Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 3009: Broken arm (three shifts)

Naturally, Lu Hao didn't know these words, he was still recovering his aura.

If it weren't for Lu Chen's desire to test Lu Hao, he couldn't help but shoot and destroy the Earth Demon Immortal Venerable!

But if Lu Chen did this, everything he did before would basically be of no use to Lu Hao's so-called test!

According to Lu Chen's observation, the Earth Demon Immortal Venerable in this state is no longer just at the level of the Immortal Venerable. Although it has not yet reached the level of a god-man, it is not far from a god-man.

Moreover, its aura is still constantly improving, and its cultivation is also constantly improving. When it is fully improved, then I am afraid that its strength will directly break through to the gods.

At that time, Lu Hao, who might not have had Earth Demon Immortal Venerable, was even more impossible to deal with Earth Demon Immortal Venerable!

But Lu Chen didn't find out what exactly this Earth Demon Immortal Venerable used to improve his strength.

It stands to reason that if the Earth Demon Immortal Venerable wants to increase his strength, he must rely on the **** river, but now that the blood river has been included in the copy space by Lu Chen, it is impossible to provide it with the conditions to increase his strength!

If Lu Chen had once again enveloped the entire Earth Demon world at this time, he would definitely be able to discover what the Earth Demon Immortal Venerable had used to improve his strength, but it was a pity that he had not done so.

Ten minutes passed again, and Lu Hao had recovered all his aura, which made Lu Chen sigh again with emotion that a fool is stupid.

At this time, the black shadow in mid-air has completely turned black, and its area has shrunk a little, but it appears a lot thicker, about the size of a basketball court, although it is an irregular figure.

From the huge black shadow, the roar of beasts and the screams of various souls continued to be heard.

Lu Hao didn't seem to take the screams of these various souls seriously, but Lu Chen felt that something was wrong, but he kept wondering what went wrong.

Suddenly, the huge black shadow that was still in the sky began to roll halfway like a wave, and the initial amplitude was still very small, but as time passed, it became stronger and stronger, but its area was constantly shrinking.

When the final area was reduced from the size of a basketball court to a square of about six square meters, this fluctuation stopped.


With a crisp explosion, the shadows in the sky burst apart, once again the **** figure of Lu Chen Di Demon Immortal Venerable.

No, the earth demons of the Immortal Venerable level at this time are no longer at the Immortal Venerable level, but directly broke through to the gods.

Seeing the look of ecstasy in its eyes, Lu Chen felt that it was able to break through from the immortal to the god-man in this world, he should be very grateful to Lu Hao.


After the rejoicing, the Earth Demon, who had already broken through to the level of a god-man, grew his mouth to Lu Hao, and a harsh sound wave came out of its mouth directly.

The powerful sound waves make the air produce bursts of sonic booms, which are stronger than the so-called sound of firecrackers.

The powerful sonic attack made Lu Hao unprepared for a while, and the seven orifices on his face were instantly pushed out of blood.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Lu Hao, Lu Chen did not show up, sneered, and continued to hide from the side to take a peek.


Holding the flying sword, after Lu Hao survived the sonic attack, he rushed towards the Earth Demon and slashed fiercely at its body.

With a powerful aura that seemed to ignore everything, a layer of purplish-gray luster appeared on the flying sword.



Although the flying sword slashed into the earth demon's body a bit, but now the body of the earth demon is no better than before, so just slashing in a few points, it is resisted by the solid flesh of the earth demon, and at the same time, the earth demon is covered in black The red arrogant fist hit Lu Hao's body directly.

From this point of view, the Earth Demon's very strength has already exceeded the level of a god-man, but perhaps because of its IQ, it still only knows purely conscious physical-body energy attacks, and cannot be used for any purpose.


Lu Hao's body is naturally not comparable to the fist of the god-man's earth demon, and the hand with Feijian nestled in it, the pain has been sent away, and his body was naturally directly beaten out by the earth demon.

The bright red blood sprayed in the air, it looked so gorgeous.

A smile appeared in the eyes of the earth demon, who had already been cultivated as a god, and opened his mouth slightly, revealing a big mouth like a blood basin. The blood that belonged to Lu Hao, sprayed in midair, was sucked into his mouth without any leakage. An expression of incomparable enjoyment appeared on his face.

This scene was naturally seen by Lu Chen and Lu Hao.

Lu Chen just sneered constantly!

Lu Hao, on the other hand, was infinitely angry. The earth demons who had just been easily blasted by him are now so arrogant. This is like the kind that he has been killed by the opponent while playing a game, and he continues to abuse his own body. Feel the same!

Ignoring the body that seemed to have fallen apart, Lu Hao jumped up from the ground and flew to the Earth Demon again.

I don’t know what the Demon’s actions just now made Lu Hao correct his attitude, or stimulated his potential. He escaped the punches and kicks of the Demon, once again held his flying sword, yanked it, and embedded it in the Demon. The flying sword in his body was directly pulled out by him.

Immediately, the purple-gray energy appeared on the flying sword again, and at the same time, the flying sword became extremely large. I don't know if it was a phantom or an illusion. Numerous sword heads appeared in the purple-gray energy, slamming towards the earth demon. On the body, the wound that had just been cut out stabbed past.

"Puff puff puff!"

After repeated voices, the wound that was about to be repaired grew and deepened again, and countless red and black blood spurted out from its wound.


Finally, under Lu Hao's continuous efforts, the arm of the Earth Demon fell directly from its body.

Now, the earth demons have become gods with broken arms!

However, judging from the recovery speed of the Earth Demon, as long as that arm is close to the wound, it can still grow directly with its body quickly.

Perhaps knowing this, Lu Hao seems to have thought of how to deal with the earth demon's body. Just looking at the arm of the earth demon, a red-purple flame appeared in his right hand, wrapping the arm of the earth demon. Up.


The earth demon whose arm was broken did not send out to participate, but the earth demon whose arm was being burned by the flame now let out a scream.

It's a pity that his screams could not alleviate the speed at which its arm was being burned by the red-purple flame. It didn't take a few seconds before the arm of the Earth Demon was burned out by the red-purple flame. The screams in the mouth of the earth demon directly turned into wailing!

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