Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 3017: Life Plant Essence

As soon as Lu Chen took out the spar containing the essence of life plants and trees, the energy emanating from it deeply attracted Ling Li and Han Ran's eyes.

Although both of them grew by absorbing blood gas and other energy before they were transformed, the essence of life plants and trees is something that has a fatal attraction to any plant.

Seeing the two girls drooling, Lu Chen couldn't help but smile.

This kind of spar that contains the essence of life plants and trees is of no use to Lu Chen. He has never encountered it before. These are still a few pieces exchanged through Xiaolan, but after encountering this kind of thing, Lu Chen feels It is necessary to collect some by yourself!

"Lu Chen, you hate it! Why did you bring out this kind of good stuff when you saw Aunt Hanran, and when you first met me, you didn't give anything to others!"

Ling Li pouted a little dissatisfied, her beautiful eyes widened, and she looked very beautiful.

"Haha! How could it happen! Doesn't this also have your share?"

Lu Chen chuckled, took out one piece from the ring again, and handed it to Ling Li and Han Ran.

Han Ran was still in a daze, Lu Chen directly stuffed the essence of life plant into her hand, while Ling Li bounced and put away the essence of life plant and tree with joy, looking at her little face because of excitement. , And became red, giving Lu Chen the urge to hug her and kiss her.

It wasn't until Ling Li's excitement passed and she pushed Han Ran to wake up Han Ran from the shock.

"Lu Chen, this spar is too precious, you should take it back! I can't ask for it!"

Although Han Ran had a look of desire in her eyes, when she knew more about the preciousness of this spar, she dared not ask for such a thing.

In fact, such things are not so precious to Lu Chen, but a piece of low-grade sacred stone can be exchanged for such a piece of life plant essence. He has countless spars of various levels.

Ling Li naturally didn't want to accept it. If Hanran didn't accept this spar, then her piece would definitely not be accepted, so Ling Lishui looked at Han Ran with big eyes, with a sorrowful desire. Crying.

It's a pity that Han Ran's gaze was always on Lu Chen's face at this time, so he didn't even notice the expression of the niece next to him.

Naturally, Ling Li's expressions can only be regarded as useless.

"Let's put it away! This thing is of no use to me. It is precious to your elves whose bodies are plants. In fact, what I want to say is that if you want, I have a lot! One piece is not enough, how about a few more pieces for me?"

Lu Chen directly pushed Han Ran's outstretched hand back, and when he touched Han Ran's little hand, Lu Chen found that Han Ran's hand was already full of sweat.

"I...thank you!"

In the end, Han Ran still didn't resist the temptation of spar containing the essence of life plants and trees, and put away Lu Chen's meeting ceremony.

"No thanks, what's so much to thank! By the way, can you tell me how many of your people are in your blood spirit city!"

"Not many, including me and Ling Li, there are only twelve in total!"

"There are only twelve? How come there are so few? I think you don't seem to have much blood spirit demon grass, it should be able to transform a lot!"

Lu Chen pointed behind him suspiciously, indicating that there were not many blood spirit demon grasses in the small basin he had discovered before.

"Compared to other herbal medicines, our blood genie demon grass is indeed easier to transform, and so far, in that small basin, only our blood genie demon grass has been transformed, and no other herbs. Our blood spirit magic grass can transform into form as long as it has a potency of 10 million years, and after transforming into form, it will directly gain the strength of the earth fairy! But..."

Han Ran sighed and continued helplessly:

"But the problem is that because our blood spirit demon grass is too simple to transform, we have suffered very badly. I don't know if it is because of the earth demon world that we want to transform here and suffer. Transformation is even more powerful, and it becomes very difficult for us to succeed in transformation!

At the beginning, the entire blood spirit demon grass clan was only our patriarch who succeeded in transforming, and she still waited a full 100 million years before she was ready to transform. After she became more powerful, the power of Heavenly Tribulation would naturally be slightly less for our patriarch. , But our patriarch still survived nine deaths before finally transforming into shape.

Later, with the help of our patriarch, our twelve ethnic talents were finally able to transform themselves. The success rate among them was less than one in ten thousand. Think about the shattered clan that was destroyed by the power of heaven. Companion, I am quite scared now.

Ling Li was the last one in our clan who succeeded in transformation. After Ling Li’s transformation was successful, our patriarch felt that the power of the tribulation had become much greater again, so we were always thinking of ways to solve the problem of the tribulation. So there is no more form of companion within the clan! "

Lu Chen felt very speechless now, and asked in confusion:

"Don't you know that Heavenly Tribulation can't help people? The more people you help, the stronger your strength, and the greater the power of Heavenly Tribulation!"

"Ah! Is this really the case? Shouldn't the power of Heaven's Tribulation be fixed? How can it increase its power because of the people it helps?"

It was the first time that Han Ran heard of such a thing, so he looked at Lu Chen with shock and couldn't understand it.

Lu Chen smiled bitterly, and then explained to Han Ran and Ling Li:

"Whether it is any tribulation, it is actually a test for the people of the tribulation. If the test passes, it naturally means that your efforts have been achieved. If you fail, then it means that you did not work hard enough, then the end will be directly broken. It is a test of survival of the fittest.

For exams, naturally, people cannot help. Of course, if you are strong enough, it will be different! After all, even if the robbery becomes stronger, there is a certain limit. After your strength exceeds this limit, nothing will happen!

But presumably, your patriarch’s strength is not too high, so she does not exceed the strongest limit of the tribulation, so she will feel that the power of the tribulation is getting bigger and bigger, and fortunately your patriarch has self-knowledge, otherwise, I am afraid that over time As time goes by, in the end, you don’t even want someone in your clan to succeed in transformation, and even your patriarch will be killed under the power of heaven! "

After Lu Chen explained, he quietly looked at Han Ran who was lost in thought, without speaking.

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