Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2985: Became famous

Lu Chen's previous plan was to obtain the quota to enter the heaven through the Grand Competition of Chaowu Academy.

But after contacting the Lu family founded by Shui Yulan and receiving some instructions from Shui Yulan, Lu Chen did not intend to go to Tianyu after the game.

Because he clearly knew that since Shuiyulan arranged so many things, it must have the purpose of Shuiyulan.

Although these arrangements were rare, they were enough to kill Lu Chen for a while.

At least, it would take a while for Lu Chen to upgrade his current strength from S-level to SS-level.

This time, naturally, is not the time when Lu Chen stays in the Chaowu Academy with nothing to do, but it requires Lu Chen's continuous experience to improve.

Lu Chen, who didn’t know what he was doing, now has an idea. Since Shui Yulan came to this star of Hanlin so much earlier than himself, then for sure, Shui Yulan could not have only one Lu family and one Yonghe Chamber of Commerce is so simple.

You know, through calculations, when Shui Yulan entered Hanlin Star, there was no apocalyptic eruption on Han Lin Star!

As a result, Lu Chen was a little curious about what Shui Yulan had experienced on Han Lin star before, and he also wanted to explore some secrets of this Han Lin star.

For example, now, the appearance of Liu Qing lets Lu Chen know something that will not appear in this world-the teleportation array.

This is likely to be the teleportation array left by Shui Yulan, making Lu Chen's idea of ​​exploring this world even stronger.

"Meier, take your sister back! Let's not be a problem here, we will talk slowly when we return to the villa!"

Lu Chen guessed at this time that Liu Qing's appearance would have something to do with Shui Yulan. Now he doesn't hate Liu Qing that much. After seeing Liu Qing's confused face, he said to Liu Mei.

Liu Mei nodded lightly, and said a few words softly in Liu Qing's ear.

I don't know what Liu Mei said, but after seeing Liu Qing glance at Lu Chen in surprise, he nodded indifferently, but it didn't have the look in Lu Chen's eyes when he looked at Lu Chen just now.

However, after returning to the villa, Liu Qing still looks like a stranger. With the exception of a Liu Mei, as long as everyone gets close to Liu Qing, he can feel the strong cold breath emanating from Liu Qing. Lu Chen could also feel it.

If it weren't for Liu Qing who was Liu Mei's sister, his villa was very big. Seeing Liu Qing's appearance, Lu Chen wanted to drive Liu Qing directly to the villa belonging to Liu Mei.

For the next two days, life went quite plain.

Of course, this is for Lu Chen. For other students who are still in the competition, after these two days are over, this year's competition has finally ended, and the number of places that can participate in the college competition has finally been decided. .

As far as Lu Chen knows, besides him and Liu Mei, the ten people who can enter the college competition in their grade, Ye Qingyun and other Qingyun team participants are only Ye Qingyun and Xue Dongguang who entered the final ten places.

On the third day, the college competition will begin.

The college degree is naturally not as plain as the grade college degree.

Of course, if there is a sad first grade student who happens to meet a fifth grade student, then naturally they can only smile helplessly.

The final college competition also adopted a reincarnation game.

In other words, fifty people basically have to participate in forty-nine rounds. Even if there are more arenas in the college competition, it will take at least two or three days to complete the comparison at the speed of Lu Chen's participation in the grade competition.

In the past two days, Liu Qing finally believed that he was indeed in Chaowu Academy. Every time he went out to eat with Liu Mei and the others, he saw that there was a circle around him about his age or even younger than him. People and strength are at the pinnacle level of C-level, so she has to believe.

If it weren’t because Lu Chen and Liu Mei didn’t go to other grades of Chaowu Academy in the past two days, such as the third and fourth grades, if Liu Qing sees the strength of those people, I am afraid that arrogance will gradually be dispelled. Right!

After spending two days with this girl, Lu Chen also gradually discovered that this girl really loves his sister very much. It seems that she has not fulfilled her sister's duties for so many years, making her very guilty. Lu Chen has seen it in the past two days. Until she did too much for Liu Mei.

Some obviously simple things can be done by Liu Mei only by hands, but she will still help Liu Mei to do it.

In Lu Chen's view, Liu Qing was not like Liu Mei's sister, but Liu Mei's maid.

For Liu Qing’s sister paper, Lu Chen has also learned about her personality in the past two days. Everything else is easy to say. The most important thing is that her arrogant personality that she didn’t know where was cultivated made everyone around her subconscious. (The word is correct) she has three points, including Liu Mei.

Lu Chen believed that if this sister paper could get rid of her arrogant character, she would definitely be a fanatic who was more popular than Liu Mei.

Because what Liu Mei said, although her personality looks very enthusiastic on the surface, she will find a trace of coldness hidden in her enthusiasm after a long time. Except for people like Lu Chen who are really accepted by her, most people do not want to play with her. go with.

But Liu Qing is different, except for her arrogance, she really has nothing else.

Because they went out for dinner with Lu Chen and Liu Mei, and they haven't hidden it yet, Liu Qing is now quite famous throughout the third grade campus.

Because Liu Mei was originally a girl of their third graders, not...not just the third grade, but the whole school, including other colleges, who belonged to the goddess level. Her reputation is quite big.

But now, there is another Liu Qing who is exactly the same as Liu Mei, which makes the names of Liu Mei and Liu Qing spread throughout the Chaowu Academy.

But more, it was the envy of Lu Chen.

Most people know one thing, and that is that Liu Mei is Lu Chen’s wife. For Lu Chen, a strong figure, because when he was in the big competition, Lu Chen was almost more and more popular, making everyone look at Lu Chen’s eyes. , All with a trace of fear.

Because of Lu Chen, they naturally did not dare to think about Liu Mei, but finally another goddess appeared in the academy, and it turned out to be related to Lu Chen.

The appearance of this woman who didn't know whether it was the older sister or the younger sister made everyone quite envious of Lu Chen.

When everyone saw Liu Qing, there was a thought in their minds: something that the brother-in-law and sister-in-law had to say.

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