Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 859: auctions! (two)

While talking, the following Goat Chief has already quoted the base price of this sword: "This flying sword made by Master Zihua is more popular than many friends, so... the base price is 10,000 medium-grade immortal stones, and The price increase shall not be less than the fifty middle-grade immortal stones. Start quoting now!"

The ratio between the fairy stones is one to one hundred. Although there are still high-grade fairy stones on the middle-grade fairy stones, the high-grade fairy stones are rare in the entire source space. So basically, the people here are most important. Mainly low-grade celestial stones, but only medium-grade celestial stones will be used when big people use them!

"Twenty Thousand Immortals..."

Just after the Chief Goat had finished speaking, a fat man with a big belly in the ground raised his placard and shouted. After shouting, he looked at the people around him very proudly, as if he had shouted such a quotation, which was so high that no one could compare to him. This sword was already in his pocket.

The price of this sword is generally around one million cents, and 20,000 cents wanting to buy this sword is simply delusional. So the smug look on his face hadn't disappeared. A thin man sitting not far from him stood up disdainfully and said with contempt:

"Dead fat man, for the price of 20,000 immortals, I want to buy back the flying sword refined by Master Ziguang. It's really delusional! If you don't have money, don't be embarrassed here, we can't afford to lose this in Origin Spider City Face. I bought 50,000 middle-grade immortal stones..."

The thin man was very proud. Obviously, it was a very proud thing for him to be able to despise this fat man. And after he finished saying this sentence, he was even more proud than the fat man just now, and he seemed to have bought this sword.

Such a situation is of course a good thing for Zhenpinge. The higher the price at which things are sold, the greater the rake they can achieve. So the Chief Goat really hopes that this kind of thing will happen more, so that his things will naturally be sold at a lot more prices.

But after all, this is his place. If these two people, the fat man and the thin man, are fighting with them because of a quarrel, then it is not what he wants to see, so he smiled pretentiously, and then Said: "Two people, don't quarrel early, you should understand the rules of our treasure pavilion, the higher the price, so..."

In Lu Chen's eyes, the smile of Chief Goat was so obscene and lewd, so when Chief Goat showed this expression again, Lu Chen wanted to call him over, beat him in the face, and then flirted. The last sentence of "See you are upset, so I want to beat you, you can go now..."

Lu Chen knew that if this were the case, it would be very cool, but after thinking about it in the end, he gave up the idea. After all, he had already extorted so many things from the treasure pavilion. If at this time, he inexplicably beat the goat. I'm really embarrassed about it.

After the Goat Chief finished speaking, the auction will continue, but this time, if the fat and thin people cannot make an offer, a third party will directly step in, but directly raise the price to the level of 100,000 medium-grade celestial stones, and After the report, the man looked at the fat and thin two with contempt.

"One hundred thousand immortals..."

The third was rushed first, and the fourth was unwilling to lag behind, directly adding 10,000 middle-grade immortal stones.

Over time, the price of this flying sword refined by Master Ziguang directly increased to 500,000 cents. This price is quoted by a third party. As soon as the price came out, the fat and thin people who were still fighting for the death and all of them were just dumbfounded. After waiting for each other twice, they sat down unwillingly.

After all, it is impossible for a small person or a small family like them to take out 500,000 middle-grade immortal stones and buy a flying sword. Although this flying sword is indeed very powerful, and the real price of this flying sword is more than that, it is not something they can afford.

The price of 500,000 middle-grade immortal stones did not last long. The price was pushed up to 600,000, and it soon came to 650,000 and 700,000. Until 800,000, the number of people who offered the price finally disappeared. When it came out, there was even a half-minute pause, and no one was quoting.

This can make the Goat General Hall panic. You know, the price of this flying sword refined by Master Ziguang is generally around one million cents, but now, if you only know the price of 800,000 cents, no one is there anymore. I'm quoting, this...if Master Ziguang knew about this, I would definitely blame it.

So in desperation, Chief Goat could only display his excellent eloquence, and began to constantly inflame the atmosphere of the scene, in an attempt to increase the price of this flying sword. He didn't hope that such a good flying sword would end up at a price of 800,000 cents.

"I said Mr. Shan, you quickly announce it! Don't waste time, this flying sword is mine!" The man who quoted 800,000 Zhongxian, saw that Mr. Goat hadn't announced for a long time, he was a little anxious for a while. , After all, he also knew what the true price of this flying sword was.

Hearing this person's words, Manager Shan smiled awkwardly, and had to say: "800,000 middle-grade immortal stone, the second time, is there anyone..."

At this moment, the excited voice of Director Shan came, "800,50 middle-grade immortal stones!"

For a while, everyone was stunned. Although the director of the mountain had said before that the price increase should not be lower than the price of the fifty middle-grade immortal stone, but for such a long time, there is really no one who has increased the price, and now suddenly listens Arrived, and it came from the luxurious box above, which naturally attracted everyone's attention.

You know, so far, although these boxes are also full of people, there has never been a time when a voice came out. This is the first time in the entire auction.

The auction that attracted everyone's attention was naturally the box where Lu Chen was located. When Lu Chen saw the embarrassed face of Chief Goat, he knew that the price of this sword was definitely more than that. Moreover, he thought that the refiner of this sword was Xiaoli’s uncle. Lu Chen also felt that the price of 800,000 was really not suitable, so he followed the lowest quotation standard and increased it a bit, letting that quotation be eight. One hundred thousand people suddenly became chilly in their hearts!

Lu Chen believed that after he quoted his price, the final price of the sword would never remain at the price he quoted.

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