Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 3021: Goodbye two girls

Of course, if Lu Chen knew what this guy had in mind, he would have other ideas!

He would express sorrow for Xie Qiangjun. After all, even if his own pig brain can't think of these problems, in the entire Chaowu Academy, everyone is actually aware of the real situation, so no one will think A Level is the pinnacle of strength.

I'm afraid that for some people, S-level, or even SS-level, may not be invincible on Han Lin.

And he didn’t even know this from anyone, either because he had no friends, or because his friends were cheating him, and those friends who cheated him are definitely not a group of good people, so naturally they don’t. May be his true friend!

"How do you feel now!"

Seeing Xie Qiangjun's silly look, the disciple of the Lu family smiled slightly, his eyes full of different light.

But Xie Qiangjun didn't hear the words of this Lu family disciple at all, and he was now full of unbelievable thoughts.

He feels that it is impossible for someone to be better than himself, and it is even more unlikely that he will be beaten by a punch without responding. He feels that he should be dreaming now. Since it is a dream, then quickly wake up from the dream!


This stupid fork bit his tongue fiercely without even thinking about it. The huge pain and the strong smell of blood made Xie Qiangjun stupid again in an instant.

"Let's go! This kid... there is a problem here!"

Lu Chen pointed his finger at his head, looked at Xie Qiangjun with a pity on his face, sighed, turned around and left, but was still muttering in his mouth:

"Oh! I'm afraid that this is a talented person! God clearly gave you a body with such a good aptitude, but why does it make your brain not work? What a pity!"

Although it was a low-pitched whisper, everyone present could almost hear it. Everyone couldn't help showing a smile. Only Yu Ye Qi, a great elder of the Chaowu Academy, showed a smile, but It was a deep wry smile.

Seeing the back of Lu Chen and others leaving, Yu Ye Qi sighed, turned around, and took Xie Qiangjun to leave here, not knowing why he went!

Taking the fighter plane, Lu Chen and the others did not spend long before returning to the Lu family.

I don't know if he has received a notice from the Lu family disciples. Just as Lu Chen stepped off the fighter plane, he saw the tearful sisters Liu Mei and Liu Qing standing on the open space next to the airport.

Lu Chen shook his head bitterly, and led the two girls into a luxurious villa led by a disciple of the Lu family.

"Lu Chen, why have you been there for so long?"

The three of them just sat in a room in the luxury villa and watched each other silently for a long time. Finally, Liu Qing couldn't bear such a dull atmosphere and asked.

Although Liu Mei didn't ask, the doubt in his eyes also betrayed her deeply. Looking at the appearance of the two women, Lu Chen said.

"Actually, I only took a few days in the world of the demons, but who knew that after I came back, I discovered that three years have passed! Fortunately, there were some accidents that didn't let me stay for too long, otherwise I'm afraid to wait Will you be old when you come back?"

As he said, Lu Chen couldn't help but laughed, and subconsciously hugged the two girls, and then told some things in the world of the demons.

The relationship between Lu Chen and Liu Qing is still a bit unclear. The two do not have a direct relationship like he and Liu Mei, so in fact, for Lu Chen, Liu Qing is still his sister-in-law, and not with Liu Mei. Same, become his woman.

Although in these three years, Liu Qing had always missed Lu Chen, and even missed Lu Chen, not less than Liu Mei.

But after all, the two of them have never determined the relationship. Now Lu Chen directly put her in his arms like Liu Mei, which embarrassed Liu Qing's heart, but was also a little excited.

But there was an inexplicable contradiction in the excitement.

However, as Lu Chen talked about the Earth Demon World, Liu Qing gradually put his contradictory thoughts behind him.

Following Lu Chen's explanation, the two women seemed to have experienced personally, entering the world of Earth Demon with Lu Chen.

However, Lu Chen did not explain his strength to the two women. He believed that as long as the two women followed him, they would definitely have a chance to know their true strength in the future. If you tell the two women now, I am afraid that the two women will be a little panic.

Of course, Lu Chen also told the two women about the shameless Xie Qiangjun when he returned to Chaowu Academy, and the two women were stunned. In the end, they lie on the bed with a smile, constantly covering their hands because they were laughing. A stomach that is too severe and painful.

"Guess what this is?"

Lu Chen took out a blood essence from the ring, dangled it in front of the two women, and asked with a mysterious smile.


The two women shook their heads suspiciously, but their eyes shone brightly.

Blood essence looks the same as gems, and women have no resistance to such shining gems as dragons.

Although the blood essence still exudes a faint smell of blood, the two women only noticed that it was a shiny gem. As for the faint smell of blood on it, they were directly ignored by the two women.

After the strength is unblocked, Lu Chen can easily crush this blood essence to release the energy liquid inside, but now his strength is not enough to crush the blood essence directly with the power of his hand. Use external force to release the energy liquid in the blood essence.

But after looking around, Lu Chen couldn’t find anything that could knock on the blood essence. Lu Chen could only take out two pieces of blood essence and hand them to the two girls who were full of light, and then walked out of the villa to ask if Lu Hao and others had it. The right thing can knock on blood essence.

After finding Lu Hao, he told Lu Hao his purpose and handed the blood essence to Lu Hao. Lu Hao instantly felt the energy contained in the blood essence.

After a moment of stunned, Lu Hao returned to normal again, because he felt that although the energy in the blood essence was relatively strong, it was of no use to him now.

Lu Hao didn’t find anything. He broke the blood essence in half with his hands, and poured the energy liquid inside into a cup. There was only half a glass of energy liquid in a blood essence. .

"Father, this thing should be of no use to you, right?"

Lu Hao didn't know that after Lu Chen returned to Han Linxing, his strength was imprisoned once and returned to the previous level. He thought that Lu Chen was still the kind of strength revealed in the Earth Demon world, so Lu Hao was puzzled. With Lu Chen's own strength, he should be able to easily break such blood essence!

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