Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 835: Start making blood!

Lu Chen waved his hand and walked into the cave where the little silver wolf lived. This was said before. Lu Chen's blood refining was carried out in the cave where the firewood was originally piled up.

Originally, there was a slow accumulation of firewood in that cave, but that passed. Lu Chen and the others have already used more than half of the firewood in this cave. It can be said that, but after that decision, after two With the help of the little beast, the center of the cave was emptied, and the surrounding circle was naturally piled up with those firewood.

Lu Chen walked into the center of the cave. In the open space that was almost vacated, facing the periphery of the firewood, two little beasts who were very concerned about themselves waved their hands, then sat cross-legged, closed their eyes, and began the preliminary preparations for blood refining. , Whether this time can be successful, preliminary preparation, is also the key to the exception!

After Lu Chen sat down cross-legged, after all the preparations were ready, he began the real blood refining work.

Since he wanted to refine blood, Lu Chen would naturally take care of the organs that make blood, the heart, and the related parts of the heart. However, because Lu Chen's internal organs have basically been refined, the heart, as a component of the internal organs, has naturally It was refined by Lu Chen.

However, if you really count, Lu Chen's refining this time is actually not that difficult, because the blood produced by the heart after the refining is naturally considered to be refined again, even if it can't be counted. But compared to the kind of blood that has not been refined, it is definitely much better.

And after Lu Chen refining his heart, he waited for a while before he was ready to start refining the blood. After such a cycle, the blood in Lu Chen's body is basically refining. Lu Chen only needs to In the process of refining, pay attention to what is wrong.

It turned out that the key point lies in the refining of blood. Now Lu Chen's blood, after a simple treatment, is no longer a difficult thing. Then the key point now is that Lu Chen took the blood from his whole body. A moment, and a moment when the refining blood is transported to his body.

These two moments were very critical to Lu Chen's body and spiritual control. Although it was said that Lu Chen should have begun to use his spiritual energy to maintain his body's needs when he had half of the blood drawn from his body, but in fact, Lu Chen did not do so.

Moreover, it is impossible for Lu Chen to do this. Because of the actual situation, Lu Chen is not allowed to do so. Therefore, I said before that if someone is next to Lu Chen at this time and helps Lu Chen, then the blood refining step will be Become the easiest step.

Since there was no way to do that, Lu Chen would not think about this matter, even if he thought about it, it would be a waste of time.

Why is it that the moment when the blood is drained, and the moment when the blood is transported, is the most critical place! Because human blood is the most important thing in the human body. , Without him, he can’t live at all, so in these two places, Lu Chen’s aura control must be very subtle, and must be very critical. One carelessness will cause Lu Chen to finish playing directly, but Lu Chen has already With preparations, these days, focusing on the control of aura, Lu Chen is still very confident in these two aspects!

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