This time, Lu Chen finally found out, but as he guessed it, this warm current was indeed related to the previous runes, because when Lu Chen observed further, he found that the color of these warm currents was yellow. They are all made up of very small yellow runes.

However, because the yellow runes were too small and the number was very large, Lu Chen didn't notice it at first, and most importantly, at the beginning, Lu Chen could not see that in his body, What is the color of that warm current?

Otherwise, Lu Chen might have guessed that this warm current should be related to those runes. After all, Lu Chen's body had already been transformed by those runes at the beginning, and the meridians in Lu Chen's body were soon transformed by those runes!

Having had a relationship with these runes, Lu Chen had nothing to do, because he didn't know what to do. Just like at the beginning, after his meridians were transformed by those runes, he also could only look at it with eyesight, there was no way!

The only thing Lu Chen can do right now is to continuously increase his strength so that the transformation of his cells by these runes will not stop in any way. Therefore, all the things in his body can be refined as soon as possible. In other words, Lu Chen's body refining ended as soon as possible.

When Lu Chen’s body increased by five hundred thousand and five hundred thousand to five and a half million catties, those warm currents had no choice but not to appear. Lu Chen knew that his guess had come true. Sure enough, these warm currents could not continue. It can be seen with an increase of 500,000 catties!

At this time, the refining degree of the cells in Lu Chen's body had reached 74%, and 26% of the cells had not been refining. However, Lu Chen was already satisfied, even if there were no runes appearing after that, Lu Chen was already satisfied.

Because this 4% progress has helped Lu Chen shorten his time by nearly a week, it only took Lu Chen four hours to complete them. Lu Chen is not a greedy person, so he is indeed satisfied. Just now, if there were warm currents, Lu Chen would not refuse, nor could he refuse!

However, even at a strength of 5.5 million catties, Lu Chen's body still had no bad changes. Those strengths that hit his body were still much lighter than a mosquito bite, and Lu Chen still did not leave the spot.

At present, Lu Chen is already satisfied. Although he still hasn't been able to measure how much strength his body can bear, Lu Chen doesn't want to continue to do his best. In four hours, whether it was him or the two little beasts, his stomach was very hungry.

Lu Chen opened his eyes, and the two little beasts still sat aside with a smile, waiting for Lu Chen, Lu Chen chuckled, "Wait a long time! Get ready for dinner!"

The two little beasts cheered. The two little guys, indeed, had been hungry for a long time, and quickly drilled into the cave. After a while, the little silver wolf dragged a large piece of meat that was still air-conditioned, and The little cute cat, from the depths of the cave, got in front of Lu Chen.

This big piece of meat is the two of Little Silver Wolf and Little Meng Cat. Not long ago, they did not know where they caught a deer. After all, for them, they have eaten grilled fish every day for so long, even if they don't get tired of it, it is estimated that they will eat up the fish in that river.

So the two little beasts, both for a change of taste and for ecological balance, said to Lu Chen and left. After leaving, they brought back two pheasants. They were two little beasts. They left Lu for the first time. Chen. After that, they just left, and when they came back, there were definitely different game dishes.

Lu Chen had always been curious about where they caught these various kinds of game, but the two little beasts just didn't say anything, they just warned Lu Chen that Lu Chen's current cultivation base is really too weak and inadequate. So when he went to that place, they would tell Lu Chen when his cultivation base arrived.

Therefore, Lu Chen had no choice but to choose very helplessly, believing that the two little beasts, after all, they did it for their own good. Moreover, even if he didn't believe their words, what could Lu Chen do? He had no way to escape from the care of the two little beasts. It can be said that even if Lu Chen went to the toilet, the two little beasts would follow without leaving.

As for the big piece of meat, why did you breathe the air? That is because the two small beasts often hunt back some large game. For the stomachs of three people, they can’t be eaten at all at all. If you just throw it away It's a waste, it's a pity.

And it just so happened that there was a natural ice deep in the cave where the little silver wolf lived. Putting the meat in it would never deteriorate, so as long as it was meat that Lu Chen and the others could not finish, the two little beasts would Will be dragged to the big freezer and placed. Now, in this big freezer, there are already many different types of meat.

It is still barbecue. Although the type of meat has changed, there is no other thing around Lu Chen. Even if he wants to help the two little beasts and get something else to eat, there is no way to do it, so even if the meat changes. , But the way of cooking remains unchanged.

But fortunately, before Lu Chen came, the two little beasts had always eaten raw meat, or if they didn’t eat it, they survived by absorbing the spiritual energy in the air. Compared with the days back then, they are now comfortable. Don’t know. How many times, the two little beasts are not picky about anything.

After the barbecue, Lu Chen ate a little at will. After filling up by himself, he was ready to rest. Although he does not need to rest now, Lu Chen still maintains the good habit of sleeping, even with Lu Chen’s affairs. No matter how much, he goes to bed on time every day.

After Lu Chen started to rest, the two little beasts ate their food quickly and extinguished the fire. One got into Lu Chen's arms, the other leaned against Lu Chen's side, and fell asleep like that.

The place where Lu Chen sleeps now is from his little thatched hut to the cave where Little Silver Wolf lived before, right next to the cave where the firewood was placed. Because Lu Chen discovered that the environment here is very good, warm in winter and cool in summer, and it is much more comfortable than his little thatched cottage.

After Lu Chen rested with one man and two beasts, the whole valley fell silent for an instant. Even the sound of the stream and the chirping of the birds disappeared at the same time. They seemed to know that Lu Chen was going to rest, for fear of their own voices. Lu Chen's rest.

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