Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 374: The mission begins!

The fiery and soft early sun hung in the sky. Lu Chen bid farewell to his women and walked on the path of the king of mercenaries alone. In this respect, it would take Lu Chen at least three months to see these women, but He has never lacked for a woman, can he be lonely on this road!

As soon as Lu Chen was in addition to Mowu City, he saw a small hill not far away, surrounded by people. Lu Chen was a little curious about what happened there that attracted so many people to stop and watch. He thought slightly. Lu Chen walked towards the crowd!

Lu Chen quickly came to the outside of the crowd, but at this time, it was three circles inside and three outside, all covered by the crowd. If Lu Chen wanted to watch, unless he climbed onto a tree or flew into the air, You can see, but there is no tree around here at all. If it flies in the air, it will definitely attract people's attention. This is not what Lu Chen wanted. In the end, Lu Chen had no choice but to use the last trick- Ask people

He patted the shoulder of the person in front of him, and that person turned around. Lu Chen couldn't help but he couldn't help but use three words in his mind—little white face. White and flawless faces, big watery eyes, eyebrows that are as small as willow leaves, red and tender mouth and teeth, everything is perfectly combined!

Such a delicate face shouldn't be on a man's body at all, only a woman deserves such a look. Lu Chen couldn't help feeling a pity for a while, if the person in front of him was a woman, she would definitely be a beauty that could be compared to Zi Xin'er!

beauty? Thinking of this, Lu Chen was taken aback, and he couldn't help but curse that he was so stupid. Couldn't the person in front of him pretend to be a man? After all, such a face, and that devilish figure, growing on a man, is really incredible!

Unleashing his spiritual knowledge, Lu Chen immediately enveloped the person in front of him, and carefully probed it. After a while, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of Lu Chen's mouth. As expected, the person in front of him was really Through a special method, women pretend to be men!

Lu Chen, who knows the real situation, began to feel that his relationship with women is so good. It hasn’t been half an hour since he had left his best women. Here is a best beauty who came to the door. Although they were dressed as men, they were His true identity is still a beautiful woman!

Lu Chen did not directly reveal that he had discovered the identity of the person in front of him. He just looked at this person with a smile on his face, slowly thinking about the problem in his heart, and did not notice at all, because he was too bold to pay attention. , Caused the dissatisfaction of this one!

Nangong Yunqing was very upset in her heart. Today, she finally got the consent of her family and was able to come out to do the task by herself, but she had to pretend to be a man, and that’s all. But just walking out of the city, he found a small mountain bag outside the city. There were a lot of people gathered.

So I went over and wanted to see what happened, but unfortunately it was surrounded by too many people, and I didn’t find anything at all. Just about to ask the people around, I felt that my shoulder was patted. One person, who doesn't like being slapped on the shoulder, turned around immediately, wanting to see which one of them is not long-eyed.

Turning his head to see, his mood slightly improved. Yes, he was a handsome guy, but within a few minutes, Nangong Yunqing's mood deteriorated again. I couldn’t help cursing in my heart: “Although you are a handsome guy, it’s a bit impolite if you look at people like this but don’t speak! Wait, you big pervert, where do you look! There is where you can watch? Yes... you are still watching, watching me goug your eyes..."

Nangong Yunqing, who couldn't bear Lu Chen's gaze, frowned and said, "Hey! Big pervert, what to look at, I don't know Ben Xiao... I don't know if it's very impolite for you to look at people like this! Shoot me! What's the matter on the shoulder, quickly say, I still have business!"

Lu Chen touched his nose a little depressed, he didn't seem to be doing anything! Why was she called a pervert by the little Nizi in front of me? Is it true that I really look like a pervert? It shouldn't be! How could he be such a handsome person with a pervert!

"Hey! Do you have anything! You..." Seeing that he had already said aloud, the guy in front of him hadn't even reacted yet, still looking at him motionlessly, Nangong Yunqing was a little mad. In the tone of speech, that kind of savage character was immediately revealed!

"Um! I just want to ask you, what happened here, why are so many people gathered here, could anyone give money?" Lu Chen knew that if he didn't speak any more, maybe the beauty in front of him was wrong. Shi should be regarded as a little white face, and he should greet him directly, so he said quickly!

"You ask me, who should I ask! I still want to ask people, but you came to the door!" Nangong Yunqing glared at Lu Chen annoyedly. With this white eye, he was a charming person with a white face. That kind of feminine air, and the delicate beauty that is unique to women, directly touched Lu Chen's power!

After Nangong Yunqing glared at Lu Chen, he patted the person in front of him, and asked, "Uncle, what happened here! Why are there so many people together? Could it be possible that some people here don't make money?" Yun Qing couldn't help using the cold joke Lu Chen had just made!

"The son is really a joke, how could someone send money? I don't know exactly what happened, but I saw a lot of people around here, so I was very curious to come over and take a look!" With a silly smile, he turned around!

"Um!" Nangong Yunqing was dumbfounded. She didn't expect that this was another person who didn't know what happened. She ran over to watch. She didn't understand. You don't know what happened. You What are you doing here? What if someone wants to kill someone!

But thinking that it’s not the same for myself, I don’t even know what’s going on. Nangong Yunqing couldn’t help but smiled in surprise, but when he saw the big pervert next to him, he looked at him in fascination. Nangong Yunqing's smile disappeared suddenly!

"I said the big pervert, what are you going to do, why are you following me all the time, I said, I don’t know what’s going on here, are you asking if you don’t see me! Also, don’t keep your eyes on me Look, or goug your eyes out..." Nangong Yunqing couldn't help but said viciously.

Lu Chen was puzzled. He just wanted to know what happened. When did I glance at you. I just saw you asking the uncle, thinking that the uncle knew, so I stayed with you for a while. Son, you are really unreasonable!

"The ancients don't deceive me! It's hard to raise a villain and a woman!" Lu Chen muttered softly, and then he was going to walk aside, and then ask other people to ask what happened here, how could he think of it? His unintentional word made the woman in front of her go crazy!

Nangong Yunqing felt upset when he saw Lu Chen shaking his head. When he heard Lu Chen's "It's hard to raise a villain and a woman", she felt even more upset. She didn't think that Lu Chen Seeing his disguise, he thought Lu Chen regarded himself as a villain!

Regardless of whether Lu Chen regards himself as a villain or not, it is wrong for this big pervert to say that "only villains and women are hard to raise". Why does he say that we women are hard to raise? Are you men? Is it easy to raise! Not a group of animals that can only think about the lower body!

"Big pervert, what did you mean by just now, you explain it to me! If you don't explain it today! Don't let me go!" Nangong Yunqing grabbed Lu Chen's clothes and walked to Lu Chen's. In front of him, looking at Lu Chen with an angry face, grinning, Lu Chen couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"What I said just now!" Lu Chen asked pretendingly.

"Huh! What you said, don't you understand it yourself! It's the saying, "It's hard to raise a villain and a woman." Why do you say that I am a villain, I..." Nangong Yunqing said , Made Lu Chen faint for a while, he was seen today, what does it mean to be smart!

"Oh! What you said!" Lu Chen said with a suddenly realized feeling, and said with a smile: "What I said means that only children and women are the most difficult to cultivate! How come the son is very concerned about this. Curious, do you want me to tell you carefully!" Lu Chen asked with a smile.

"You lie, you definitely didn't mean that, you are cursing!" How does Nangong Yunqing believe Lu Chen's words? This is the explanation. In his opinion, Lu Chen's words are absolutely He was scolding himself, and what Lu Chen said like that had nothing to do with him. How could this be possible!

Lu Chen’s translation is a true translation of "It’s hard to raise only a villain and a woman", but in the 21st century, the phrase "It’s hard to raise a little man and a woman" is indeed a curse, a metaphor for women and women. The villains are all unreasonable. Lu Chen said this just now because of this!

But Lu Chen himself knew that women were unreasonable. Although the person in front of him was a little white face, his essence was indeed a woman. Of course, Lu Chen would not say what he meant, otherwise Lu Chen would not be him. Do you trouble yourself anymore!

"You...you definitely didn't mean that, you are cursing people! You are cursing me! Humph!" Nangong Yunqing is now quite angry, with a white and flawless jade face, already flushed with anger at this time. Almost no one akimbo a finger on Lu Chen's nose, yelling!

"Oh! The son thinks I am scolding the son, so can the son tell me what do you think I mean by this sentence!" Lu Chen looked at Nangong Yunqing with a joking expression. He didn't think that Nangong Yunqing. , To be able to say the reason for this sentence!

Nangong Yunqing’s jade face became even more flushed, because she was embarrassed and she was a little speechless. Of course she didn’t know how to explain this sentence, but she knew it. Lu Chen said this sentence, definitely She is scolding her, this **** man, this lady really wants to cut you off! Nangong Yunqing thought viciously in her heart.

"My son, since you can't tell me why you came out, it means that I haven't scolded you for so long. I'm sorry, I still have something to do. I'll go now!" Lu Chen turned around and walked towards the other side of the crowd. On the one hand, the moment Lu Chen turned around, his tight cheeks couldn't help but laughed directly!

Looking at Lu Chen’s trembling shoulders, Nangong Yunqing didn’t know where this **** big pervert was laughing at herself, but Nangong Yunqing had only a sense of powerlessness in her heart. When facing the man in front of her, she couldn’t think of it. , I am the daughter of a big family!

Nangongyun looked at Lu Chen's trembling back with annoyance, pacing his jade feet constantly, and cursed in a low voice: "You **** big pervert, this lady provoke you, you have to deal with it like this Miss Ben, Miss Ben..." As he spoke, Nangong Yunqing became more aggrieved, and his big bright eyes were filled with mist!

But when I looked up at Lu Chen’s trembling and barely stopping shoulders, Nangong Yunqing was unconvinced, "Isn’t I just being scolded! What’s the big deal, since I’m going out to do the task alone, I’m You must be determined to overcome all difficulties. This... is the first level you must overcome!"

Thinking about it this way, the grievances in Nangong Yunqing's heart have slowly dissipated, and the mist in his eyes has naturally disappeared. Except for the reddish eye circles, it indicates that the pair of masters in front of them has a desire to cry just now, everything else. , It all seems so natural.

After sorting out his emotions, Nangong Yunqing once again remembered the task just now and asked what happened here. So next, Nangong Yunqing began to constantly ask the people around him about what happened here and what could be worthy of them gathering here.

But to her disappointment, after asking more than a dozen people, the final answers were all unexpectedly similar, "I don't know, I just saw that there are a lot of people here. I thought there was something interesting, so I changed it and took a look." Let Nangong Yunqing cry and helpless!

Just when Nangong Yunqing was disappointed to leave here, he suddenly heard the conversation between two people in his ear:

"Have you heard! President Nangong is here today to recruit his daughter, which is similar to a way of martial arts. In the end, who can be beaten down on stage, who is Miss Nangong's husband! I don't know! Do I have a chance to become Miss Nangong's husband in the end!"

"Are you true? President Nangong is really here for martial arts competitions? Miss Nangong is a big beauty, why did President Nangong do this? You said you want to be Miss Nangong's husband? You didn't take a joke. Right! Even if you really stand on the stage and are not beaten down, and don’t look at your own appearance, the president of Nangong will not look at you! But speaking of it, you are a small intermediate swordsman , I can't even fight, and I want to stand till the end, just kidding!"

"Haha! I'm not a little bit obsessed?" The first person saw the person next to him as a junior swordsman, and just about to refute a few words, he froze, and then said flatteringly. : "Brother, you are already a swordsman now, I think maybe you can really become Miss Nangong's husband in the end!"

"Hehe! I want to too! I..."


Listening to the conversation between the two, Nangong Yunqing's face was depressed and puzzled. His father was called President Nangong, and he was also the only daughter in the family. But why didn’t he know, his father, when would he want to? How about holding a recruitment meeting for yourself here?

Nangong Yunqing, who couldn't believe it, froze for a while, to confirm whether he had heard it wrong, this Nangong is not the one in his own home, so he asked: "Two big brothers, I don’t know the lady Nangong you are talking about. , Who is it? Listening to what you said, it seems very beautiful!"

"Hey! Brother, you are... so beautiful! You know it from other places! This Miss Nangong, named Nangong Yunqing, is a famous flower in our Mowu City, this year only... "The one who introduced Miss Nangong's information in quite detail.

Nangong Yunqing began to hear this person saying that she was beautiful and a little depressed, but after hearing the information behind, it was hard not to understand, because these materials were so familiar to herself, she had already determined that the Miss Nangong they were talking about was Myself!

Nangong Yunqing suddenly became angry, "What do you mean, daddy! I said that it was so easy today to agree to come out and do the task by myself. It turned out that this was premeditated! But what does daddy mean? Why don't you tell me? Do you want to hold a martial arts contest to recruit relatives, is it so useless in my father's eyes!"

The more he thought about it, the more angry, and the more he thought about it, the more aggrieved Nangong Yunqing, and could no longer bear the cry that he had suppressed just now, and walked straight out of the crowd, slowly squatting on the edge of a big rock, crying in a low voice, In my mind, I kept thinking about so many years of experience!


After Lu Chen left Nangong Yunqing, he began to find other people to ask about what happened here. He started to ask more than a dozen people. The same was true. They all replied, "I don’t know. I just saw a lot of people here. I thought there was something interesting. , So I changed to take a look."

This makes people a little bit crying and helpless. Later, when I squeezed into it, I finally learned from a population that a martial arts contest is being held here. The contest is held in Mowu City, the famous Nangong Chamber of Commerce, and he is giving My daughter, Nangong Yunqing is looking for a man.

This Nangong Chamber of Commerce, Lu Chen has been in Mowu City for so many years, although people say it is very famous, Lu Chen has never heard of it, especially when it comes to Nangong Yunqing, the city flower of Mowu City, Lu Chen even more I was puzzled, when did such a city flower appear in this Mowu City?

Later, I asked someone casually. It seems that this Nangong Yunqing is really a well-known person in Mowu City. Just ask someone like this. After listening to the information about Nangong Yunqing, Lu Chen understood, who exactly is this Nangong Yunqing!

It turned out that the Nangong Chamber of Commerce was already very famous, but at that time their headquarters was not in Mowu City, but in Tanta City. However, for some unknown reason, they moved to Mowu City a year ago. Wucheng, and Nangong Yunqing, who came with the Nangong Chamber of Commerce, suddenly made the men in Mowu City boil!

Nangong Yunqing's heart is very good. In normal times, she often goes to the streets to give some money to people who can’t eat, such as beggars. This is not a big deal, but with her peerless appearance, it is not so ordinary. , So Nangong Yunqing suddenly became famous in Mowu City!

Knowing these things, Lu Chen felt extremely curious about that Nangong Yunqing, but there must have been no chance to meet him recently. It is impossible for him to change his original plan for a woman! Although this does not take long, Lu Chen is not willing to waste it!

Therefore, Lu Chen squeezed out the crowd and prepared to leave this place. Lu Chen had no interest in Nangong Yunqing's martial arts contest and did not want to participate. Although if he participated, the final candidate would definitely be him, but if they were known by Lu Ye, Lu Chen would find an excuse to leave them. But if it is to pick up girls, Lu Chen definitely has no good fruit!

As soon as he walked out of the crowd, Lu Chen suddenly heard a few low crying sounds in his ears. Lu Chen was a little confused, turned his head and followed the sound, and saw a very familiar figure appearing in Lu Chen’s eyes. The crying person turned out to be the guy who just pretended to be a man!

Lu Chen was originally curious about her, so he walked gently to Nangong Yunqing's side, sat down, and asked in a low voice, "Brother, what's wrong! It won't be because of what I just said. Cry for a long time! If that is the case, then I apologize and say'I'm sorry' to you!"

"I'm sorry for who wants you! Huh..." When Nangong Yunqing heard Lu Chen's voice, he knew that it was the big pervert, raised his head and cursed in a low voice, then lowered his head and lay on his knees again. I cried in pain, the sound was really sad!

Lu Chen was originally just for comfort, but now Nangong Yuqing's feeling made Lu Chen suddenly think that it was really what he said just now that caused this little Nizi to become like this, and he sighed in his heart. Secretly said: "You really deserve to be a woman! It's so unreasonable. If you make a joke, you cry like this. It's better to talk less about women in the future!"

"I'm sorry, brother, I really didn't mean it just now. I was just joking with you! Don't take it seriously! It's really not good, you just treat it as if I said just now, it's fart, it's shit... Keep it in your heart, OK? You tell me what to do so you don't cry!" Lu Chen finally had nothing to do with him, so he could only spread his hands and said depressed.

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