Before Lu Chen waited long, Liu Mei led Han Yeyue and others through the teleportation formation of Fallen City and appeared in the teleportation formation of the Lost City.

After coming to the Lost City, everyone who saw the Lost City was so huge, they couldn't help but let out a surprised voice.

Although in fact, they have seen cities even larger than this, after all, whether it is Han Linxing’s Chaowu Academy or in the universe, there is only one city on a certain planet, so they will build very large cities. They are definitely better than the Lost City.

But after all, this is the biggest city they have seen in the game.

Moreover, the most important reason is that the current owner of the Lost City is the person they are closest to. This person is naturally Lu Chen, and to them, what belongs to Lu Chen is almost equivalent to theirs. , Of course, if a woman is also a thing, it is naturally impossible.

Therefore, in this way, it is equivalent that they are also the lord of the Lost City, and the Lost City belongs to them.

How could they be unhappy, not surprised!

To be the first to become the lord of such a huge city, as expected, only Lu Chen could be the first bird!

However, it won’t be long before we can become a city even bigger than this, should be said that we are the emperors of the country, it should feel much more refreshing than now!

Naturally because of this, Liu Mei and others couldn't help but think that they would soon become the emperor of a country with the help of Shui Yulan, and they felt even more excited!

"Okay, don't look like this one by one, isn't it just a city! You want it to be easy and ruthless!"

Lu Chen looked at the expressions of several people, patted his head helplessly, and said angrily.

Because of Shui Yulan’s previous openings, Lu Chen now knows very well that for Liu Mei and the others, this game is really for entertainment and leisure. As long as Liu Mei speaks, no matter what they want, Shui Yulan It is estimated that they will get it out for them without hesitation.

Therefore, even in a big city like the Lost City, Liu Mei and the others only need to speak, and Shui Yulan will not easily get Liu Mei and the others out.

Lu Chen still didn’t know what Shui Yulan had with Liu Mei before, so he didn’t know. Soon after, Liu Mei and the others, with the help of Shui Yulan, will each establish an empire no worse than the only empire in the game. s country!

Hearing what Lu Chen said, Liu Mei and the others couldn't help but stick out their tongues, and said nothing more with a smile.

The distance from the Lost City to the school of Bing Mengtian is quite far, but fortunately, Lu Chen found on his own map a third-tier city that is quite close to Bing Mengtian, so he did not let Liu Mei wait. When people stepped down the teleportation formation, they directly activated the teleportation formation and teleported to this third-tier city near Bing Mengtian.

This three-tier city is called Hagrid Sky City. It is said to be called because it is close to the sea and also abounds in an ore called Sky Crystal. This ore is added to the hull structure when building a large voyage ship. It can increase the robustness of the hull structure and seawater corrosion resistance.

Therefore, compared with other coastal cities, the large voyage ships built by Hagriuden City are naturally stronger. For those who like to sail and transport goods, it is undoubtedly the best choice.

Because there is no reason for other countries for the time being, naturally there is no so-called warship, because there is no need to own a warship.

Whether it is the city lord of Hagrid Sky City or the emperor of the empire, they feel that there is only one country in this world, which is equivalent to the whole world being their own. If this is the case, why do you have to fight for shit? Boat, it's not obvious that this is a waste of energy in one fell swoop!

However, Lu Chen was reminded by the mysterious old man, and stimulated by Zeng Jin’s order to build a city and the current Lost City, Lu Chen will definitely choose to build a country in the future, and the place where the country is built naturally chooses to stay away The sphere of influence of the empire.

In this way, it was natural for Lu Chen to use something like a battleship, so the importance of the natural Sky Crystal was also very important to Lu Chen.

Therefore, after Lu Chen came to Hagrid City and learned about the specialties of Hagrid City, he made some small ideas!

"Mei'er, you said, if I control all the sky crystals here, then for my country, will I control the entire world and still go to the world?"

Lu Chen suddenly said such a sentence.

When Lu Chen said this, Liu Mei and the others were all taken aback. They just wanted to ask what Lu Chen really thinks, but then I thought about it, but suddenly realized that Lu Chen thought this way, it seemed normal and quite natural. , On the contrary, if Lu Chen does not establish the country, it would be abnormal!

After thinking about this, Liu Mei and others opened their mouths, but they didn't say a word. They looked at each other, then nodded in unison, and said:

"Yeah! You have a good idea. If possible, we'd better be able to control all the Sky Crystals here!"

"However, if we talk to Sister Lan'er, Lu Chen, then she can transfer all the Sky Crystals here to the area where your Lost City belongs, so that Hagrid Sky City will not Isn’t there any Lucky Crystals?"

Liu Qing didn't know what Lu Chen was thinking, so he still spoke.

Lu Chen shook his head and said:

"It's definitely not that simple! Your sister Lan'er may agree to do other things, but she probably wouldn't like things like Liu Tianjing?"


"Because things like Lutianjing are very important. It is related to the future direction of the entire game. Sister Lan'er's purpose was originally to experience Lu Chen. It could only make Lu Chen even more difficult after the founding of the country. I am afraid of trouble. There will be a lot of things, how can you agree to this kind of thing!"

Before Lu Chen could speak, Liu Mei directly opened his mouth to help Liu Qing explain.

I have to say that although Liu Qing is Liu Mei's older sister, in fact, Liu Mei has considered more comprehensive situations than Liu Qing on many issues.

After hearing Liu Mei's explanation, Liu Qing also understood what was going on, his face showed a look of sudden realization, but there was still a trace of shame, as if he was ashamed because he didn't even think of such a simple thing!

PS: Dear friends, I’m sorry to inform you, because of special reasons, I will not be able to continue the codeword in the next period of time, so I can only save the manuscript one chapter a day. If there is a chance one day, I will definitely have more Update a few chapters, really sorry!

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