Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 3257: Lost the wolf boy?

Sure enough, after not walking much, Lu Chen saw an old man appear in front of him. There were two tops resembling beauty-mi-mi, and what was surprising was that there were still two protrusions on the tops of these two mountains. The stone looks really no different from the beautiful-mi-mi.

"I'll go, whether this place was created artificially, or it was formed naturally!"

Lu Chen looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help being surprised. After being shocked, Lu Chen began to look for the final entrance.

After Lu Chen walked to the corresponding position according to the instructions of the backer, he took out the mission scroll. What surprised him was that he just took out the mission scroll and found that the scroll in his hand was under an invisible force. Directly into pieces.

These fragments later dissolved into countless points of light. These points of light gradually merged in front of Lu Chen. Then, with a "wow", directly in front of Lu Chen, something similar to teleportation appeared. Exist as array.

"Ding! Congratulations to player Lu Chen for discovering the Lost City!"

"Is this the Lost City?"

Lu Chen looked at a city shrouded in mist. The overall environment was dim, like the situation before dawn. It looked very dark, but in fact, he could see everything around him clearly.

Everything around was quite silent. Apart from hearing his own breathing and heartbeat, Lu Chen couldn't hear other sounds.

Lu Chen's mission is to explore the Lost City. Now the Lost City has appeared in front of him. All he has to do is to stroll around in the Lost City to complete this task.

But Lu Chen always felt something was wrong. The silence here was a bit too quiet, like a ghost city. Although in fact this should be a ghost city, Lu Chen absolutely didn't believe it. This is the so-called ghost city.

Taking out his weapon, watching everything around him, Lu Chen slowly walked towards the interior of the Lost City.

The area of ​​the Lost City is quite huge. Although it has been lost now, the ruined and ruined wall can still see the original glory of the Lost City.

Lu Chen couldn't help but sigh with the awesomeness of the man who created this city.


Suddenly, Lu Chen heard the sound of something swiftly passing by in the alley beside his ear, and at the same time, the light from the corner of his eyes also faintly seemed to see a figure flashing past the alley.


Lu Chen couldn't help but feel a little delighted. Although some people might be enemies, Lu Chen would rather these enemies appear in front of him now than wait for a long time.

"Who? Come out!"

Lu Chen didn't even think about it. He didn't fear anything anyway, so he went straight into the alley.

It is a pity that Lu Chen is not as fast as the black shadow. Second, he does not understand the geographical situation of the surrounding hutongs. After chasing into the hutong, Lu Chen did not find out where the black shadow was. In, walked out again.

That's right, even if Lu Chen's current attributes are quite powerful, it can't compare to the speed of that dark shadow at all.

However, Lu Chen didn't feel upset. Instead, he felt even happier, because he felt that only in this way could he experience fun. If he could only be invincible forever, what's the point of playing with things!

Temporarily unable to find the dark shadow, Lu Chen could only walk inside the Lost City again. He believed that if the dark shadow came at him just now, then there would definitely be something happening again.

The Lost City was originally a city, so there are everything that should have been there, but unfortunately all the people who should have been there are now gone.

However, Lu Chen still felt that he had to enter the shops in these cities. As a result, he found again that everything in the shop existed, but when he wanted to touch these things, these things were like weathered. It's like a stone that has been there for a long time, and it will turn into ashes with a light touch.

Only later did Lu Chen understand that perhaps the only city left in the Lost City was that all the so-called treasures in the city had disappeared little by little with the passage of time.

After browsing the entire Lost City, Lu Chen's previous mission has been prompted to complete.

However, it is impossible for Lu Chen to leave this dungeon now, because his dungeon mission has not been completed yet, and it can even be said that he still doesn't know how to complete his dungeon mission.

However, Lu Chen felt that if he wanted to complete the dungeon mission, he had to find the dark figure before.

After visiting the entire Lost City, Lu Chen didn't get anything, but he was not disappointed at all, because he felt that he could appreciate an ancient city larger than Fengming City's third-tier cities, and he was already himself. The biggest gain this time.

At least from these broken walls, Lu Chen could feel everything that had happened in this city before. In a trance, he felt that the seal between his soul and body seemed to loose a lot.


Lu Chen didn't know what he should do now, so he rushed into those small alleys and shuttled around at his fastest speed. Since the shadow was discovered here just now, it is very likely that he is hiding. at this place.

So I don’t know if Lu Chen’s luck is too good, or he is good at others. He just dashed less than two hutongs, and found that his body was running at high speed and collided with a dark figure running at the same high speed.

Although the speed of the black shadow is very fast, but the strength is not good. When hitting the black shadow, Lu Chen felt as if he was hitting a layer of foam board. He easily smashed the foam board and then the foam board It just fell apart.

Of course, the black shadow wasn't so exaggerated to split. After being hit by Lu Chen, he only heard a pop. The black shadow flew out at a faster speed, and then fell directly to the ground without responding.

Lu Chen hurriedly ran to the shadow of the shadow and took a closer look. He looked like a human, but his limbs bowed like a reptile.

From the face, this is a little boy, about 13 or 14 years old. If you say what this child looks like, it is like the wolf boy Lu Chen has seen before.

There is a wolf boy here? Are you kidding me!

Lu Chen said that he was a little uncomfortable, this is not a familiar spoof! In the lost city of dignified ancient times, there was only one kind of creature left in the end.

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