Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 3334: Desolate Giant Beast (2)

For the Burning Giant Beast, Lu Chen's existence is almost like an ant.

But it was such an ant, he could not trample to death with one foot, which made the Desolate Giant Beast feel exceptionally angry!

Indeed, Lu Chen's current level is only over forty. For a ninety-level boss like Burning Giant Beast, he simply doesn't even bother to look at it.

Moreover, almost most of Lu Chen's attributes are now sealed by the system, and equipment and other things are completely unusable, and there is no strong breath at all.

The only task of the Burning Giant's existence in this place is to guard the last entrance of the Nether Treasury.

This is also the reason why the ancestors of the Nether clan tried their best to tame this extremely abnormal ninety-level super mythical beast.

Lu Chen was really speechless to those ancestors of the Nether Clan.

I don’t know, when they created this nether treasure house, did they consider that their descendants would one day open this nether treasure house?

What is going on with these many levels? Do you want your children and grandchildren to open this nether treasure house?

It is also a variety of space restrictions, and it is also a super sacred beast. Not to mention the fading Nether clan now, even the Nether clan in its heyday, it is impossible to enter the Nether treasury under so many restrictions. what!

Moreover, why would I get involved in this matter? Obviously he is not a member of the Nether Clan, even if he receives the task, but these things on the opposite side are really too fucking, right?

Moreover, most of the things in this mission are basically unknown, even the rewards!

If the mission of the light group is the same as the one you encountered before, it would be too painful, right? After working hard to complete the task, there is nothing in the end?

The three short legs of the Burning Giant Beast were slightly bent, prematurely, and in his big mouth of the blood basin, the black liquid like sewage continuously flowed down.

"Tick! Tick!"

The black liquid dripped on the ground, directly corroding the ground into small holes. Those liquids that look like sewage are actually flames that have condensed into liquid.

The terrifying temperature radiated continuously.

Finally, the Burning Giant Beast moved first.

A group of extremely hot black flames rose from the surface of his body, like a group of black clouds, enveloping the huge and incomparable body of the Desolate Giant Beast.

Although it was far away from the Wild Burning Giant Beast, Lu Chen still felt the temperature that could almost burn through everything. Under the influence of the flame, Lu Chen's hair began to curl.

At this moment, Burning Giant Beast opened its terrifying big mouth, revealing its black fangs.

Inside its mouth, a black flame kept surging.

"not good……"

Lu Chen felt a slight crisis, and when his thoughts moved, the law of dimension would break through the space and leave the place.

However, at the moment when the law of dimension was about to break the space, Lu Chen suddenly discovered that there was a little different element in the space.

It was this strange element that caused Lu Chen's Dimensional Law to lag for a moment.

And at this moment, in the huge mouth of the Desolate Burning Giant Beast that looked like a huge black hole, a flame formed a terrifying columnar tornado, outflanking Lu Chen.

It seems that the Burning Giant Beast also knew that Lu Chen had the ability to escape danger across space, so before launching an attack, he mixed his own flame power into every gap in the space.

Although, this approach could not stop Lu Chen from using the power of the dimension, the law of dimension fused with the broken supernatural powers, was completely able to ignore such energy.

However, despite this, because Lu Chen did not expect that the IQ of the Desolate Behemoth had reached such a level, just now, the power of broken magical power was not incorporated into the dimensional law.

Seeing that the terrifying tornado was still trying to envelop himself, Lu Chen had no time to use the broken magical power to break the strange energy in the space. In desperation, he could only sacrifice the five elements magical power.

The power of magical powers is connected with the mind, especially when you have the seeds of magical powers, it can be said that you can easily use it wherever your mind comes.

In an instant, a turbulent water force quickly condensed and formed, turning into an extremely huge water curtain, blocking Lu Chen's body.

Although water can overcome fire, after all, the flames used by the Desolate Giant Beasts are not comparable to ordinary flames. It is almost an instant of time. The thick water curtain like a city wall has already evaporated. Exhausted, turned into nothingness.

And the black flame tornado, without any resistance, is still aggressive. However, at the moment when the water curtain dissipated, several consecutive solid rock barriers turned into an elliptical cover, and once again gathered and formed.

The flames touched the barrier, making a weird creak.

The extremely sturdy rock actually began to slowly melt in the flames.

And Lu Chen also knew that in his rush, the five element magical powers he released were basically impossible to block. The flame power of this desolate behemoth was, but it could slightly block the power of this flame. Lu Chen was already very satisfied.

Although the earth barrier barrier slightly blocked the speed of the flame tornado spreading over, these flames were like flowing water. A lot of flames bypassed that barrier. At this time, Lu Chen had almost been Surrounded by flames.

On Lu Chen's face, there was no trace of a rush.

Such a long period of time was enough for Lu Chen to react.

I saw Lu Chen stretch out his right hand and tap it lightly in the air. A black broken mark continued to spread forward. Suddenly, the space in front of Lu Chen, including the extremely terrifying wall of fire, was in Lu Chen's broken supernatural power. Constantly dissolving and shattering, in the blink of an eye, a huge void appeared on the tight wall of fire.

Lu Chen's figure was like lightning, and he had already escaped from the flame envelope.

Just leaving the package of the flame tornado, the earth barrier released in a hurry was completely disintegrated by the flame, and the endless flame instantly swallowed the place where Lu Chen was just now.

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