Lu Chen smiled bitterly and put these things in his hands into the ring, and left the principal's office. After leaving the principal's office, Lu Chen suddenly realized that the tasks he received from the mercenary union seemed to have not yet been handed in, so Lu Chen walked directly to the mercenary union in Mowu City!

Coming to the mercenary union, the mercenary union is still as overcrowded as it was a year ago, and it can even be said that this is more prosperous than a year ago! Lu Chen sighed with emotion in his heart: "As expected, it is the guild with the largest number of people on the entire continent, it is amazing!"

After squeezing in the crowd for a few minutes, after all the mercenary's eyes, Lu Chen finally came to the mercenary union counter. Lu Chen was surprised to find that the waiter in front of him was actually the one who took the task a year ago. At that time, that beautiful waitress.

"Hello! Excuse me, what's the order?" The beautiful waiter looked at Lu Chen in a daze and couldn't help but smile and reminded!

"Oh! I'll hand over the task!" When the beautiful waiter reminded him, Lu Chen finally woke up, took out the mercenary card from his ring, handed it to the waiter, and said: "Take all of the tasks above. Hand it in, remind you, don't be surprised when you see those tasks in a while!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

Although Lu Chen’s smile made the beautiful waiter stunned for a while, he said in his heart: "Handsome man, do you think I am a vase? I was surprised when I saw a few tasks! Sister, I have been here for two years. I haven’t seen a mission. A year ago, I saw someone who took all the missions of Scarlet Abyss! I just don’t know if he has completed it, I hope it’s done, otherwise..."

This beautiful lady waiter did not expect at this time that the handsome guy who was receiving all the tasks in the Scarlet Abyss was the one in front of her. If she knew at this time, she would definitely be surprised to learn from dolphins. Scream!

However, it seems that I am not playing now!

"Ah~..." A harsh scream came from the mouth of the beautiful waiter, and the whole noisy mercenary guild suddenly fell silent. Everyone's eyes noticed the place where the scream sounded and looked at The beauty in the counter, and Lu Chen outside the counter, everyone guessed: "Does this little white face want to molest the beautiful waiter?"

Lu Chen was shocked by the screaming of the beautiful waiter, rolled his eyes reluctantly, and muttered uncomfortably: "NND, I have said it, don't be surprised, don't be surprised, you still make passers-by known, it's impossible. Don’t you know, attracting attention is a troublesome thing!"

"Xiao Lan, what's the matter!" At this time, a shrewd middle-aged man walked behind the beautiful waiter and asked with some dissatisfaction.

"Vice President, I'm sorry, look..." Xiaolan glanced at Lu Chen apologetically, then inserted the mercenary card into a machine, then pointed to several tasks on the screen and said to the vice president: "Vice President, this gentleman said he wants to hand over these tasks!"

"Isn't it..." The vice president did not check the tasks on the screen himself at first, but when he saw clearly, he was stunned. After reacting for a long time, he said to Lu Chen nervously: " Hello, sir! Are you sure you want to hand in those tasks in the mercenary card! Are you sure you don’t have..."

"I'm sure, but I want to hand in the task here. I'm afraid it's a bit inconvenient. Shall we find someone..." Lu Chen has already told the vice president that I made no mistakes, just these tasks!

"Yes, yes!" The vice president nodded again and again, "Sir, please wait a moment!" The vice president walked out of the counter with an anxious expression, pushed back to Lu Chen's side, and said excitedly: "Sir, Please come with me, sorry for my impoliteness! Let's go here..."

The vice chairman pointed to a small door next to the mercenary union. Lu Chen glanced at the small door and didn't care much, but the mercenaries in the mercenary union were different. What a noble identity is to be able to enter that little door!

The dignity here does not mean that you are the emperor of a certain empire and you can enter, but the mercenary rank status! That channel is actually a VIP channel. Only when the level of the mercenary exceeds the S level, will there be people from the mercenary union leading into that channel.

For a while, the entire mercenary guild was very noisy, one by one began to discuss the true identity of Lu Chen, and some mercenaries relied on the good relationship between themselves and the beautiful waiter Xiao Lan, frantically rushing to Xiao Lan’s counter, Xiang Xiao Lan asked about Lu Chen's true identity!

As a member of the mercenary union, according to the regulations of the mercenary union, Xiaolan is not allowed to tell outsiders of Lu Chen's identity, and Xiaolan has a special affection for Lu Chen, even if there is no regulation of the mercenary union, she is I would never tell them Lu Chen's identity.

But some forces didn’t give up, they wanted to use money to buy Xiaolan’s mouth. From a gold coin at the beginning to a few hundred purple gold coins, those forces can be said to have put a heavy cost, but Xiaolan just didn’t eat this. Do not let go, just don't tell them Lu Chen's true identity!

But for some reason, these people were embarrassed and took back the money they sent out. So, the beautiful waiter Xiaolan, through Lu Chen, had taken the mercenaries from these mercenaries in just ten minutes. In her hands, she earned tens of thousands of purple gold coins. If she still lives according to her original life, the money will be enough for her to spend a few lifetimes!

Xiaolan was quite happy to help Lu Chen keep her identity secret, especially just now, under Lu Chen’s reminder, she attracted the attention of all mercenaries. In her opinion, it was her own reason that led to Lu Chen. Chen is so noticeable, so I have to compensate Lu Chen.

And after the unexpected result of getting tens of thousands of purple gold coins, Xiaolan was also quite happy, and her gratitude to Lu Chen became much stronger!

And those mercenaries saw that they couldn’t get any news about Lu Chen from Xiaolan’s mouth, and they couldn’t help but give up. Some smart people thought that Lu Chen just said that they came to hand in the task, thinking of that channel, so they rushed again. Go to the front of the taskbar and start to look at the tasks on the taskbar that exceed the S level.

Even though they couldn't understand Lu Chen's identity, they were able to guess some of Lu Chen's cultivation base and the level of mercenaries through those completed tasks, which made them prepare to work hard!

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