Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 969: Sad reminds the wretched man!

Yan Cheng's reaction surprised Lu Chen. He didn't expect that Yan Cheng would be like this. He couldn't help but feel somewhat satisfied with Yan Cheng, especially Yan Cheng. There was nothing in his eyes for Zi Xin'er and the others. The look in his eyes made Lu Chen very satisfied!

"You call Yancheng, right?" Lu Chen smiled, suddenly loosened his hand, and the man in the air fell from the sky with a "pop", and Lu Chen went on to say, "This Guy, offended my wife, what do you say I should do?"

Yan Cheng was taken aback, and suddenly realized that Lu Chen was testing himself, so he hurriedly said: "Sir, this kind of scum can't stay in this world naturally. I think it should be killed directly. After saving him, Harm to others. What do you think! Sir?"

Yan Cheng’s words caused an uproar among the surrounding people. Although Yan Cheng is the dude of Yanli City, because of Yan Cheng’s father, Yan Liangqi’s supervision of Yan Cheng is relatively strict. In terms of women, they do a little worse, but never do anything murderous.

At least in Yancheng's hands, there is not a single life, it is not worthy of death. But now, because Yan Cheng had heard Lu Chen say a few words, he actually let some men who slightly offended some women to be killed directly. This made those people some of them couldn't believe it.

"En!" Lu Chen smiled softly, and then said: "It's up to you. Anyway, I leave it to you to deal with this guy. I just want to know the final result. Just solve it quickly. We Waiting for you at the Laihe restaurant in front!" After speaking, Lu Chen turned around and left with the girls.

Lu Chen didn’t know if Laihe Restaurant was a chain store, but at least, Lu Chen saw that there was also a place called Laihe Restaurant about a hundred meters in front of him. Is it the same as the one in Yuan Spider City? , Lu Chen didn't know, but when he saw the name, he was kind, so he was going to sit down!

Yan Cheng was taken aback, and then he reacted. He glanced at the Laihe restaurant that Lu Chen said, and then quickly said, "Sir, the place where Laihe restaurant is a lodging place is usually open at noon. Time has not come, if you go, sir!"

"Open at noon?" This made Lu Chen a little confused. Even if it is a hotel that only stays at, the guests inside will never wait for noon to leave. The habit of this hotel is really strange! "Do other guests have to wait until after noon to leave!?"

"Of course not. The door of the restaurant is open, but it only accepts people living in the hotel. Only after noon, and late at night, will it receive foreign guests." Yancheng heard Lu Chen's doubts and hurryed. Explained to Lu Chen.

"Then what is the most famous restaurant in your place?" Lu Chen thought for a while and asked.

"Yanjia Restaurant!" Yan Cheng said directly without even thinking about it.

Lu Chen took a moment to look at Yancheng, making Yancheng blush, and then said in a whisper, "This Yanjia restaurant was opened by my aunt. Although it is our Yanjia restaurant, I can guarantee that everything in it, They are all really delicious, and the service is very attentive. You are satisfied!"

"Haha! Okay! The Yanjia Hotel you mentioned, where is it, show me the way, I'll go and see!" Lu Chen said.

When Yancheng heard it, he hurriedly said: "Go ahead and walk to the fork in the road. After turning left, you will see the Yanjia Restaurant!" Yancheng respectfully pointed a direction, and then said: "Sir, I can take a photo of a little brother, and take you there, Xiao Liang, take this gentleman, and some young ladies to the Yanjia restaurant!"

The little brother who called to Yancheng immediately walked to Lu Chen's side and said respectfully to Lu Chen and the others, "A few gentlemen and young ladies are coming with me. Go to the Yanjia Restaurant!"

After the younger brother took Lu Chen and the others away, Yancheng began to solve the problem of the wretched airplane man who offended Zi Xin'er and the others. Yancheng didn't make Lu Chen's joke, he was really ready to kill the wretched airplane man, because he believed that only in this way could the relationship between himself and Lu Chen be relaxed!

Although Yancheng has never killed people indiscriminately, it does not mean that he does not kill people, especially such people. In the eyes of a super dude like Lu Chen, a social scum, Yancheng would not If there is any fear, he will kill him without hesitation!

Although he himself knew that in the eyes of others, he was a scum, and people like him and Lu Chen were scum. But what does this matter! Since you have offended me as a scum, and if you have the ability, then you can only get rid of my scum and the unhappy in my heart by death.

Step by step, Yan Cheng walked to the wretched airplane man. The wretched airplane man, who was smashed by Lu Chen like this, his head was a little mixed, but he saw Yan Cheng walking towards him, and just now vaguely When I heard it, I naturally understood what Yan Cheng was going to do. I was so scared that I got up and knelt on the ground, shouting with fear:

"Master Yan, don't! Please, don't! Don't kill me, please don't kill me, I didn't mean it! The ladies just now are so beautiful, so I can't help it. . Please, Master Yan, don't be a little person with me, just worry about it!"

"Now I know I regret it. Where did I go? Sorry, it's too late!" Yan Cheng was very impatient, stretched out his hand and picked up this guy's clothes, and then said to the people around him: "It's all gone, nothing more , What to do now, what to do now!"

After speaking, Yan Cheng carried this guy's body and walked out of the city of Iwari. Those around him naturally understood what he was going to do. All shook their heads helplessly, and then left with a sigh, but still sighed for the wretched airplane man.

Although this wretched airplane man really doesn't think that Zi Xin'er will be obsessed with them under this situation, and even said that they still do that kind of thing, whether it is Lu Chen or anyone else, can't bear it, but this Damn, even though I did this, he didn't die. If it is said that if you want to have an obscenity, you must pay with your life, then Lu Chen guesses that he doesn't know how many times he has died! But if he doesn't punish him, Lu Chen feels very uncomfortable, so Lu Chen can only throw this hot potato to Yancheng!

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