Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 939: Lu Chen shot!

"Don't worry, Xiaoli, what can't you help me? Your grandpa is my grandpa, and our grandpa is in danger, can I still not do it?" Lu Chen kissed Xiaoli sweetly, and then instantly In the ring, took out a flying sword, and flew to the side of Old Man Ma and Old Man Yin with a "swish"...

With a sound of "Keng...", Lu Chen caught the blow of the old man Ma stabbing the old man Yin in the chest, a block, and directly blocked the old man Ma from flying out. After a few laps, he stood in midair. Live, there was a very embarrassed look on his face.

Everyone was frightened by Lu Chen's outing. This young man who had no cultivation base was so powerful. It not only blocked the attack of the gods stage and the old man Ma, but also attacked the old man Ma. Blocked and bounced him back.

This cultivation base is probably no less than the **** stage!

"Who are you?" Old man Ma was embarrassed, and there was a trace of amazement in his eyes. How come such a young master hasn't heard of it, Old Man Ma has some worries in his heart. There is such a big deal in his plan this time. Change, is it possible to succeed!

"Who am I?" Lu Chen smiled coldly and said, "Don't you know who your grandson wants to kill?"

"What! You are that Lu Chen?" Old Man Ma said with a stark expression.

"Yes, I am Lu Chen. Do you feel surprised? Now in your heart, is there a little panic, worrying that your plan will not succeed. Haha, tell you frankly! When you want to do something to the Yin family At that moment, it heralded the failure of your Ma family!" Lu Chen looked proud.

Although the old man really thought so in his heart, how could he be known to him, so he showed a disdainful look and said: "Huh! Who do you think you are! If you say we fail, we will fail! I see you I am worried about failure, so there is so much nonsense!"

Lu Chen smiled and smiled very happily, "It's been a long time since I've been talking to me like this, I want to see it today, depending on your cultivation base of the **** stage, is it worthy to say such a sentence!"

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Old Man Ma was extremely angry. The flying sword in his left hand suddenly produced a strong flame. The fingers of his right hand began to make several complicated gestures. After the complicated gestures were completed, Old Man Ma He directly slapped it on the flying sword in his left hand.

Suddenly the thick flames converged for a while, and the crimson flames suddenly turned into dazzling white, but regardless of the area of ​​the flame, it seemed to be reduced a lot, but in fact, through the bonus of the old man's gestures, the flying sword The flame temperature increased more than ten times, and even the air around the flying sword seemed to burn violently.

"Heavenly Horse Wing Slash..."

With a roar, the old man Ma changed from holding a sword in one hand to holding a sword in both hands. He raised his head high, and a white woven pegasus double-winged sword aura violently waved towards Lu Chen.

At this time, Old Man Ma had already ignored the buildings in Origin Spider City. It was what Old Man Ma wanted to do most now that he could kill Lu Chen, a powerful enemy.

Lu Chen saw the double-winged sword aura rushing towards him, and he thought to himself: "Old thing, don't you know that something with a large area does not necessarily have a higher attack power! Let this young master give you a good job today Let’s have a lesson! Otherwise, waiting for you to die, wouldn’t it be regrettable!"

After Lu Chen thought about it, the flying sword in his hand was also raised, but there was still no change in the flying sword. It seemed that Lu Chen didn't care about the flying sword energy at all. He just raised the flying sword in his hand as if he was about to let the sword in his hand. Feijian, it just cleaved that sword aura like this.

The people around naturally shook their heads when they saw what Lu Chen was doing. They naturally couldn't see what Lu Chen wanted to do. So when I saw Lu Chen like this, I couldn't help but shook his head and sighed, thinking that Lu Chen would definitely not be able to hide under the attack of Old Man Ma.

But the facts often have expectations that are opposite!

With a soft sound of "piu...", everyone who didn't know what was happening saw the sword aura like wings. They just touched Lu Chen's flying sword and disappeared. Then he saw Lu Chen, like a madman, quickly turning the flying sword in his hand.

The people outside didn't know what was going on, but Old Man Ma could know. He was a little frightened because he discovered that the attack he had just now had been directly absorbed by the weapon in Lu Chen's hand, and even nothing left was absorbed.


Old Man Ma naturally didn't want to believe this fact, but he didn't believe what could happen, Old Man Ma gave a wry smile, and a cold chill came into his eyes again.


The next "swish" sound was endless, but it was often the case that just touched the flying sword in Lu Chen's hand, and then disappeared directly. It was absorbed by Lu Chen's flying sword, and the rotating speed of the flying sword in Lu Chen's hand, In the process of absorbing energy, it is accelerating rapidly.

With the acceleration of the flying sword in Lu Chen's hand, everyone felt a strong suction slowly coming from around Lu Chen. A small vortex-shaped thing continued to spin with the flying sword in Lu Chen's hand, and everyone looked at the vortex with shock.

The feeling that this vortex brings to everyone is not generally strong. The vortex is only about the size of a fist, but that vortex is obviously formed by the elements of space. You know, even in the entire source space, the spatial elements are very shocking.

The old man Ma launched so many auras, and felt that the auras in his body had been exhausted. But the sword in Lu Chen's hand on the opposite side gave him the feeling that it was getting stronger and stronger, making Old Man Ma feel surrendered in his heart.

Lu Chen's hand suddenly stopped slowly, but the small whirlpool still existed.

"Old man, these are all the energy you just sent!" Lu Chen stopped his hand, and the whirlpool next to Feijian flew onto Lu Chen's fingers in an instant, and kept spinning on Lu Chen's fingers. At this time, the suction generated by the vortex, for the people around, if they can't run the power to resist, they may be sucked in!

"You...what do you want to do?" The old man Ma's face was abnormally pale at this time. One was because he had tried too much, and the other was because he was frightened by the cold smile on Lu Chen's face. He didn't understand, what exactly Lu Chen wanted to do! But he already had some ominous premonitions in his heart!

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