Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 336: Annihilation!

"Lu Chen, this power is too great! How did you do it? By the way, what's the matter with the flame on your hand just now? Could it be...Are you a cultivator?" Zhu Jie looked excited. Looking at the desert eagle in his hand, he asked with the same excitement in his mouth.

"That's right! Lu Chen, how could your hands burst into flames? This is too powerful! You won't really be the cultivator in the novel! If you are, you can teach us to practice!" Yang Qianqian and Zhu Jie are indeed a pair, and the things they asked are so similar.

Lu Chen gave a faint smile, "Indeed, you are right. My identity is indeed a cultivator! There is absolutely no problem with what you want to cultivate with me. But before that, you have to make sure, Don't tell anyone other than us about me!"

"Of course there is no problem with this!" Perhaps because of the popularity of online novels in recent years, Zhu Jie and others did not show how surprised Lu Chen admitted that he was a cultivator. They were able to teach them Lu Chen. Cultivation, they will be more or less excited.

"Zhu Jie, let me tell you about the performance of this desert eagle! You can use it yourself after saving it. Because you don’t know the performance, some accidents will be bad!" Lu Chen smiled and said Zhu The desert eagle in Jie's hand took it back again and said.

"The shortcoming of this money before is the recoil and the small capacity of the bullet. Now after I refinished it, the recoil is gone, and the bullet capacity is unlimited. The weight of this gun was two kilograms, but now it is only 500. It can't be grammed, but don't underestimate him because he has a weight of 500 grams. It is absolutely effective!

Generally speaking, the maximum range is unlimited, but based on your current mental power, it may only be about two kilometers. In other words, as long as you are within the range of two kilometers, you can be accurate wherever you can think of it. Shot. Even if there is something between them. At this accuracy, the effect has been increased many times over the previous one!

And for your convenience, I refined this gun according to the size of your hand. Now no matter if you are with one hand or both hands, you will never be able to pull the trigger. Did you just feel comfortable holding this gun?

The last feature of this gun can be regarded as one that has something to do with cultivation, that is, this gun can exorcise demons, or kill demons! If you encounter something that kills the devil and is not clean, this gun will flash violently as it is now. No matter what you do, just pull the trigger and the bullet will accurately find the dirty thing and kill him directly! "

"Um! Lu Chen, don't you mean that there are things that are not clean around us now?" Zhu Jie said, grabbing the pistol in Lu Chen's hand, and then "touched" the pistol. When I triggered the trigger, I saw a bright bullet coming out of the muzzle, and then flew directly behind Lu Chen and the others!

A loud bang and a miserable scream came from that place, and then there was no sound. Lu Chen looked helplessly in that direction, muttered a few words in a low voice, and then said: "Zhu Jie, they didn't look for you, why are you so anxious!"

"You said there was something unclean! So I'm afraid... I'm afraid they will come back and hurt me, but now it's fine, I killed the unclean thing directly!" Zhu Jie's eyes still showed some pride , He could kill unclean things, something he had never thought of.

"Let's go! We have to do something, and then go back to teach you to practice!" Lu Chen asked Zhu Jie to retract the Desert Eagle into his body, then turned around and took the lead out of this small alley, and they were all in Lu Chen. After leaving, this small alley was inexplicably lit up with several piles of flames, and all the corpses that the flame touched were turned into ashes in an instant!

The reason Zhu Jie’s gun is capable of infinite bullets and exorcism is because Lu Chen placed a god-stone-level energy source in this gun, and then placed the spirit gathering in this divine consciousness. The array, the energy of the sacred stone alone, is enough for Zhu Jie to use for hundreds of thousands of years, and with the effect of the gathering spirit array, infinite bullets are indeed like this.

Because this gun can grow based on Zhu Jie’s own cultivation level, Lu Chen will add the God Stone and Spirit Gathering Array to it. Otherwise, you think you are stupid. Although he has a lot of God Stones, it’s a waste of this kind of nonsense. He doesn't have good habits.

"Lu Chen, what are we going to do next!" Zhu Jie has been going out in a state of excitement because he has gotten his most beloved, and because he is still the transformed Desert Eagle.

"Why? Let's kill people!" A voice that made Zhu Jie and the others fearful came out of Lu Chen's mouth.

"Killing? Isn't it good for Lu Chen! We have killed so many people just now! Now if we are going to kill, if the police find out, it will be in trouble!" Zi Lanxin said with some worry.

"The police!" Lu Chen sneered, and then asked: "Xin'er, you are a child of a big family, don't you know what the police are for! They are just a group of guys who only bully the weak and fear the tough! Even those with small money and underdogs can let the police give false testimony. This should be easy for you members of a big family!"

Lu Chen's words left Zhu Jie and the others speechless. This world is like this. The police will only take care of those who have no money and power. The law is also something for the common people. Rich and powerful people, who would be afraid of these things!

"Furthermore, you can go and see for yourself now, are there still corpses in that little alley! I'm not a fool, of course I won't leave others behind!" Lu Chen pointed to the distance. In that alley, he smiled and said to Zi Lanxin.

"Ah!" Zhu Jie and the others were stunned. They turned their heads and saw that some small flames still existed in the alley. They immediately understood something, smiled, and stopped paying attention to Lu Chen. They knew, Lu Chen's murder was purposeful and for their good!

To resolve this issue, Lu Chen must secretly kill Matsumoto and others. He didn’t want to be disturbed by these people in his future life. Since they came to harass Lu Chen, he must be prepared for death. Lu Chen has never There is a good end to those who will not cause trouble to themselves!

Matsumoto and the others will definitely die miserably!

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