Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 945: Vice-City Lord is a bird! (four)

I kept thinking proudly about what kind of magnificent Elder Yin would achieve after his Yin family with the help of Lu Chen. He didn't even notice that some crystal clear liquid appeared on the corner of his mouth and his face. There was also a smile that was more foolish than fools.

The people around were shocked when they saw what Elder Yin was doing. They thought what happened to Elder Yin. It wouldn’t be because they saw Source Space, the deputy lord of City One, being played by Lu Chen in his hands. , And he was overjoyed and went crazy directly!

Of course, no one dared to say such a thing. Otherwise, if Mr. Yin knew that he would slander him like this in his heart, maybe even if he was really happy and crazy, he would immediately wake up and beat himself up. And then... keep going crazy!

"Master, don't hit any more, I'll faint if hit again!" The nightmare lying at the door of the death door sucking the breath of death, after so many violent collisions, can no longer stand it. Stop absorbing the breath of death and look at Lu Chen with a vague expression of resentment.

Lu Chen still didn't understand what the nightmare meant, but then he thought that the nightmare seemed to be hiding at the door of the gate of death. If he kept playing table tennis with the gate of death, where did he hide? The nightmare will naturally be bumped all the time, which is a bit embarrassing, wait...

Isn't Nightmare a virtual body? How could she feel the impact? Lu Chen was taken aback, suddenly awakened, and quickly turned his head and looked at the place where the nightmare was. As expected, he found that... the nightmare's body is no longer the same as before, the mist is misty, but it seems that there is some condensation. Signs.

"Nightmare, you...your body is starting to freeze?" Lu Chen felt that his breathing was not smooth, and he asked excitedly.

The nightmare gave Lu Chen a white look, and then said, "Master, you are so sad! You've discovered it since I was originally, but you didn't expect that you discovered it at this time. Yes, my body has begun to freeze. , Half an hour ago!"

The nightmare's words made Lu Chen's face a little blushing. After all, he is a master, and even his own... well, pets don't know to take care of it. If it weren't an accident, Lu Chen wouldn't be able to absorb the nightmare completely. Lu Chen wouldn't find those deadly breaths.

"Nightmare, how much death breath is there for you to absorb?" In order to cover up his embarrassment, Lu Chen could only quickly change the subject.

The nightmare naturally knew what Lu Chen meant. He gave Lu Chen a white look, then turned and looked at the death gate, and said, "The death gate stored in this death gate is really quite a lot, probably enough for me. Let’s absorb an hour! But it’s a pity that all these deadly breaths don’t allow my body to condense completely."

Lu Chen smiled and wanted to pat the shoulder of Nightmare, but he just felt his hand, went through the air into the water, and then returned to the air, the feeling is ordinary, it seems that Lu Chen now wants to touch To the nightmare, obviously there is still some suffering!

Lu Chen could only smile helplessly, and then said: "Nightmare, it doesn't matter, don't be greedy, learn to be satisfied! Your body can become like this, it's already a big luck. How can you be demanding? Your body is completely condensed! But don't worry, Master, I will definitely find something enough to condense your body in the future!"

Nightmare nodded moved, she naturally believed what Lu Chen said. And she also believes that Lu Chen has this ability. After all, having followed Lu Chen for so long, maybe Nightmare and other things have been directly ignored, but Lu Chen's high character, Nightmare has never been forgotten.

Every time Nightmare saw Lu Chen, he could get a treasure that people could never ask for from a seemingly ordinary place, and he couldn't help but sigh. With such a good character and such a high level of luck, Nightmare naturally believed that Lu Chen could help him find those things.

"Okay, hurry up and absorb the remaining dead breath! I'm helping you to delay for a while!" Lu Chen waved his hand and said.

Regardless of the narrative, this time seems to be very long, but in fact, the conversation between Lu Chen and Nightmare does not last for two seconds at all. The people around only felt that the air in front of Lu Chen seemed to be a little different. Just as they were about to check what was going on, they found that the air in front of Lu Chen had returned to its original state again.

"Let's talk! Do you want me to let Old Man Ma go now?" After Lu Chen played another table tennis sparring with Death's Gate, he directly squeezed the Deputy City Lord by the neck, like a rabbit. , Walked aside indifferently, and then asked directly.

The deputy city lord was still a little stunned, but he felt that the sudden and intense pain did not come from his body again. This guy couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, vaguely, as if someone in his ear asked himself something. , So without thinking about it, he nodded and said: "Yes...Of course!"

"Wipe! I want your sister!" When Lu Chen heard the reply from the deputy city lord, his face was black with anger. Without thinking about it, he directly raised the deputy city lord in his hand with another "touch". Frozen, fell to the place fiercely, making the deputy city lord blind again!

"What about now?" Lu Chen asked about this guy again.

This time, although the deputy city lord was still dizzy, he obviously considered it slightly. He didn't know what to say, so he could only trembled and expressed his silence with fear!

"Let me play silence! It seems that silence means acquiescence! That's good..." Lu Chen's hand was raised high once.

In this way, the deputy city lord was treated as a sandbag by Lu Chen for a long time, and he fell to and fro. However, in the eyes of those nearby, Lu Chen's doing so was a bit cruel. Every time the deputy city lord was thrown by Lu Chen once, it would cause the people around him to frown once.

Of course, these frowning people are basically members of the Ma family. Although Lu Chen said before that as long as the old man Ma is killed, they will be let go, but now there is a second-good deputy city lord, and he has been They didn't know if Chen played like this, Lu Chen's decision was not counted. So at this time, all of them were terrified, not afraid!

As for the people in the Yin family, and Zi Xin'er, they are very happy. To see such a game of throwing sandbags is a kind of mental relaxation, isn't it?

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