Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 326: A slot machine for earning money in the fantasy world!

"Of course!" Lu Chen grinned and walked to the slot machine that costs one hundred yuan per cent. Then he took out a chip in his hand and said to Zi Lanxin, "Xin'er, you are optimistic!" Lu Chen stuffed a thousand yuan of chips into the machine.

Only a "clamation" sound was heard, and the automatically beating flash on the screen stopped, and then the word "10" appeared in the score display box. "I’m optimistic. Here are the options below. Whichever one do you think will be selected, you will choose which one! This is an apple. If you choose an apple and it is heavy, if you choose one, it will be doubled five times. It will be doubled several times. This is an orange..."

Lu Chen introduced the following options one by one. Hearing Zi Lanxin introduced by Lu Chen's family, he was excited and eager to try. Lu Chen smiled slightly, chose two apples, and then said, "Xin'er, you can choose the remaining ones!"

Although he was eager to try, Zi Lanxin seemed a little scared when Lu Chen asked him to choose, "Lu Chen, can I! I won't! What if I lose?" Zi Lanxin wanted to try again, again Some worrying contradictions made Lu Chen amused.

"What's wrong! Isn't it just pressing a few keys! Besides, playing this thing is that you lose and win. If you always think that you will win, then you will definitely not win in the end! So play this Things, mentality must be good!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

"Okay!" Zi Lanxin shook the thumb of her left hand, thought about it carefully, and then said: "Lu Chen, then I will press! I choose one orange, one mango, two bells, two Double Seven, there is also a double star, the last one is something I don’t know! Lu Chen, do you think it’s okay for me to do this?"

"En!" Lu Chen nodded, "Of course you can, you can choose whatever you want. You can choose whatever you want, don't ask me! Choose quickly! Then press this to start!" Lu Chen smiled and pointed. Pointing to the start button, she said to Zi Lanxin who hadn't made a choice yet!

After Zi Lanxin pressed all the options she had just selected, she pressed the startup item. Then he hugged Lu Chen's arm with excitement and waited nervously. But the flash seemed to be against Zilanxin. After it started, it just didn't stop! Anxious Zilanxin couldn't help stomping!

Lu Chen looked a little funny at Zi Lanxin's touch. It was obvious that the family was so rich, and he didn't need to care about this thousand yuan at all, but the current situation seemed to be his last capital. Hope to use the last thousand yuan to make a profit from the gambler.

"Xin'er, didn't I tell you, do you have a good mentality! Why are you still like this? Don't worry, the more anxious you are, the worse you will feel! Sometimes, gambling is not based on your ability, but on your feelings. !" Lu Chen patted Zi Lanxin's fragrant shoulder and said softly.

"Oh!" Zi Lanxin blushed in response, and then buried her head in Lu Chen's arms embarrassedly. Although it seemed like I was not paying attention, Lu Chen realized that Zi Lanxin's heart was beating. Quite fast, in other words, she was still quite nervous.

Finally, the flash on the screen stopped beating. As soon as the music stopped, Zi Lanxin hurriedly freed her red face from Lu Chen's arms, and then stared at the screen closely, but at this time The things displayed on the screen made Zi Lanxin a little puzzled, so she asked Lu Chen, "Lu Chen, what's the matter again! Why is there a reaction?"

"Haha! Don't worry! When the flash flashes to the position of this woman's head, it is equivalent to you have won the prize. The next train, if you can drive to the patterns you chose, you will be able to win the prize. Come on, double again. Look, isn't this the beginning!"

Sure enough, as soon as Lu Chen's voice fell, the flashes on the screen started to turn again, but this time it was not one flashing, but seven, which meant that Zi Lanxin had hit a big train once, and this kind of thing came down. The capital has to be increased several times, which is the minimum!

There are two kinds of train driving in the slot machine, one is five kinds of flashes, and the other is one of flashes. The five flashes are small trains, once hit, can double the original basis. In other words, you originally won an apple, and you bought two apples. It was five times that before, but now it is ten times. And the seven flashes are the big trains, which can be doubled five times on the original basis at a time!

"Ding!" The front of the big train finally stopped on Double Seven, and the scoring position suddenly showed eight hundred points. Double Seven was originally forty times, but on the basis of the big train, it was ten times, but Zilanxin bought two, and this time it was 800 times.

Seven kinds of flashes, a total of seven times, first the locomotive hit the double seven, and then one less flash, from the opposite direction, turn a few times again, hit the apple again, this is another 400 points, and then one less flash , And then turn it in the opposite direction. In this way, until the end, a total of more than 5,000 points are displayed on the screen. This is mainly because, the last time the train started, a big leopard was hit all of a sudden.

I don't know if it is Zilanxin's luck, or because of the characteristics of all the slot machines, all of them will be big and medium in the first few times of starting. It happened that these machines were just opened by Lu Chen, and Zi Lanxin, as the first customer, naturally benefited a lot. Of course, it's not the first time every slot machine will be big and medium.

"Haha!" Zi Lanxin hugged Lu Chen excitedly, and shouted: "Lu Chen, we won, we won! Haha! It's really fun! How much is five thousand points, one point is 100 , 5,000 points is 500,000..." Zi Lanxin was so excited that Lu Chen felt unusually helpless!

Lu Chen casually pressed the exit button, and he heard the sound of "crushing", which kept coming from the machine, but this kind of machine used chips instead of coins. Otherwise, the sound would be more beautiful. A bargaining chip, it can't be done in a short while!

Because the location of the slot machine is relatively remote, so no one hears the sound of "wow", even if someone hears it, it is estimated that it will not take it seriously. After all, these gamblers have already fallen into the crazy kind of casino. In the atmosphere, how can you be attracted by other things!

Patting Zi Lanxin on the shoulder, Lu Chen said slightly, "Okay! Xin'er, come down! Didn't you just win five thousand points all at once? What's so exciting! Look at it later, and my brother will play for you. , What is big profit!" After speaking, Lu Chen put Zilanxin in place!

"Huh!" Zi Lanxin twitched her little nose, "Whose brother are you! Don't forget, sister, I am one month older than you!" Zi Lanxin feels proud and makes Lu Chen feel somewhat proud. Reluctantly, she affectionately scratched Zi Lanxin's little nose, without saying anything.

Since it's a game, Lu Chen is going to play Dafa! The reason why Lu Chen used this one-point-and-white machine just now is to let Zi Lanxin see. As for himself, at least he has to play a one-point-one-thousand one. When he has more money, he will go. The exchange of chips is of high value. Today, Lu Chen will play these slot machines one by one! Let's talk about the money inside!

"Xin'er, you play here by yourself, I'll go play something big!" Lu Chen said in Zi Lanxin's ear, and then he came to the kind of slot machine with a thousand cents. As for Zi Lanxin, perhaps because Earlier this time, I made too much. I didn't care about Lu Chen, waved his hand directly, and looked at the machines in front of him.

Zi Lanxin just earned 500 chips, and Lu Chen didn't move, because Lu Chen is now playing with one point and one thousand chips. If he wants to play, he must have 10,000 chips. So Lu Chen only took away the ten thousand chips in Zi Lanxin's hand, but the others did not move!

Standing in front of the one-thousand-one-point tiger body, Lu Chen glanced slightly, and found that, except for the different scores, the other options and buttons were all the same as those played by Zi Lanxin. Lu Chen smiled slightly, set up quietly beside him, and then stuffed all his 10,000 chips into the machine.

Suddenly, eighty points appeared in the score box. Lu Chen first randomly pressed two options, and then instantly released his spiritual knowledge, shrouded the machine, and checked the structure inside the machine, Lu Chen felt confident and pressed the start button.

"It really is Apple, it seems I can control him!" Lu Chen smiled slightly, and when he appeared at Apple's place, Lu Chen smiled happily when he looked at the flash on the screen. Although Apple is not any of the several options Lu Chen chose, this Apple option is indeed what the machine selected after Lu Chen's spiritual consciousness control.

"Hey!" Lu Chen's hands were pressed directly on the leopard's options, and suddenly under the leopard options on the screen, seventy-eight leopard options appeared. Looking at this, Lu Chen's eyes appeared. With a faint smirk, I thought to myself: "I don't know if the leopard is hit, will there be so many chips in it to pay for it!"

Although he thought so in his heart, Lu Chen did not hesitate to press the start item, and then released his spiritual consciousness and began to enter the machine to control the machine. Under Lu Chen's control, the flash was turned for more than a minute. , And then slowly and accurately stopped on the leopard option.

The sound of "touch" indicated that it was hit by the loud noise of the leopard, and it rang on this slot machine. However, because Lu Chen had already considered this matter before, he deliberately did something, except for Lu Chen alone, even the nearest Zi Lanxin did not hear this voice.

After hitting the leopard, the slot machine will give gifts. The sounds of "Bingbingbing...pop" and "Bingbingbing...pop" kept ringing in Lu Chen's ears. After a dozen of these sounds, the entire screen flashed finally Stopped. However, in the process of awarding the prize, the selection box where Lu Chen scored, except for one jump, did not change!

After all, Lu Chen only chose the leopard, and even if it was given by others, there would be nothing in it. But I don’t know if it was Lu Chen lucky or something. The last time Lu Chen was given the prize, he accidentally hit a big leopard. Only this time, the big leopard doubled Lu Chen’s score. !

There are two types of leopards, one is the big leopard and the other is the little leopard. The little leopard is one hundred times, the big leopard is two hundred times! Lu Chenzhong is naturally a big leopard, 78's 200 times once is 15,600, and twice 200 times is 31200. Just think about it, just now that Zi Lanxin scored 5,000 points once, it was already very powerful. This time Lu Chen actually earned six times that of Zi Lanxin. And Lu Chen's score was still ten times that of Zi Lanxin.

Thirty-one thousand two hundred points, one point one thousand, a total of 31.2 million people. Lu Chen made so much at once, but it was more than sixty times what Zi Lanxin had just made. Looking at the score on the machine, Lu Chen looked very distressed. He didn't know if there was so much money in it!

When he was a child, the kind of machines Lu Chen had seen, the one that cost one dime, Lu Chen knew that each one could only hold a maximum of one thousand five hundred silver coins, which is more than fifteen thousand points. Although this appearance looks much bigger than that, Lu Chensheng was afraid that there was not enough inside, so he was very helpless!

"Damn! I'm so stupid! Since I know how to control the machine with my spiritual sense, I have forgotten that the greatest function of my spiritual sense is to check. Can't I use my spiritual sense to check the contents?" Lu Chen was annoyed. I patted my forehead, and then used my spiritual sense to check it!

"Wow! It's a big machine! There are 10,000 chips in it, minus the chips I earned, 3,120 chips, but there are still 6,880 chips in it. Enough for me to play two. It's the second time! In that case, why should I take it out now!" Lu Chen couldn't help but pick!

So then, Lu Chen did not immediately withdraw all his chips, but continued his own money-making plan, knowing that in the end, there were eight remaining in this machine, that is to say, Lu Chen made a total of money from this machine. Ten thousand chips including your own principal! That is one billion RMB. MMD, no wonder people like gambling, this stuff is really coming in too quickly!

All the chips were returned, because Lu Chen had prepared in advance, so no one heard. However, the position of the cash outlet is a bit too small, and it is not possible to put 10,000 chips at all. If you think that Lu Chen has a quick eye and a hand, he will use a pair to hold it, otherwise he will fall into the place!

"Lu Chen, what are you doing?" Zi Lanxin was quite curious about Lu Chen's weird look, especially the look inside Lu Chen's clothes that swelled up because of the package chips, which made Zi Lanxin even more curious. Endless. Regardless of the flashing machine, Zi Lanxin came directly to Lu Chen, wanting to take a look at what was inside!

"Don't worry, you'll find out later!" Lu Chen's mysterious expression made Zi Lanxin feel unbearable, and he couldn't wait to see what kind of baby is inside that makes Lu Chen so secretive, even himself. Don't let me see! If it hadn't just become that kind of relationship with Lu Chen, Zi Lanxin would have to go straight to grab it!

"You play yours first! I'll tell you later!" There are three slot machines that cost 1,000 yuan per cent. Lu Chen decided to win all the chips in the three slots before redeeming the value. The higher the chips, and then the other higher-value machines, all win!

Lu Chen regretted that he didn't redeem more before, just redeeming the biggest bargaining chip is only 10,000! If he exchanges in the past now, it is very likely to cause trouble. Arouse the attention of the casino. Then people will not let themselves play because of the problem with the slot machine, then it will be troublesome!

Thinking of this, Lu Chen still decided to exchange 10,000 chips in his hand, and then talk about it. Although this chip is worth 100 million, it is still relatively common in the lobby. Those who exchange chips will definitely not have any doubts because of this!

Therefore, Lu Chen still said to Zi Lanxin: "Xin'er, you play here for a while. I had something to do in the past. Don't worry about me, I'm fine! You should be safe. This is not a good place. You must pay attention. , Don’t be caught by some bad guys!"

Because Lu Chen pointed to the place where the chips were exchanged, Zi Lanxin's expression changed, and she asked, "Lu Chen, did you lose all your chips? You want to exchange your chips! Have you forgotten our previous ones? Have you agreed! It is absolutely not allowed to redeem it after you have lost all your chips! By the way, if you still want to play, I still have it here. Give you a few!"

Lu Chen looked at Zi Lanxin a little dumbfounded, and said in his heart: "Maybe I have lost all my chips in a place like this! I want to redeem it because the amount of chips is not enough! I have won 100 million now! Now, your chips are really not enough!"

"Xin'er, how could I lose all the chips! Although I did exchange the chips, I definitely did not use my own money to exchange them, but because the amount was not enough, I was going to use the chips in my hand. To exchange for some larger amounts of chips!" Lu Chen explained helplessly.

"Do you have a lot of chips in your hand?" Zi Lanxin was a little puzzled. Lu Chen just took a few ten thousand chips from himself, and he gave himself other chips, even now. I didn't hear the sound of the slot machine spitting out money. How much money would Lu Chen get!

Thinking that she hadn't heard the sound of vomiting money for a long time, Zi Lanxin immediately woke up. Lu Chen definitely lost all the money, so she wants to exchange it now. That must be the case! The more she thought about it, the deeper the feeling in Zi Lanxin's heart, she regretted letting Lu Chen come here to play!

Walking to the machine she was playing with, Zi Lanxin took a few thousand chips, handed them to Lu Chen, and said, "Lu Chen, don’t redeem it anymore. I have some more here. I just won the five hundred. Bargaining chips, I won some more later, if you don’t get enough from me, don’t redeem it!"

Lu Chen became even more helpless, so he had to expose a corner of the clothes he was covering, and then said to Zi Lanxin: "Xin'er, see for yourself! See if I lied to you! I said it all, I You will never use money to redeem chips! Why don't you believe me!"

Although Lu Chen's only revealed a seam, Zi Lanxin still clearly saw the large number of chips in the clothes that Lu Chen pulled up, and she was shocked to cover her open mouth with her hand, and hesitated. I said: "Lu Chen, you... how did you do it!"

"Now you finally believe that I didn't lie to you anymore! I have said... As for how I did it, when I redeem the chips, I will tell you again! Okay! You should be careful here and be careful. The surrounding situation!" Lu Chen patted Zi Lanxin on the back of the head and said!

"Oh!" Zi Lanxin was still pulled into her clothes by Lu Chen, shocked by the huge number of chips, she nodded blankly, sat back in front of the machine she was playing with, and even hit again. After a lot of points, Zi Lanxin didn't realize it at all!

Seeing what Zi Lanxin was doing, Lu Chen smiled bitterly, took a look at Zi Lanxin, and then quickly walked towards the place where the chips were exchanged. The way Zi Lanxin looked, Lu Chen was really worried. , But fortunately, at the place where the chips were exchanged, you could vaguely see the position of Zi Lanxin, so Lu Chen went without worry!

"Help me change these chips into one hundred million chips, and then help me exchange one ten million, one million, one hundred thousand, and one ten thousand chips!" After pouring the chips on the counter, Lu Chen took out the bank card from his pocket and handed it to the waiter!

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment!" So many chips were in front of him. The waiter who exchanged chips showed no change at all. After pushing the chips to a person next to him, he took the bank card handed by Lu Chen and went straight. One swipe, and then took out a ten million, one million, one hundred thousand and one ten thousand chips, and handed them to Lu Chen.

"Sir, here are your bank card and your chips! The pile of chips you just had is being calculated, it will be ready soon! Please wait a minute!" After speaking, the waiter joined the activity of calculating chips. The number of chips is too much for one person to calculate.

However, Lu Chen also discovered that, in fact, the two waiters did not calculate it once, but put the pile of chips into a small platform, and then the platform automatically dropped to a position that Lu Chen could not see, and waited until the platform rose again. , There is only one chip left on it.

The waiter took the chips from the platform, then handed them to Lu Chen, and said with a smile: "Sir, these are the chips you need! The pile of 10,000 chips just now is exactly 10,000. If you have anything else you need Please speak up. At the same time I wish you a good time!"

"Haha!" Lu Chen smiled, did not say anything, took the chips directly, turned around and walked towards Zi Lanxin's position. Right next to the bargaining chip, Lu Chen saw that there were a lot of black boxes piled up here, which were similar to the shopping baskets in the supermarket, but he obviously felt that the atmosphere was incomparable!

Miss waitress, seeing that Lu Chen noticed these frames, she explained with a grin: "Sir, these frames are used to place chips. Just like the husband just now, you can use such frames if you need them. , You can get one!

Lu Chen was taken aback, and almost didn't pat his head again. How could he forget this thing just now! It's a fool to use clothes to put the bargaining chip, but fortunately, no one else found out, only Zi Lanxin knew about it. Otherwise, Lu Chen's face would be lost.

Returning to Zi Lanxin's side, Lu Chen found that Zi Lanxin was still sitting in the same place as he was just now. . Fortunately, nothing else happened. Zi Lanxin didn't attract other people's attention. This made Lu Chen feel very grateful. Then he walked to Zi Lanxin's side, patted her on the shoulder, and asked:

"Xin'er, what's wrong with you, what are you still thinking about?"

"Ah! Lu Chen, you're back!" Zi Lanxin was taken aback by Lu Chen's pat. When she looked back, it turned out that it was Lu Chen, with a sigh of relief on her face, and then said: "It's not you that bad What the **** is going on, guy! Didn’t you just have eight chips! Why did it suddenly change so much! There are at least five thousand in there!"

"To be precise, it should be 10,000! You take out all the money in the machine, put it in this basket, and follow me behind!" Lu Chen directly burst out, making Zi Lanxin even more shocked. But before Zi Lanxin was shocked, she was interrupted violently by Lu Chen!

"Oh!" Taking the basket in Lu Chen's hand, Zi Lanxin withdrew the chips from the machine. There was another rustling noise. Lu Chen just took a look. Zi Lanxin just hit another two thousand points. This time, Zi Lanxin alone made more than 700,000 yuan tonight!

Had it not been for Lu Chen to know that Zi Lanxin was pure luck and would definitely not cheat like him, otherwise, Lu Chen would have thought that Zi Lanxin was of the same kind as himself!

The material of the chips is very special, neither metal nor plastic. With more than 700 chips in the basket, Zi Lanxin won't be too strenuous to hold it by herself. However, Lu Chen was still very gentleman, took the basket from Zi Lanxin's hand and mentioned it to his own hand.

"Xin'er, you are optimistic! Walk directly to the 10 million-dollar machine. This is the casino with the highest score and the only one. Lu Chen first took a look at the storage capacity in the machine. , It turned out to be 10,000, which means that if Lu Chen wins all the money inside, it will be one trillion RMB. I just don’t know if this casino has that money to lose!

But thinking about this casino, since it can be the number one casino in the inland, and the money circulating every day is tens of billions, nearly 100 billion, the money earned in a day is at least one-tenth of it, and this money It's still in U.S. dollars, one trillion RMB, not a side dish!

Thinking of this, Lu Chen directly stuffed the bargaining chip with the 100 million mark into the machine!

Zi Lanxin didn't care that the score of this machine had reached 10 million one point, otherwise Zi Lanxin would never agree to Lu Chen putting the chips in. She was only paying attention to what method Lu Chen used to win so much money at once, and she would not pay attention to anything else!

A hundred million chips were stuffed in, and what appeared was ten, and then Lu Chen directly chose all ten on the leopard. Then he pressed the start button without hesitation, and then the divine consciousness took control of the machine! Then I set up something around this machine.

After nearly an hour of slot machines, the clever Zi Lanxin naturally understood the rules of this machine. As soon as she saw Lu Chen's actions, she suddenly said, "Lu Chen, how can you choose all Leopards! If you count it like this , You will never plant it, you..."

Zi Lanxin's words were not finished yet, and the sound of a "touch" from the machine indicated that a leopard had arrived in Lu Chen. Then, in the score box, the words 2,000 points appeared directly. In other words, Lu Chen directly earned nearly 20 billion RMB.

"Ah! Lu Chen..." Zi Lanxin looked at Lu Chen again in surprise, speechless!

Lu Chen smiled slightly, and was about to press the exit button, only to find that something was wrong on the screen, so after waiting a few seconds, the sound of "big four happy" came out from the machine. At this time, even Lu Chen was a little shocked, and was stunned on the spot for a while.

If the leopard was hit, it was controlled by Lu Chen, then the appearance of the big four was unexpected. This kind of big four happy event may not appear once on every slot machine. This kind of probability is too small, so small that it is almost impossible to appear, but Lu Chen encountered it!

Why is it impossible for the Big Four to appear? That’s because of this big four. No matter whether you press the option or not, as long as there is money in the machine, no matter who it is, he will directly double it. In other words, Lu Chen’s 20 billion will be instantly It directly became two trillion.

"Lu Chen, are you sure I read it right!" Zi Lanxin asked Lu Chen in a trembling voice.

"No, you should have read it right! Because I saw it too!" Lu Chen swallowed a few times, and then quickly recovered, but after the recovery, Lu Chen looked at the numbers on the screen with some distress, it was bright red It’s 200,000 points, so bright.

Lu Chen knew very well that there were only 10,000 chips in this machine, that is, one trillion chips. Now with 200,000 points, that is two trillion chips. With so many things, there is no chips at all. Lu Chen didn't know what to do!

"Quit first, let's talk about it!" Lu Chen sighed slightly, and directly pressed the exit button. The sound of "buzzing" continued in Lu Chen and Zi Lanxin's ears until a few minutes later. , Finally stopped. Lu Chen looked up at the screen, and was stunned...

Because...because the score currently displayed on the screen is...zero?

"Impossible!" Lu Chen lowered his head and glanced at the chips under him in disbelief, and even more disbelief, because this pile of chips was obviously more than double the 10,000 that he had just obtained. In other words, there are indeed 20,000 chips in it!

But Lu Chen didn't understand. In this machine, there were obviously only 10,000 chips. Where did the other 10,000 chips come from? What Lu Chen didn't know was that just as he withdrew his chips, the top of this casino was instantly crazy!


"Brother, someone hit the slot machine in the lobby just now!" In a room on a certain basement floor of the casino, a man with eyes bent over and leaned against the sofa respectfully in front of him, smoking a cigarette comfortably The man in the circle said.

"If you hit it, you hit it. You still need to tell me this kind of little thing! You have been in my hands for so many years, you should know my character!" The man smoking a cigar said, squinting.

"But the boss..." The glasses man's voice trembled, "The machine in the middle is only worth ten million! Moreover, that person suddenly hit 20,000 chips! Just now the machine automatically picked up the chips. Ku, withdrawing a trillion chips, I just discovered it!"

"What... how could it be possible!" Now, the man smoking the cigar was no longer as calm as he was just now. The cigar in his hand fell on his trousers with a "pop" and lit a big hole in the trousers without the slightest trace. Discovery! "what happened?"

"One person stuffed a one hundred million chips in that machine, and then all of them chose Leopards. He didn't expect to be hit all at once. One hundred million directly became 20 billion, and then I don’t know what happened to the machine. , The four happiness with a very small chance also appeared at the same time. So the 20 billion became two trillion again..."

The man with glasses tremblingly told his boss what he knew. These things were only discovered by him just now after he knew the things and searched on the computer. When he saw the fourth birthday, he suddenly Stunned on the spot. It took a long time to react!

The boss thought for a long time and asked: "Who is the one who hit the chip?"

"An orphan!" The man in glasses replied directly.

If Lu Chen knew that in such a short period of time, the man in glasses had found all his information, I don't know what he would think!

"Orphan?" In the eyes of the boss, a flash of coldness flashed, "Tell him that there is a problem with the machine! All the chips must be recovered, but his cost is 100 million, and he will be returned! Wait, you say he is Orphan, where did his 100 million capital come from?"

The man with glasses smiled bitterly. Before, he thought that the old club had such a plan, and then first answered the boss’s question: "That 100 million capital is also won from our casino." Then he replied: "Boss, although that guy He is an orphan, but there is also a Miss Zijia beside him!"

"Which Miss Zijia?" the boss asked suspiciously.

The man in glasses pointed to it and stopped talking!

"Above?" Seeing the man in the glasses, the boss was frightened and pale, as if how terrifying the Zi family was. He took out a handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and then replied: "Why are you not early Say! How much money does the casino have?"

"More than 100 billion U.S. dollars is not enough for compensation!" The glasses man replied!

"Not enough!" The boss's face paled again, and he took out an X-line gold card that looked exactly like Lu Chen from his arms, and said: "Catch up to 400 billion U.S. dollars for that man. Then he asked him not to come to our casino again! Even if he wants to come, he definitely can't play in the lobby!"

As soon as the boss finished speaking, the whole person seemed to collapse and collapsed directly on the sofa...

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