Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2981: End of victory (two more)

"Lu Chen, what did you do to that guy?"

As soon as Lu Chen jumped off the ring, Qin Chao directly questioned Lu Chen with a serious face, as if Lu Chen would do it directly if he didn't cooperate.

But looking at Qin Chao's playful expression, Lu Chen slapped Qin Chao's head directly in the eyes of everyone's surprise, and said angrily:

"You bastard, what pretend to be, you care what I did!"

"Meier, hurry up on stage! Your game has begun!"

Lu Chen patted Liu Mei directly to wake up, reminding Liu Mei that he could start the game, so he ignored Qin Chao on the side.

Qin Chao shook his head with a wry smile, looked around the group of people around, and found that everyone's eyes were a little wrong, so he lowered his head and quickly ran towards Lu Chen's opponent in the previous round.

Sure enough, as he expected, this guy was full of pain at this time, as if his body was constantly being damaged by something.

Qin Chao squatted down and checked for a while, and found that the situation inside this cargo's body changed. His expression changed. He wanted to turn his head to look at Lu Chen. In the end he tried not to turn back, and turned his head to face the two subordinates beside him Said:

"Hurry up and take people to the infirmary of our law enforcement team!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The captain's words naturally did not dare to refute the two of his men. One head and the other raised their feet. The two rushed toward the infirmary where their law enforcement team was located, and Qin Chao naturally followed them.

But as soon as the three of them left this huge martial arts field, the goods carried by them lost their breath. It was just that the two people carrying the goods did not notice it, and were the first to see it by Qin Chao.

"Sure enough!"

With the help of his men, after the goods were carried to the infirmary, Qin Chao directly drove his men away, and then he didn't know what to do in the infirmary by himself.

Half an hour later, when Qin Chao came out of the infirmary, there was nothing in the infirmary.

At this time, Qin Chao thought again: Hey! Sure enough, being a friend of Lu Chen is not so good. He killed someone, and the captain of the law enforcement team, me, actually helped him collect his body!

How could the captain of the law enforcement team who understand the cause and effect not know that Lu Chen's death was caused by this guy, and that's why he felt that way!

By the time Qin Chao returned to the third-grade martial arts field again, Lu Chen had already finished his tenth round of competition. Now his points have reached two thousand. It can be said that, except for Liu Mei, he is already the highest among twenty people, because The others basically lost one game or two.

The reason why Liu Mei is less than Lu Chen is not because she lost, but because she is now in her tenth round.

Liu Mei was able to be so fast because of Lu Chen's fast speed. So far, he has always been a trick to solve his opponent. Liu Mei, who is behind Lu Chen, can naturally play his own game after Lu Chen finishes the game.

"I'm back? How's it going?"

Lu Chen watched Qin Chao appear next to him again, couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Huh! You brat, if you let me know the next time, I will personally send you to the prison cell of our law enforcement team!"

Qin Chao snorted coldly and said in dissatisfaction.


Lu Chen just chuckled, and didn't say much. He recognized a little bit of this stuff in his heart. After all, he knew that Qin Chao said that but just pretending to be. He didn't really say that if Lu Chen kills again, he won't be here. Help Lu Chen deal with the funeral.

What happened afterwards also fulfilled Lu Chen's ideas.

Of course, if Qin Chao helped him deal with the funeral, it would not have much influence on Lu Chen, but for Qin Chao, it was indeed very influential.

Because of the things he did, Lu Chen gradually accepted him. Of course, just accepting him as a friend, Lu Chen didn't have the habit of engaging in a foundation.

Lu Chen has never been polite to friends who he identifies with, and will spare no effort to help those who identify with him. Therefore, those who can become friends with Lu Chen will have great achievements in the end, although they are definitely not as good as Lu. Chen, but as an ordinary person, it is already very good.

Of course, these are all things to follow, we can leave it alone.

Back to the main text.

Liu Mei's opponent in this round was relatively weak, and Liu Mei resolved it easily.

After jumping off the ring, he returned to Lu Chen with a smile on his face, and affectionately pulled Lu Chen's hand, waiting for the next round of competition.

But when Lu Chen's opponent was announced after the start of the next round, Liu Mei smiled helplessly, because she was Lu Chen's opponent in this round.

Quite simply!

Liu Mei didn't even go to the ring, so he announced the match directly, and also directly indicated to the referee that if her opponent was Lu Chen in the next round, she would also surrender directly.

Because according to the law, Liu Mei had guessed that his opponent in the next round should be Lu Chen.

As expected, after hearing Liu Mei's words, the referee raised his eyebrows, glanced at Lu Chen with a weird look, and directly announced that Lu Chen had won two consecutive games again and had scored 200 points.

After having had the previous things, the people watching the game in the audience wanted to say something more, but found that no matter what they said, Lu Chen, the party concerned, didn’t take them seriously, so he didn’t bother to waste his saliva. They gave up the arena where Lu Chen was in, because they knew that it was impossible to see Lu Chen showing his power.

Sure enough, as these people had guessed, Lu Chen continued to move forward bravely in the next game.

Of the remaining nine opponents, five were immediately dropped by Lu Chen with a single move, and the remaining four, just like Liu Mei, stood directly in the audience after knowing that their opponent was Lu Chen and gave up.

So Lu Chen ended the game in the shortest time and broke the record here. At this time, Lu Chen won the first place in their age competition with a total victory of 2,900 points.

Because Lu Chen was very fast, when he finished, many talents played in his tenth round.

From this point, it can also be shown that the game mechanism is more flexible. You don’t have to wait until everyone’s same round of the game is over before proceeding to the next game. Only when two people are free, you can start the game directly, as long as everyone fights each other in the end. Just one game.

Lu Chen can also say that he helped these people alone, because he killed the A-level master with hidden strength, so these people should have lost the game, directly won the victory, and got 100 points.

Of course, they didn't know that it was not easy to get the hundred points. If they knew, I would be very grateful to Lu Chen!

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