Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 315: Enter the inner layer!

When Lu Chen returned, several women were still chatting on the bed. Seeing Lu Chen coming back so soon, I couldn't help being curious, "Lu Chen, why did you come back so soon! Is it because we didn't find it, we have to stay here for half a month?"

"It's done!" Lu Chen said lightly, then took a blood pig rat from the ring and handed it to several women. The role of the blood pig mouse on the mainland is to please these women. The cute and petite appearance is tantamount to a nemesis to women!

"Wow! So cute!" Sure enough, as soon as Lu Chen's blood pig mouse appeared, it immediately attracted the eyes of all the women. The eyes of the blood pig mouse were full of love. This made Lu Chen a little bit satiated, even a little regretful, and gave the blood pig mouse to several women.

After fiddling with the blood pigs and rats in their hands for a while, the women finally thought of Lu Chen who was still standing there, so they raised their heads and smiled and said, "Lu Chen, you are so kind! Thank you for helping us get this thing. That, you should. More than one! Then, this blood pig mouse will be ours in the future!"

"Take it, take it! Rest early, and we will continue on the road tomorrow morning!" Lu Chen is naturally hard to say, the things are already in their hands, even if Lu Chen doesn't allow it and wants to grab it back, it is not too good. The possible things, in that case, give them chant!

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he went directly to one of the beds, closed his eyes, and started to fall asleep. As for the other women, Lu Chen didn't want to care about them! Anyway, Lu Chen has just told them that it is their own business whether they sleep or not. Anyway, if they don't sleep for a day, there is no impact at all!

Early the next morning, Lu Chen opened his eyes and looked up, and found that several women had already gotten up, holding the blood pig rat, playing with them happily. I don't know if they got up early! It's because I didn't sleep all night last night!

"Hey! You guys, stop playing, clean up, we should go!" After Lu Chen saw that he got up, the women did not say hello to themselves as usual, but still played with themselves. The blood pig and rat in his hand made Lu Chen savour!

"Ah! Lu Chen, why did you get up so soon? Who would be there?" Hearing Lu Chen's voice, the few women looked up suspiciously, and then suddenly realized that the nickname was already in the morning, and they couldn't help but vomit. Sticking out his tongue, "Oh! I forgot the time to play, it's all morning!"

As soon as the words of the women came out, Lu Chen knew that these women were really blood pigs and rats who hadn't slept last night. Lu Chen didn't understand. What's so funny about this blood pig rat, isn't it just a little cute? As for the whole night, is it all spent on him!

An hour later, Lu Chen and the others finally finished cleaning up and finished their breakfast. Everyone walked toward the entrance of Scarlet's interior in vigor.

The inner layer of the Scarlet Abyss is above a gorge. Both sides of the gorge are full of straight and steep rocks. You must fly up and then enter the top. Fortunately, Lu Chen and the others are not ordinary people, all of whom can fly. But having said that, most people can never get to this place!

"Oh my God! This is too high!" Standing under the canyon, Lu Chen and the others looked up, and the clouds and mist were misty, and there was no way to see the top. This made everyone feel that this place is really high and steep. At this moment, it is estimated that only a few people such as Lu Chen and Lingying can fly directly!

Li Yan is that they have indeed learned how to fly recently, but it can only support a period of time, and it is a low altitude flight. The higher the altitude, the greater the pressure on Li Yan, and the greater the impact on Li Yan. So far, Li Yan is the highest altitude he can fly, but it is only 100 meters below, more than 100 meters. It will fall straight towards the bird with its broken wing!

As for the other people, such as Catherine and Zhou Wenwen, they are even more troublesome. They can fly to a height of 20 meters, which is already the limit! What's more, there are hundreds of gorges with a height of 20 meters!

"Take four in one person, let's go! Sister Ye'er, you should be able to fly up at this height!" Lu Chen glanced at the people behind him, then said to Lingying and Yang Mingzi, and then he himself Just grab a few people and fly directly upwards!

Lingying and Yang Mingzi glanced at each other, shrugged, and after scoring the remaining few people, they pulled directly and wanted to fly. As for Lu Ye, after hearing what Lu Chen said, he directly released his flying sword, then jumped on the flying sword, and flew slowly upwards!

I don't know how long it has been flying, the surrounding clouds and fog have gradually reduced, and Lu Chen's eyes can almost see the open space above the canyon! Lu Chen smiled slightly, accelerated again, and rushed directly into the open space about half the size of a basketball court!

Although Lu Chen had arrived safely, there was always something wrong in Lu Chen's heart, as if something went wrong. Suddenly, Lu Chen heard a familiar woman scream in his ears, so without thinking, he jumped off the platform!

The woman's voice just now belonged to Lu Ye. Hearing Lu Ye's shout, the feeling in Lu Chen's heart became even more urgent! Lu Chen understood that the feeling in his heart should come from Lu Ye. But what happened to Lu Ye, Lu Chen is still unclear for the time being!

"You go up first, I'll go take a look, leave me alone! I'm afraid there is some danger above!" When passing by Lingying and Yang Mingzi, Lu Chen saw that the two of them also wanted to rush down and have a look. Lu Chen directly spoke to them and said that at this time, the above should be the most dangerous place.

Lu Chen's speed was quite fast. After a short while, he passed through the cloud and fog belt in mid-air, and his eyes could already see the empty canyon below, but what made Lu Chen anxious was that he had never noticed Lu Ye. There is something wrong with this figure.

It stands to reason that Lu Chen had been by Lu Chen's side just now, and he was sandwiched between Yangmingzi and the others. When Lu Chen passed through Yangmingzi and the others, he didn't find Lu Ye at all. But Yang Mingzi and the others even had the urge to look down. What's going on, when Lu Ye was on top, he ran to the back!

Damn it! Lu Chen couldn't wait to slap himself fiercely. He even forgot about Lu Ye. When she wasn't by his side, he paid no attention to him, he...

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