Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 358: mission completed! (on)

Regarding the missions in the Scarlet Abyss, Lu Chen still has two unfinished tasks. One is S-rank, drawing all the maps of the Hemorrhagic Abyss, and the other is SS-rank, who needs to kill the center of the Scarlet Abyss and a super monster appeared , Of course, if it is found out, it is okay, but of course Lu Chen will choose to kill that guy!

"Xin'er, this world was created by you. Can you help me draw a complete map of the **** abyss?" Although Lu Chen already has a map of the outer layer of the **** abyss, he has Zi Xin'er, this **** The builders of the abyss exist, does Lu Chen still need that map!

"Of course!" Zi Xin'er nodded, then landed directly on the ground, took out a piece of paper, and a 2B pencil, and began to draw a map in the **** abyss. Looking at the paper in Zi Xin'er's hand and the 2B pencil, Lu Chen stared, a very surprised look!

Lu Chen was stunned. It took him a long time to wake up. He pointed to the paper and pencil in Zi Xin'er's hand, and asked, "Xin'er, why do you have these things? There seems to be no such things in this world! Paper is still there. It was caused by something in the sheepskin roll!"

Zi Xin'er gave Lu Chen a blank look, and said coquettishly: "Didn't I tell you! I've traveled to the realm of the gods hundreds of thousands of years ago, not the world you are in! In that game, I went out again. I didn’t just visit the God Realm. I just wandered anywhere by teleporting at will! There are countless planets that I reach naturally. Of course I have a lot of papers and pencils like this!"

With that said, Zi Xin'er handed a ring in her hand to Lu Chen and said, "Look for yourself! These are the things I collected on those planets, from the primitive age to the highly developed universe technology. Time, as long as it is what I see, I have done some!"

Lu Chen stupidly turned out the ring in Zi Xin'er's hand, then released his spiritual sense, probed in, and found that the space of this ring is also quite large. Although it has not reached the realm of ruthlessness, there is still no galaxy inside. questionable. At this time, half of the space in this ring that can hold the Milky Way is replaced by some messy things!

Lu Chen was a little helpless, and wanted to tell Xin'er, can't you just assign these things one by one according to the planet, type, etc.? You are here in such a mess, what do you make me think! Especially when Lu Chen had just finished thinking about it, and suddenly realized that there was a large piece of **** underwear in front of him, he was even more speechless!

"Lu Chen, I'm great! I have collected so many good things, what do you think, just take it!" Maybe it's because I'm tired of painting. Seeing Lu Chen's focused pattern, I thought Lu Chen had already collected those things by himself. , Was deeply fascinated, Zi Xin'er couldn't help but proudly said.

Lu Chen showed a helpless look, withdrew his consciousness, and said, "Xin'er, what! Can you tidy up the things in your ring? The contents are all messed up. I still don't know where to come from. Look! How do you let me know if the things you collected are good or bad!"

"Ah!" Zi Xin'er blushed all of a sudden, snatched the ring from Lu Chen's hand, and then got into the ring and started to organize it! About half an hour later, Zi Xiner resolutely blushed and handed the ring to Lu Chen again, saying, "Well, Lu Chen, this time you can rest assured!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly. As a result, the ring re-entered the space of the ring. Sure enough, he found that the things inside had been neatly arranged and cracked, and Zi Xin'er had been divided into countless areas. Each area had an inside at the door. Place a list of things!

Of course, there are a lot of things in each area, it is impossible to mark these lists one by one on the door. Therefore, Zi Xin'er placed a jade slip at the door of each area. The jade slips are naturally the things placed in the listed area. There are not only images of everything, but also detailed introductions!

Lu Chen did not expect that Zi Xiner would have completed such a large project in just half an hour. I can't help but understand Zi Xin'er's strength more deeply. If you change to him, let alone half an hour or half a year, you may not be able to sort it out!

Directly holding the jade slips, the viewers one by one. Watching jade slips is naturally much simpler than setting up jade slips, but at the speed of Lu Chen, it took nearly one to disappear before finally seeing all the things that existed in Zi Xin'er's ring.

Sure enough, as Zi Xiner said, from the primitive age to the age of universe technology, everything can be basically seen here. And Lu Chen discovered that this Zi Xin'er had the same hobbies as him, no matter what it was, the amount of everything he owned was at least tens of millions, except for some powerful things! . As for those small things, they are even more counted in billions!

Zi Xin'er's storage ring was originally refined based on the Xumi space. And in this Xumi space, there is still Xumi space! Although what you see is only one thing, if you touch him, there will be a number displayed, allowing you to choose the quantity, and those are prevented in the Xumi space behind each object.

Among these things, what shocked Lu Chen the most was that there were only a dozen super warships. These battleships can be obtained by Zi Xiner in a tenth-level top cosmic era. The empire has hundreds of millions of administrative levels, and it can be said that there is no other country in the universe except their empire!

The empire is highly developed, and the average life span of human beings has reached 10,000 years, and the combat power is equivalent to the Nascent Soul stage among the cultivators, and the one with the highest combat power has the cultivation base of the Immortal Emperor. Think about it, just relying on technology to achieve the cultivation base of the Emperor, what kind of existence is this.

However, since it is highly advanced in science and technology, what they are most proud of is naturally those technologies! The super battleship that Zi Xiner received was the empire with the highest attack power. Just one shot can directly kill a galaxy the size of the Milky Way.

Even the **** emperor might not be able to survive under that cannon! Can the technology that can directly destroy the **** emperor be powerful?

But that was all before. After Zi Xin'er went to the empire, as a cultivator, naturally it was not allowed to threaten the existence of cultivators. Although there was no cultivator in the universe, Zi Xin'er took the empire A lot of robbery, a lot of restricted weapons, no matter whether it was materials or physical objects, she took away! As for those scientists, their memories were erased by Zi Xiner!

Of course, these things were all said by Zi Xin'er and Lu Chen later when they were bored. Lu Chen has nothing to do with it. With just a few introductions on the jade slips, he can guess the actions of Zi Xiner, otherwise Lu Chen would not be Lu Chen, but the reincarnation of Holmes and Einstein!

In addition to those technological things, Lu Chen was most interested in the large pile of "stones" that took up one-tenth of the ring space. Some of these stones are also owned by Lu Chen, which are those spiritual stones used by cultivators, fairy stones used by immortals, divine stones used by gods...

There are other "stones" Lu Chen is not clear about their role, but the energy contained in it makes Lu Chen look at him. Even the ordinary sacred stone may not be able to reach it, but compared to the higher sacred stone. , But it seems not so much.


After quitting from the ring, Lu Chen was still extremely excited, thinking about so many things, although many of them were of no use to him, but that part was useful and could help Lu Chen a lot. So Lu Chen was not polite, so he took half of it and put it in his ring.

"How about it, not bad! Lu Chen! Here you are, this is the map of the Scarlet Abyss you want!" Zi Xin'er raised her head triumphantly, and then gave the map in her hand to Lu Chen.

When Lu Chen looked at the map, he was worthy of being the master of this world. The map of the outer layer of the Scarlet Abyss alone was much more detailed than that drawn by the Blood Sea clan! Including some hidden places where treasures are hidden, they have all been drawn directly! But those treasures have no effect on Lu Chen and others!

Because of Lu Chen's reminder, when Zi Xin'er drew the map, she introduced them in the language of Lu Chen's world, and did not say something about the world of cultivation! For example, the medicinal materials in the realm of cultivation are useless plants in the other world, so Zixiner is naturally replaced by a large plant!

Lu Chen happily kissed Zi Xin'er's rosy lips, making Zi Xin'er so ashamed that she didn't find a hole, and went straight in!

Although this map was drawn perfectly, Lu Chen didn’t care at all, because Lu Chen had already made a decision to close the passage from the **** abyss to the mainland after they left the **** abyss and not let any People, get enough to enter this world.

When I arrive in the realm of comprehension in the future, I will treat this world as an existence like a sect of medicine garden and petting garden! You said that Lu Chen has no martial art now? This is not easy. After arriving in the realm of cultivation, Lu Chen can create one by himself. Although Lu Chen's character is definitely not a master!

With the help of Zi Xin'er, this S-level mission can be easily completed, and there will be another SS-level super mission. Lu Chen didn't have anything to worry about either, Zi Xin'er, a person who cultivated as a god, existed, so what else could Lu Chen fear!

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