The reason why this Immortal Venerable Earth Demon appeared was because Lu Chen took the Blood River away and awakened it.

At this time, although Lu Chen had discovered that they were in danger here, he did not intend to rescue them at all.

It wasn't that Lu Chen didn't care about their lives or deaths, but because Lu Chen wanted to see what the fighting strength of Lu Hao and other people from the Lu family was like.

After waiting for a long time, Lu Hao still didn't wait for Lu Chen's appearance. He felt a little uneasy. Seeing the children of the Lu family around him, he was so miserable by the immortal-level earth demons that he was furious.


With a loud shout full of sadness, Lu Hao rushed into the air abruptly, and a powerful aura emerged from his body.

This momentum drove the pressure between the world and the earth, and instantly made the Immortal Venerable Demon feel threatened. He stopped "abusing" other people in the Lu family, stopped his actions vigilantly, and looked at with blood red eyes. Lu Hao.


Suddenly, the immortal-level earth demon disappeared from Lu Hao's eyes. Lu Hao was taken aback for a moment. Suddenly, he felt a cold air coming from behind him. Without even thinking about it, he turned around and slammed behind him. An extremely powerful punch.



A scream came from the mouth of Xianzun Earth Demon, a stream of scarlet blood sprayed out from the empty sky, and soon the figure of Earth Demon Xianzun appeared from the open mid-air.

The blood-red eyes revealed a thick insidious poison, and a fist-sized wound appeared on its chest, which was covered with jagged cracks.

There was a smirk at the corner of Lu Hao's mouth. After spotting the Earth Demon Immortal Venerable just now, he directly caused the aura in his body to form a rotating sawtooth around his fist, and slammed it directly on the Earth Demon's chest. Past.

The jagged teeth like an electric drill, after touching the body of the earth demon, they instantly revolved. If the earth demon fairy hadn't reacted, it would have been directly penetrated by Lu Hao's fist.

I have to say that the IQ of the Earth Demon is a bit low. Even if its cultivation is at the level of the Immortal Venerable, it is still inferior to the human Lu Hao.

Lu Chen got serious and let the little pride of the Earth Demon Xianzun disappear instantly.

Looking at the huge wound on his chest, Earth Demon Immortal Venerable became even more angry.


The beast roared with a strong **** smell from the earth demon's mouth, and the surrounding air began to oscillate, blood-red weird waves radiating from the earth demon's body.

These blood-red weird ripples touched Lu Hao, making Lu Hao a little uneasy, but soon this uneasy feeling disappeared, and the huge spiritual energy in his body instantly eliminated this fluctuation.


He suddenly heard a familiar roar behind him, turned his head in doubt, and suddenly found that his relatives behind him suddenly emitted a blood-red light of hatred in his eyes, and on his white face, there seemed to be something for him. Break free, forming a trail of rooted old trees.

And the most important thing is that all of my own children looked at me with glaring anger.

Are these people controlled by the demons?

Lu Hao suddenly understood where the uneasy feeling just now came from, and he was a little worried. He didn't dare to think about it, and he was ready to take action on Earth Demon Immortal Venerable again, and he was ready to kill it first.

However, Lu Hao had just prepared to do it, and the worries in his heart still appeared. The Lu family children who were controlled by the Earth Demon Immortal Venerable were also directly doing it at the same time and besieging Lu Hao.

Lu Hao didn't know whether these children of his Lu family were completely controlled by the Earth Demon Immortal Venerable, or temporarily controlled.

If it is completely controlled, Lu Hao can still act on them, but if it is only temporarily controlled, if his family children are only used as cannon fodder by the Earth Demon Immortal, Lu Hao will not be able to fully exert himself. Strength, let him deal with his disciples, he still a little afraid.

Still, compared to the Earth Demon Immortal Venerable, his family’s children are not particularly powerful in cultivation, so Lu Haoqiang endured a few times, holding up the attacks of his family’s children, taking advantage of an opportunity , Lu Hao instantly left the battle group and appeared beside Earth Demon Immortal Venerable.

Just now the somewhat proud Earth Demon Immortal Venerable, when Lu Hao appeared next to him, he subconsciously prepared to teleport away, but Lu Hao's speed was a few points faster than it, just when it was about to teleport, it The body had almost left, but Lu Hao still grabbed it.


Lu Hao let out an angry shout, and purple-gray energy poured into the body of the Earth Demon Immortal Venerable from the palm of his hand.

Such a huge amount of energy instantly propped up the arm of the Earth Demon Immortal Venerable.

The energy also followed the arm of the Earth Demon Immortal Venerable, rushing into its body, including his body, the body of the Earth Demon Immortal Venerable suddenly swelled.

Lu Chen, who was hiding by the side, looked at Lu Hao's movements and shook his head helplessly, thinking with depression in his heart:

Sure enough, combat experience is still too scarce, it is really not a wise move to use such precious energy to make such a move! If this trick cannot directly kill the Immortal Venerable Earth Demon, I am afraid he will be in crisis because of the lack of aura in his body!

The reason why Lu Chen thought so was because he discovered that Lu Hao had rushed all the spiritual energy in his body into the body of the Earth Demon Immortal Venerable, and wanted to burst the body of the Earth Demon Immortal Venerable with powerful energy.

In fact, Lu Hao can’t be blamed. After all, where Lu Chen is, he has been suppressing his strength. After suppressing his strength, he can’t fully practice the combat skills and spells that suit his strength, and the combat skills he can use. As well as spells, to Earth Demon Immortal Venerable, they were of no use at all.

As a result, Lu Hao could only choose to use such brute force to deal with Lu Hao.

Fortunately, this way, Lu Hao allowed the children of the Lu Family who were controlled by the Earth Demon Immortal to be directly out of the control of the Earth Demon Immortal. However, after they were out of the control of the Earth Demon Immortal, they directly Limped on the ground, he didn't know whether it was alive or dead.

Now because of the powerful energy pouring into the body of the Earth Demon Immortal Venerable, his body has skyrocketed about five times compared to the beginning.

The Earth Demon Immortal Venerable, which was originally quite huge, now looks even bigger, but it is so huge and looks so bloated. Anyone who looks at it will have a feeling of inflating-qi-baby-baby, but I don’t know. The question is, will the final result be the same as Lu Hao expected!

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