Yeqi laugh.

If they want the attention of the catcher, why sneak in and just rush in.

You know, there is only one S-level master in the entire huge Shui Family, and Lu Chen and Yu Ye Qi are both S-level masters. Lu Chen alone can even compare to dozens of S-level masters. exist.

This kind of strength is definitely not something that a small water family can resist, so it is a big joke to talk about the attention of water collectors.

After laughing, Yu Ye Qi's face turned straight and said directly to the security guard:

"Tell you Patriarch, that Chao Wu Academy Yu Ye Qi is visiting!"

"Super Martial Academy Yu Ye Qi?"

Although the security guard did not know who Yu Yeqi was, he still knew the name of the Chaowu Academy. The security guard who was still ready to act instantly stabilized and put away his weapons. Although he was not sure, he respectfully said:

"You are better than Mr., then please go to the reception room and wait a while, I will go and notify the owner now!"

The security guard first welcomed Lu Chen and Yu Yeqi to the reception room next to the security room, and asked them to entertain Lu Chen and the two people, and then quickly walked towards the inside of the community.

Inside the Shuijia Community, an oversized building.

At this time, at the entrance of this building, all kinds of luxurious heavy armored vehicles were parked. Men and women wearing gorgeous and dazzling costumes walked off these vehicles, an elegant and noble posture, toward this super large building. Go.

Several people dressed up by the master stood at the entrance of the super large building, lovingly entertaining these guests.

At this moment, the security guard who had just received Lu Chen and Yu Yeqi quickly ran from the side, walked to one of them, underestimated a few words, and then this person's face changed drastically.

"Are you sure that person said he is Yu Yeqi from Chaowu Academy?"

The expression of excitement appeared on this person's face, and the voice of his words became much louder, attracting the attention of people around him.

"What's the matter, Young Master Shui? Who is Yu Yeqi from Chaowu Academy?"

A woman in her twenties who was standing not far from this person, dressed up with extravagance, walked slowly to this person, gently hugged Shui Dao’s arms, and squeezed into her own pair of full-filled In the formed gully, he asked calmly.

Shui Dashao pretended to move his arms twice, feeling the fullness and softness of his arms, with a wretched look on his face, and he couldn't help but say:

"This Yu Yeqi is an elder of the Chaowu Academy. It is said that he already has S-level strength!"

"S-level strength?"

"What? There are actually S-class people?"

As soon as Young Master Shui said this, the people around him began to communicate in a low voice.

After hearing these people's twittering voices, Young Master Shui also instantly reacted. It is not time to eat tofu, so he should go and talk to his father quickly and let him meet Elder Yu Yeqi.

Young Master Shui spoke to a person next to him, and then hurriedly ran into this huge building.

The other guests around did not have the idea of ​​continuing to talk about all kinds of messy things at this time. They just wanted Patriarch Shui to come out quickly and take them to meet the elder of the Chaowu Academy named Yu Yeqi. They wanted to see this. What is the difference between an S-level master and them?

Sitting in the reception room, Yu Yeqi and Lu Chen, after drinking a cup of tea, just when they were about to let the receptionist refill a cup of tea, they suddenly found a large group of people walking out of the community.

Lu Chen froze for a moment, feeling something was wrong, and quickly said to Ye Qi:

"Elder Yu, if this group of people come to you in a while, you just say that I am your student, don't say anything else!"


Yu Ye Qi was taken aback, and asked inexplicably.

"Why do you care, let you do it, you just do it!"

Lu Chen glanced at the reception around him and said in a low voice.


Yu Ye Qi nodded helplessly, there is nothing he can do without nodding! Who made Lu Chen so powerful!

The main reason was that Yu Ye Qi saw the two handprints that hadn't swollen in his hands yet, so he could only agree to Lu Chen's request with a tragedy in his heart.

As expected by Lu Chen, the group of people came to find Yu Ye Qi. The leader was a man who looked somewhat similar to Shui Yulan. As soon as he walked into the reception room and saw Yu Ye Qi, With a smile on his face, he stretched out his hand to greet him:

"Elder Yu, you are very busy! Why do you have time to come to me today?"

"Isn’t Patriarch Shui heard that there is something good about your Shui family today? I just have a little time these days, so I brought my students to you for a stroll? Patriarch Shui, you are not welcome!"

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