Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2989: They are all gay



Naturally, no one could understand Lu Chen's complaints, but they still heard the next voice and saw Lin Ba's soft right hand, and they understood what Lu Chen had done.

Lin Ba who broke out like a Super Saiyan, his body really became hard for a long time, so in addition to the sound of broken bones, there was also the sound of Lu Chen's heavy blow. But because of Lu Chen's heavy blow, Lin Ba would only be disconnected. The bones were broken directly, but still shattered.

"You... this classmate, what do you mean?"

The teacher led by Lin Ba finally couldn't stand it anymore. A treacherous middle-aged man with eyes walked up to question Lu Chen with a serious face, and at the same time said to Qin Chao who was watching the play:

"Captain Qin, you see some students here are violating school rules, don't you think it should be possible to enforce the law?"

When Qin Chao heard this guy's words, he smiled, and said to the two team members behind him:

"En! Since this teacher said so! We really shouldn't if we don't do it! Okay! Bring Lin Ba back to me!"

"Oh! Wait, what do you mean, Captain Qin? It's obviously this classmate who hurt, why did you bring Lin Ba back?"

Lin Ba's team teacher was very pleased to see Qin Chao doing it, but when he heard what Qin Chao said, he was taken aback, and then said quickly.

"Huh! Don't you think I did something wrong? Lin Ba provokes Lu Chen for no reason. Instead, he takes the lead. Now he is counterattacked by Lu Chen. I can only say that he is overpowering. I didn't plan to take this as the original. It's true, but now you have said it, if I don't do it, I really shouldn't!"

"Captain Qin, how could you be like this? You are sheltering, I must go to the elders to complain to you!"

Lin Ba's leading teacher was a little speechless with anger.

"Whatever you want! I'm afraid Lin Ba will not be as simple as our law enforcement team's lesson!"

Qin Chao smiled coldly and said words that made Lin Ba lead the teacher puzzled, then walked to Lu Chen leisurely, blinked at Lu Chen, as if saying, "Look! I wiped it for you again." One fart-share!"

Lu Chen curled his lips and turned and walked towards the martial arts arena, not paying attention to Qin Chao's "follower".

Lin Ba has been taken away. Lin Ba’s team leader was naturally helpless. After taking out the communicator and contacting the senior management of the fourth grade, he could only look at Lu Chen’s leaving back with this resentful look. Angrily led his team members towards the martial arts field.

Originally, Lin Ba’s team leader thought that with Lin Ba, a master who once solved the fifth grade students, they could make them famous in the fourth grade, and then they could also get some more training resources from the college.

For teachers like them, soul crystals are of no use at all. Cultivation resources are rare things, and it is quite difficult to get some cultivation resources.

Seeing that this time I had another chance to make a fortune, who knew that Lu Chen had directly destroyed his own means of training resources.

This teacher knows that even if Lin Ba, whose arm was dismantled by Lu Chen, continues to participate in the competition, he will only be laughed at!

He even doubted whether Lin Ba could recover the hand that was abolished by Lu Chen.

But what about Lin Ba, he didn't care, all he cared about was his own training resources, and they flew away in vain!

He resented Lu Chen very much. He seemed to be able to continue to improve his strength after he had the training resources this time, but because of Lu Chen, his desire to improve his strength was broken, he was quite unwilling!

No, you can't let this student named Lu Chen go like this!

Lin Ba's leading teacher walked toward the martial arts field while staying with his students, while thinking about something with resentful eyes.

For those who actively seek death like this, naturally no one will remind him of Lu Chen's strength and the relationship that Lu Chen has.

However, in this academy, it seems that except for Liu Mei who knows Lu Chen's strength, everyone else is not quite sure, even the elder Yu Yeqi does not know Lu Chen's true strength.

And the only person who knows that Lu Chen has a relationship is Yu Ye Qi. He is not here. Naturally, he does not know what happened here. Even if he knows, he will not remind this teacher because he knows that Lu Chen will not. Something!

After entering this huge martial arts venue, Lu Chen knew how big it was.

It is two kilometers long, one thousand meters wide, and two hundred meters high. It has a volume of 400,000 cubic kilometers, and there are countless students inside.

It is precisely because this is not a school that ordinary people can enter, so with such a large area of ​​the martial arts arena, even the students sitting in the farthest place from the center of the martial arts arena can clearly see what is happening on the arena.

After Lu Chen entered the martial arts field, he saw at a glance that there was a VIP seat in the private room facing the south gate of the martial arts field.

Half of such VIP seats cannot see the inside from the outside, but Lu Chen can see clearly.

He didn't know who the old men who did so many in this VIP seat were, but when he saw the great elder Yu Ye Qi he knew was sitting in the second position in the middle row, he understood that this VIP seat was doing it. It might be the senior elders of the college!

What Lu Chen didn't know was that after he entered the martial arts field, even though the distance was a little far away, Yu Yeqi still saw him for the first time.

"That's Lu Chen!"

Yu Yeqi pointed at the dean Jiang Mingsheng beside him, pointed at the place where Lu Chen was, and said.

"Is he Lu Chen?"

Jiang Mingsheng seemed to want to know exactly what kind of magical person Lu Chen was. He stared at Lu Chen unblinkingly for a long time. This made Lu Chen, who also found that these elders were pointing at him, had Kind of shuddering feeling.

"Nima! Brother is not gay, why do these elders look at me with that kind of eyes! The interest of these elders is really strange! If you let the students of the college know that they are noble and respected elders? , If they are all gay, I don’t know what they will think! I’m afraid that each one will be disgusted and want to quit Chaowu Academy!"

Lu Chen walked to the side, no longer looking at the VIP seats that made him feel sick, and thought of evil in his heart.

Jiang Mingsheng naturally didn’t know what happened in the VIP table. In fact, Lu Chen saw it clearly. He didn’t know that he had been misunderstood by Lu Chen and became a gay. If he let him know, I’m afraid he would think indignantly. Have the urge to die!

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