Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 934: Who knows better!

Although Yin Duanchen said very grandiosely, in fact, he was still very uncomfortable. Thinking of how he treated these people before, but now, at this juncture, these guys have abandoned themselves one by one. Leave yourself alone.

Although it is said that there is not only one person in this formation, but the people who think of the formation are the people who calculated together with Ma Tang at the beginning, and among these people, there are still One is his cousin, Yin Duanchen feels that he is living an abnormal tragedy.

At this time, Yin Duanchen even had a thought of suicide, but seeing Ma Tang's arrogant look outside the formation, Yin Duanchen felt that he was so dead, didn't he follow Ma Tang? Mind, no, you can't die, even if you die, you have to pull the **** Ma Tang up.

Of course, Yin Duanchen was not as stupid as some people, thinking of death, and even dragging his enemies to die, he exploded himself with Jin Dan, Yuan Ying and so on. He knew that even if he did this by himself, Ma Tang would definitely not suffer any damage. Yin Duanchen was very clear about the power of the Five Elements Imprisonment Talisman.

But if he didn't do this, Yin Duanchen would really have no idea what he should do now. In the end, his eyes unintentionally saw Lu Chen and the others talking and laughing. Yin Duanchen's heart moved. Could it be that his cousin, they didn't care about this five element imprisonment talisman?

Even before, Yin Duanchen had calculated his cousin before, but now he was also calculated, which made Yin Duanchen feel ashamed, but after the decision to let Ma Tang die, Yin Duanchen gave up. After all, he decided to cooperate with his cousin, or the man of his cousin, cooperate!

In Yin Duanchen's eyes, the man of his cousin was very mysterious. Last time, when I saw Lu Chen, because at that time, he started to count this man, so he had to investigate this man. However, the results of the investigation found that this man was like a mystery, and everything was unknown.

He comes from a mysterious place, how old he is this year, how high his cultivation level is, how much money he has, and which force he belongs to!

Yin Duanchen spent a lot of manpower and material resources, but he didn't even find out. In the end, I reluctantly passed this man's events in the past few days and came to a conclusion, that is, this person should be very young, his cultivation level may be relatively high, and he has a lot of money. As for which power he belongs to, I can't guess!

If Lu Chen knew that Yin Duanchen had spent a lot of manpower and material resources to investigate himself, and if he found out these things, he would definitely despise him very much. Because of these things, for Lu Chen, isn't it the same as having not investigated it! Everything is guessed in front of you!

"Yin Duanchen, what do you want to do?" After thinking about it, Yin Duanchen glanced at Lu Chen, then thought of Lu Chen's direction, and walked over.

When Lu Chen saw Yin Duanchen coming over, he didn't speak, but just smiled slightly. He had guessed from the expression on Yin Duanchen's face that Yin Duanchen came to find his purpose, but Lu Chen didn't want to. So pretending to be puzzled, looked at Yin Duanchen without speaking.

Lu Chen’s refusal to speak does not mean that Yin Li can’t speak. Yin Li was originally very annoyed with Yin Duanchen. Now that he saw Yin Duanchen at this time, he would come to Lu Chen, thinking that Yin Duanchen might still be there. What kind of conspiracy, so he stared at Yin Duanchen with a vigilant look, and made a defensive action.

Yin Duanchen didn’t return to his cousin’s words, he waved his hand gently, let Yin Li walk aside, and said to Lu Chen: “Mr. Lu Chen, I know you are... very mysterious. I have investigated you, but nothing has been investigated.

Now we have reached this point, so I have an idea, let's work together. After leaving this formation, as long as you help me kill Matang, I can give you what you want. what do you think? "Yin Duanchen couldn't help but that kind of lofty posture appeared again.

If Yin Duanchen was able to lower his posture and talk to Lu Chen respectfully, Lu Chen might still take him seriously and listen to his intention to cooperate, but seeing how Yin Duanchen is now, Lu Chen Chen finally decided that such a person is really not worthy of cooperation.

Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "Yin Duanchen, I think you shouldn't forget something when you were a kid. In view of the thing you did, it made me very angry. If it weren't because I promised someone, I didn't. Do it to you, otherwise you, you are already dead now! Therefore, cooperation between the two of us is impossible!"

Hearing Lu Chen mentioning the incident when he was a child, Yin Duanchen’s face showed a trace of regret, and he glanced at Yin Li subconsciously, his eyes flashed apologetically, but soon, this apologetic look came. After disappearing, he immediately said to Lu Chen:

"Mr. Lu Chen, wait. Maybe you don’t understand the power of this five-element imprisonment talisman. That’s why there is such a choice. My requirements are not high, as long as we work together to get out of this formation, and then If you help me kill Matang, even if you let me express my original apology with death, I will never hesitate!"

This time, Yin Duanchen’s attitude has finally improved, but Lu Chen has already determined his original thoughts in his heart, so it is impossible to cooperate with Yin Duanchen. Therefore, what Yin Duanchen said is equivalent. For nonsense. Lu Chen went directly into his left ear and left more ears.

Seeing that Yin Duanchen still wanted to talk nonsense, and he was still talking about the five-element imprisonment symbol. Lu Chen couldn't help but curled his lips, and then said: "Yin Duanchen, I think you don't know much about the five element imprisonment talisman, and there is not much of me. So! Don't talk nonsense!"

In order to smash Yin Duanchen’s hope, Lu Chen took out a chapter of talisman paper, and quickly prepared various tools. Lu Chen directly picked up the talisman pen, directly in the kind of very low-level talisman. On the talisman paper, it was done in one go, and finally the light on the talisman paper flashed, indicating that the spell was successful.

Lu Chen threw the successful talisman paper to Yin Duanchen, and then said: "Take a good look at yourself to see who knows better about the five-element imprisonment talisman. I hope the final answer will not make you very much. Disappointed!!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

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