Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2973: Class election

"Teacher, isn't this unfair!"

Seeing the jokes on the head teacher, Lu Chen suddenly understood that the head teacher who met for the first time would use himself to kill him!

Although he didn't care that these classmates in his class were all C-level capable students, Lu Chen was very upset with his class teacher's behavior.

"Why, Lu Chen is very dissatisfied with the teacher's arrangement? Well, as a democratic class teacher, let's vote for it! Then those who agree with the teacher's proposal just now, please raise your hand!"


In an instant, everyone in the class except Lu Chen raised their hands, even Liu Mei who was sitting next to Lu Chen was no exception.

Seeing Liu Mei winking and smirking at him, Lu Chen shook his head helplessly and said:

"Okay! Teacher, I can agree to your proposal, but there is one thing I can't guarantee. If someone is weakened by me and killed by me during a fight for a while, I will not be responsible!"

As Lu Chen said, he swept at the impatient boys in the classroom with cold eyes!

When the students saw Lu Chen's evil eyes, they couldn't help but tremble. Even if Lu Chen's eyes had left, they all felt terrified, as if they were being stared at by some bloodthirsty beast.

The feeling of fear made them regret that they were so obvious, and they began to wonder whether they would not challenge Lu Chen for a while.

Lu Chen didn't know why these boys agreed with the class teacher's suggestion, and it was not because of Liu Mei that made them look very unhappy.

Liu Mei is Lao Tzu's woman. Whatever Lao Tzu wants to do, it is Lao Tzu's business, whatever your troubles!

Lu Chen said that he was very upset right now, and since there was someone who was looking for death, he would certainly not be polite.

Lu Chen's head teacher didn't know Lu Chen's true strength. He didn't care about Lu Chen's words, but said with a grin:

"It doesn't matter, Bidou would have suffered casualties in the first place, but if Lu Chen is really powerful, try not to cause too much harm to his classmates!"

"I see, teacher, I will!"

Lu Chen glared fiercely at the head teacher, gritted his teeth and said.

But this time, Lu Chen didn't feel embarrassed, so when his head teacher saw Lu Chen's appearance, not only did he not feel scared, but he felt that Lu Chen was very cute!

I really don't know what this old woman is like!

Next, under the leadership of the class teacher, the students of the entire class came to their martial arts field.

This martial arts field is not very big, there are only three arenas and a small open space.

"Trouble you, Lu Chen, stand on the middle ring, and then the students who want to challenge Lu Chen can go directly to the stage! The other two arena can also start the competition! The form is only independent, and the student who is still standing on the ring wins. !"

As soon as Lu Chen's head teacher fell, several students immediately jumped up. After the final decision, only two students were left in each arena.

As for the arena in the middle where Lu Chen was, even Lu Chen hadn't gotten up yet, let alone other people!

I saw Lu Chen slowly jump onto the ring, his eyes scanned the classmates below the stage, his face showed a relaxed and comfortable expression.

"Hey, what's the matter with you! Classmate Lu Chen is already waiting for you in the ring, why didn't you go up alone? You know, as long as you defeat Classmate Lu Chen, you can directly participate in the grade competition!"

Lu Chen's head teacher was a little puzzled, and didn't understand what had happened. The students who were still very enthusiastic just now, there is no one to challenge Lu Chen.

The class teacher's words still evoked the thoughts in the hearts of a few students who wanted to participate in the college competition, but thinking of Lu Chen's fearful eyes just now, they still flinched slightly, not daring to be the first to jump on stage.

The students looked at each other, and then looked up at Lu Chen on the ring, their body trembled subconsciously, because they remembered the scary scene just now.

"Teacher, if we fail to challenge Lu Chen, can we still participate in the selection of the next two arenas?"


Lu Chen’s head teacher was just about to say no, but suddenly found out that after his students asked this question, many people were looking at him. It seemed that if he couldn’t, then we would not challenge Lu Chen. The head teacher had to say:

"Yes, it's okay!"

"Yeah! Then I'll come first!"

The student who asked the question cheered, then jumped directly into the ring, glanced at his head teacher, and whispered to Lu Chen with a flattering smile:

"Student Lu Chen, please be lighter! I just came up to pretend! I know I can't beat you at all!"

What this classmate said made Lu Chen laugh directly, nodded and said:

"Okay, you can attack first! I know, I will be very light!"

The student breathed a sigh of relief, showing a grateful look, then took out his weapon and attacked Lu Chen pretendingly.


Facing the weapon attacked by his classmates, Lu Chen didn't even look at it. He raised his fist and smashed it directly at the back of the weapon.

There was a huge bang, and the student holding the weapon only felt a huge force from his weapon, and then he felt that he was flying up, the surrounding scenery quickly retreated, and then his back suddenly hurt. , As if hitting something, it made a huge noise.

The student who only reacted at this time looked even more terrified at Lu Chen, but he still endured the pain in his back and made an extremely painful gesture. The weapon in his hand fell directly to the ground. It fell to the ground with a "pop".

Fortunately, this classmate was already prepared, and protected him when he fell. Otherwise, if he fell like this, he would die in front of him.

"Ouch! Ouch!"

As a result, the student who fell to the ground naturally began to groan in pain!

I have to say that this classmate's acting is so realistic, even Lu Chen himself almost thought that something had happened to him!

But immediately Lu Chen still reflected that this product was pretending, after all, because he gave this classmate face, he really didn't use much effort, and he had controlled his power to a low enough level!

Of course, Lu Chen didn't use much strength. For this classmate, the strength was still a little bit stronger, otherwise he wouldn't feel the sharp pain in his back after hitting the wire fence.

Even Lu Chen was almost deceived. Naturally, other people must have been deceived directly. Seeing this scene, they were shocked, for fear that something happened to this classmate!

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