Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 313: Finally hit the road!

But what Lu Chen didn't expect was that he had been sleeping for nearly half a month. When he was sleepy and looking at his eyes slightly, he found that he was surrounded by everyone again. All of them looked at themselves with worry. After they found that they woke up, the joy on their faces was very obvious!

Lu Chen was puzzled, he just slept for a while, do you have to worry about me like this! And who else, elder, I have already told you that I am sleeping, so why are you here to join in blindly? Didn't you tell them about my sleeping? Lu Chen thought depressedly?

"Lu Chen, you finally woke up and scared us to death. We thought what happened to you!" Nalan Feiyun walked to Lu Chen's side, pulled Lu Chen's hand, and asked very worried, with a worried look on his face. And the haggard expression made Lu Chen's heart ache, hating himself for a good night's sleep, can make such a beautiful woman worry more!

"What worries me, I just sleep! Don't think that I am an immortal now and don't need to sleep! I found that I slept quite comfortably this time! So I decided that from time to time in the future. I must go to bed last time!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

Nalan Feiyun gave Lu Chen a white look, and said, "You are still sleeping! Have you ever seen someone go to bed and slept for half a month? Lu Chen, what happened to you? Is it because of the pain from last time? Without treatment, what caused the injury to relapse again?"

After Nalan Feiyun finished speaking, he gave the elder a resentful look! The Great Elder was stared at by Nalan Feiyun and dare not say a word. In his opinion, Lu Chen slept for such a long time all of a sudden, it was also his own reason. He felt guilty in his heart, and he wouldn't say anything about the resentment of Nalan Feiyun and the girls!

"Wait!" Lu Chen pulled Nalan Feiyun's little hand suspiciously, and asked suspiciously: "You...you just said how long I slept? Are you sure my ears did not hear me wrong? , This is too exaggerated! How could I have slept so long all at once?"

The women glared at Lu Chen at the same time, and Lu Ye said, "Master, you know how to exaggerate! Didn't some people just say that they sleep well? Why don't you continue talking now! Master, what's wrong with you? Say it, we can help you too!"

"I was sleeping comfortably! I was really sleeping! Who knows, I slept like this for half a month!" Lu Chen muttered a little aggrievedly, but he was still heard by Nalan Feiyun who was close to him. , Lu Chen gave Lu Chen a coquettish look, but didn't say anything!

At this time, Li Yan smiled and said: "My sister-in-law, I said Brother Chen is a big pervert! He can't be seen with ordinary people's eyes! The elder said that Brother Chen was sleeping, I believed it! Look at me, these few days have not been eating or drinking! Brother Chen is still awake!"

"That's you heartless!" Catherine said irritably.

Li Yan was suddenly flushed by Catherine's words, and he smirked. He didn't know what to say, so he was no longer planning to say anything!

"Haha! Okay, Linlin, what Yan Yan said is really good! Who am I! Can I see it with ordinary people's eyes! This is not possible, so if you encounter such things in the future, several Mei Jiao's wife doesn't need to worry about me!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

With that, Lu Chen jumped off the bed, stretched out his upright posture, and muttered: "Yes! I slept really well with this sleep, not only the injury healed! Even Xiuwei, It has also increased a lot, which is rare recently! I just don’t know when the breakthrough will happen!"

"Brother Chen, don't irritate us! We know that you are a pervert, and your cultivation base is growing very fast, but you don't want to say it so directly! We all know that your cultivation base is high, we are now The cultivation base hasn't increased, if you are making a breakthrough, why should we feel bad for it!" Li Yan said funny.

Lu Chen chuckled, "This is nothing to do. Who made me your boss! Since I am the boss, I naturally look like the boss. I haven't made a breakthrough. How can you make a breakthrough! I can guarantee that in The day I break through, you will definitely break through!" Lu Chen finished with a wicked smile!

Lu Chen’s words were just a joke. Everyone didn’t take it seriously. Although they knew that Lu Chen was not an ordinary person, if this kind of cultivation level would inevitably be improved, no one can guarantee it. Even Lu Chen himself didn't believe it very much!

But no one thought that Lu Chen accidentally broke through and reached the second-level upper level of Hongmeng Jue, which is equivalent to the cultivation base of Da Luo Jinxian. As a result, he did not expect that his cultivation base would be improved directly. Others have directly broken through the current class, even Fengyi instructor, no exception!

"Okay! My body has also recovered, and we really should be ready to continue on the road now! Great Elder, let's say something, you go and clean up first!" Lu Chen called to the Great Elder, ready to be alone again Speaking of the last talk, but Lu Ye and the daughters, now they dare not let Lu Chen stay with the elder again, for fear that something will happen again, which makes them very worried!

Seeing the women's firm attitude, Lu Chen shook his head helplessly, looked at the elder apologetically, and then said: "Okay, okay! You guys will stay too, but I hope that I will talk to the elder for a while. , Don't interrupt, do you hear me!" Lu Chen said solemnly.

"Got it!" The women said in unison, and happily agreed to Lu Chen. Now they dare not leave Lu Chen a step away, especially when they are alone with the elder (what an evil feeling—!), making the women even more worried, so they are ready to take the time unless something important , Otherwise he would never leave Lu Chen for half a step!

"Elder, those mission materials I need, I don’t know if you are ready?" Since he was about to leave, Lu Chen naturally wanted to ask the elder elders to get those mission materials. He said to help Lu Chen and the mission materials they were looking for. , Otherwise, who knows, when Lu Chen leaves, will he forget it again?

"Haha! Elder Lu Chen! Don't worry about this! The clansmen who have been assigned tasks have all returned. Except for...except for one of them, everything else is ready!" , I still smiled, but I felt a little embarrassed after talking!

After all, the elder was in front of Lu Chen, but he made a package ticket, and he would definitely help Lu Chen get it back. But now, there is still a task that has not been completed, which makes him feel embarrassed, although he was going to dispatch himself to help Lu Chen get it. They came back, but after Lu Ye and the others knew about it, they stopped the action of the Great Elder and said they wanted them to find it by themselves. After all, this was not their mission of training!

"Oh! There's another thing! What is it?" Lu Chen nodded, but didn't say much, but was very curious about what it was that didn't even get the ground snake in this **** abyss. Is that something dangerous?

"It's a blood pig rat, that gadget, usually only on the night of the full moon, can you get it, the night of the full moon has just passed, so if you want to get it, you have to next time!" said the elder ashamed.

"Blood Pig Rat?" Lu Chen thought of the name speechlessly. He was very interested in it at the beginning. After all, it was the only animal that needed to be captured in the periphery of Scarlet Abyss, but now he did not expect that he would be so difficult to make it. , What's so good about this stuff!

"You can only catch it on the night of the full moon? Why! Then why didn't you say it earlier! If so, you don't need to send someone out! I'll catch it myself!" Lu Chen asked silently.

The elder was a little guilty. He glanced at Lu Chen and said slowly, "It’s not because of the name of the full moon night that gave us a huge shadow. At that time, I and the few clansmen sent out Unexpectedly, when he and them came back empty-handed again, they would only remember it!"

"Um! How come you are like Teacher Fengyi, you will forget a little bit of everything you do!" Lu Chen glanced at the elder helplessly, and then said: "Forget it, it happens to be where the blood pig rat is, far away from the **** abyss. The interior is very close, so just take it for fun!"

Lu Chen's words made the elder even more embarrassed. He took out a ring, handed it to Lu Chen, and said, "Well, Lu Chen! What's inside is the task materials you need, except... Except for the blood pig rat accident, everything else is inside!" When it comes to the blood pig rat, the elder is still a little embarrassed!

Lu Chen naturally knew that the great elder was feeling very uncomfortable now, so he smiled slightly and said, "Okay! Great elder, thank you so much! Isn't it just that a little blood pig rat didn't get it, there is no need to look like this! But I'm a little curious, can that blood pig rat be caught only on the night of the full moon?"

"This...Isn't this, but relatively speaking, on the night of the full moon, it is easy to see them in the range of movement of the blood pig rat! And at that time, the blood pig rat seemed to be stupid. Go and catch them. If they do, they won’t resist at all! Other times, they are rarely seen! That’s why, as I said earlier, they can only be caught on the night of the full moon!"

"Oh! It turned out to be like this! I thought it was something! Since he will come out, it means he can still be caught! It doesn't matter!" Lu Chen smiled and patted the elder on the shoulder. Then take the lead and walk outside!

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