Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 991: Banquet! (One)

When Lu Chen and Yanyue got up from the bed, it was already when the moon was on the treetops. Originally, Lu Chen and Yanyue weren't going to get up, but Lu Chen suddenly received news from Zi Xiner that Li Ziguang had invited them to the evening banquet and they were already on their way.

In order to prevent his women from being harmed, Lu Chen had no choice but to comfort him. Yanyue, who was pouting his mouth, turned to Yanyue with an apologetic expression. After all, for Yanyue, today can be regarded as Yanyue's happy day, how can I be disturbed by the **** Li Ziguang!

However, under Zi Xin'er's strong request, Lu Chen, who had never wanted to come, had to attend this banquet. Of course, Lu Chen is still lying on the bed with his beloved Yanyue, enjoying the familiar charm. When they put on the clothes just now, the two of them came again!

The collapsed Yanyue, as if she had no bones, collapsed in Lu Chen's arms. If anyone was watching by the side at this time, especially Yanyue's acquaintances, they would be extremely surprised. Yan At this time of the month, the performance was so different.

Iwazuki is usually a noble little woman, and at the same time a woman who excites all men, and a woman who is afraid. But now, Iwaki's looks, let alone noble, it is simply; A woman who has no licentiousness.

The difference between the two is more than ten million, but this appeared to a woman, which had to make everyone feel unusually surprised. Because they didn't understand at all, whether it was Yanyue at all. It is estimated that Lu Chen would doubt if it was Yanyue.

But Lu Chen knew that the Yanyue in his arms was definitely the real Yanyue. And this kind of Yanyue was also completely because Yanyue deliberately pretended to be a kind of feeling because of the phenomenon of low position among the women of Lu Chen in order to please Lu Chen.

It is for this reason that Lu Chen loves Yanyue very much. Think about it, to make a woman who was incomparably noble and pure at the same time become what she is now, how huge the changes during the period are. Yanyue can become like this for Lu Chen, can Lu Chen not be excited? ?

Although Lu Chenbin is not a poultry or livestock, the reason why Yanyue looks like this is because of his nature, or because he is an old sitting person, so Lu Chen's heart for Yanyue is quite deep. Although Lu Chen was not sure, whether there was any conspiracy between Yanyue and her!

"Lu Chen, that **** of Li Ziguang, what do you want to do! Didn't you say that you don't have to go to that **** banquet? Why now, sister Zi Xiner, who was persuaded by him, came to you?" Yanyue pouted her mouth and said very dissatisfied.

Lu Chen smiled lightly, scratched Yanyue’s little nose lightly, and then said: "Before, I said I would go to participate this evening, not not not. It is estimated that he took it seriously at the time. , I think we will go back at night, so...now we can only go and see!"

"But people don't want it? Right now, they just want to be with you!" Yanyue lowered her mouth, and became even more dissatisfied. His huge charming eyes filled with sad tears, looking at Yanyue No matter who it is, you can't help feeling that this little girl is a bit pitiful.

Seeing Yanyue's expression, Lu Chen waved his hand quickly and said, "I am not by your side. Tonight, Li Ziguang's night banquet, we will participate together. At that time, they will see your present touch So, can't you guess something?

To be honest, after Yanyue was broken by Lu Chen, quite a bit changed from before. The previous Yanyue was a high-definition, so that no man would like to approach her, although she was indeed a very game, very attractive to any man's attention.

But just like the facts, for so many years, apart from Li Ziguang, no other man has come into contact with Yanyue. Perhaps, it could also be because of Li Ziguang's Iwatani, so other suitors of Iwayue were inferior, and they did not dare to approach Iwayue.

So for so many years, besides contacting his family, Iwatuki has never touched any man other than Li Ziguang. However, Li Ziguang is not a male object that Iwaki likes, so Iwaki has no idea, man, in Good in this world.

Now, after entering Lu Chen, the fluctuations in Yanyue's heart were thoroughly aroused by Lu Chen. Yanyue suddenly understood that a woman like herself needs a man to take care of. So for a while, Yan Yue's thoughts changed a lot.

At least, Iwazuki wouldn't be pretending to be innocent now. Oh, I can't say that it's pretending, but that Iwatuki's nature is just like this. In her bones, she has a high personality, which leads to her current personality, which looks like this.

It can be said that, whether it is because of Li Ziguang or not, no man will be close to Yanyue anyway except Li Ziguang. Let Yanyue never know some things in this world. So Iwazuki, these years, can be said to have been very unhappy.

Now, with the help of Lu Chen, Yanyue's personality has undergone some changes. She will no longer take a high attitude towards any man. Of course, if it is that kind of man on every side, Yanyue will show her cold look, but she doesn't have any thoughts about herself.

Of course, Yanyue also won't, to any man except Lu Chen, revealing an attitude that misunderstands those men. Only let these men slowly feel that Iwazuki is changing, not because of Iwazuki's sudden changes, and until some self-righteous men think that Iwazuki is in love with him.

Like Lu Chen, Yanyue, who hated troublesome things, naturally didn't allow such things to happen to her. So although she seems to be more approachable now, in fact, people who continue to contact her will find that Iwaki’s personality has not changed in fact, but it’s just an extra layer, which is easier to cover up. The cloak of identity.

Of course, in the mouths of other men and women who are jealous of Iwaguki, Iwaki's appearance is like a coercion, but it is also the same thing that people who have come into contact with Iwague. Iwazuki is actually a very nice woman.

But all this is not what Lu Chen and Yanyue are discussing right now. The two of them are tired of being together. Despite the constant urging of Zi Xin'er, Lu Chen is still unhurried and continues to move. It seems that the rice has not changed at all, so I just face it directly.

"Wife, okay, get up quickly! Otherwise, the eldest wife will come and call us in person!" After being urged by Zixin's children no less than ten times, Lu Chen was ready to hot his own body and launch it at Yan Yan. In the senti of the moon, Yanyue was a bit angry again.

"Okay, okay, I hate it, let me get up!" Yanyue gave Lu Chen a furiously white, and then slowly got up from Lu Chen's arms in dissatisfaction, and then from inside her ring , Throwing out a bunch of them, on the empty seat on the bed beside Lu Chen, said:

"Lu Chen, you help me choose one. I should wear the clothes tonight!" Yanyue walked from Lu Chen's side, among the piles of sets she threw over, took out one set after another, and gestured on her body. A few times, and then let Lu Chen comment on whether it looks good or not.

If Lu Chen said it was good, then he would have to say what was good, but if it was bad, it would also be bad. If Lu Chen only offered a perfunctory sentence, Yanyue would definitely open her big eyes watery, and said aggrievedly:

"Lu Chen, do you dislike others? What did they do wrong? Don't dislike them and whether they are good or not. If they do not do well, they will correct them immediately. Now they can't do without you. , Lu Chen, promise someone!"

In fact, Lu Chen is still wondering where Yanyue's so many clothes come from. Is it really important for these women to wear clothes? Why, no matter what woman she is, wherever she goes, she always carries a huge box with her clothes full of clothes.

Shaking his head, Lu Chen threw this boring thought out of his mind in an instant. If Yanyue knew about this kind of thought, Lu Chen wouldn't know if Yanyue would pounce on him. Then use her mouthful of small silver teeth to bite at herself.

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