Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1003: Kill Renyu

Using all of his own strength and vitality to perform the pupil technique that transfers the seal, it can completely replace the pupil strength of the jade reincarnation eye.

And if the realm of strength is stronger and higher, then the power of the seal pupil technique will be enhanced.

Qin Shaofeng knew this very well before. But Qin Shaofeng never thought of using this trick at all!

Because it was impossible for Qin Shaofeng to use it, although this was only his second immortal incarnation.

But this immortal incarnation has been regarded by Qin Shaofeng as the foundation of a foothold in the ancient sanctuary, and it is impossible to spend his life to cast the seal of the pupil.

As for the king's brutal beasts, Qin Shaofeng didn't go any further, because since reaching the ancient sanctuary, the strength of these king's brutal beasts has been far behind.

Therefore, those king brutal beasts were just regarded by Qin Shaofeng as a middle station for transcribing the seal pupil technique.

But now it's different, because the potential of thirteen king brutal beasts has been stimulated, and they have all been greatly improved. Now they have angered people to the realm of the great realm master.

Therefore, in the current realm of these thirteen king brutal beasts, if they sacrifice their lives to perform the seal-transmitting pupil technique, the power is absolutely terrifying.

This can already be seen from the body of Jian Yu in front of him.

Under the display of the six king brutal beasts regardless of their lives, that Blade Yu had been completely attracted by the Vientiane Heaven, completely confined.

But just this is not enough.

Because like Renyu, the white light on his body turned into a picture of a thousand feet still protects him at this moment!

With that great picture, Qin Shaofeng knew that it was impossible for him to hurt this Renyu.

In fact, under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng was able to escape directly, and then boarded the Demon Cloud and left this dangerous killing.

But if he left like this, Qin Shaofeng was still unwilling!

If the six wild beasts of the king used the Vientiane Attraction in this way, it would be equivalent to the loss of six wild beasts of the king.

How could Qin Shaofeng be content with such a huge loss?

At the very least, this Blade Demon clan will be slaughtered!


With this mentality, a king brute beast behind Qin Shaofeng exploded directly into a cloud of blood, and then turned into a surging force, pouring into Qin Shaofeng's body.

Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong!

This is a king savage beast that transcribes and seals the power of the dragon elephant.

Such a strenuous eruption, even in Qin Shaofeng's current realm, has also received the blessing of the dragon and elephant realm, and his body is full of endless power.

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's figure flashed, and he came directly to the blade Yu who had imprisoned Vientiane Tianyin, and then raised his fist to hit the Wanzhangtu directly with a punch.

Qin Shaofeng wanted to take the opportunity to separate Ren Yu from the white light of the Wanzhang Tu.

In this case, this Renyu can be killed directly.

Ren Yu is in a hurry!

Because his body shape was completely imprisoned, he suddenly discovered that the direct control of Wanzhangtu was not very handy. It even seemed that he could not control Wanzhangtu in any way because of the powerful imprisoning power.

The most common situation is that Ren Yu stepped up the connection between Wanzhangtu and himself, prevented Qin Shaofeng from succeeding, and let himself leave Wanzhangtu's protection.

After a few punches, Qin Shaofeng also found it difficult to shake the white light on Renyu's body.

If there was enough time, Qin Shaofeng would have the opportunity to separate Ren Yu from the white light.

But now the strengthened Jie Wang Quan can only last for one minute, and one-third of the time has passed, and there is no more time for Qin Shaofeng to squander.

"Damn, why is this tortoise shell so hard to blast out?"

Qin Shaofeng cursed softly in his heart, also a little anxious.

Let's not talk about the strengthened Realm King's Fist, it is this all-seeing heavenly guide that imprisons the blade universe, and Qin Shaofeng knows that it will not last long.

Because of such a time of two or three breaths, Qin Shaofeng had already felt the vitality of the six king brutal beasts, and began to fall.

Usually the six king brutal beasts died, and this Renyu was out of trouble.

According to this situation, I am afraid that at most it will be able to drag a barely three to five breaths of time.

Can't hesitate, there is only this way!

A trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and the next moment Qin Shaofeng scattered behind the king brutal beasts, they roared in a low voice.

Then, three small black **** flew out, and the earth shook!

Reincarnation eyes burst into the sky!

Also at the cost of sacrificing their lives, these three king brute beasts directly exploded into the earth and sky.

The three small black **** of the earth blasting sky flew to the top of Renyu in an instant, and then under Qin Shaofeng's control, facing the white light on Renyu's body, that Wanzhangtu exploded with a terrifying attraction!

not good!

Suddenly felt three powerful attractive forces, and burst out frantically against his own horrible figure. What shocked Ren Yu most was that under the pull of these three terrifying attractive forces, he actually felt the horrible figure on his body. Get away from yourself a little bit.

Not good!

This is completely bad.

But the more you are afraid of it, it will come.

Just as Renyu was extremely urgent in his heart, using all his methods to stabilize his own body, he suddenly found Qin Shaofeng in front of him and gave him a sharp smile.

The next moment, under Renyu's horrified gaze, he saw the human being who had been disdainful before him, waved his hands and clenched his fists and blasted at him.

Do not!

To be precise, it was blasting at the huge picture on his body.

Boom boom boom!

Punch after punch, there is no interruption at all.

Moreover, this series of bombardments made Ren Yu clearly feel that the tens of thousands of pictures on his body were detaching from him, as if being stripped away.

Why the **** is this?

Ren Yu felt anxious, and panicked.

Because he is still completely imprisoned now, if there is no protection from the ten thousand zhangtu, then absolutely dead.


Just as Ren Yu was extremely anxious and anxious, suddenly a king brutal beast not far behind Qin Shaofeng gave a violent stop, and its huge body fell directly.

Of the six king brutal beasts that used the Vientiane Sky Yin, one of them finally couldn't stand it. At this moment, because the body's strength and vitality were exhausted, it fell to the ground and died.

There are one or two, and as the first king savage beast fell to the ground, the second also fell.

This scene also fell in Renyu's eyes, and suddenly Renyu suddenly discovered that as those who died, the imprisonment power on his body was actually weakening.

this is?

Under this circumstance, Ren Yu understood something, and immediately became pleasantly surprised.

But the next moment, a bang awakened him from the surprise.

Because with this bang, Ren Yu clearly felt that his Wanzhang Tu was instantly stripped from his body, and he was directly attracted by the three strange black balls.

With this picture missing, Renyu felt a horror in his heart. At this moment, the remaining four king brutal beasts also fell to the ground and died, which made Renyu instantly regain his freedom.

But at this moment, Ren Yu saw a silver light in front of him.

Although without the imprisoning power, he regained his freedom, but in the face of this silver light, Ren Yu still couldn't escape in time.

But Ren Yu felt a deadly dangerous breath from this silver light.

"Do not--!"

Ren Yu screamed fiercely, but his voice stopped suddenly.

call out!

The silver light flickered, passing through Ren Yu's forehead, and then instantly returned to Qin Shaofeng's right hand, revealing his true colors.

It is Feiyu Dao!

Because this immortal avatar can also practice the "Pill Sutra", Qin Shaofeng's cloud pill technique did not retreat in the slightest, and even improved a lot.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng can strengthen the Feiyu Knife anytime and anywhere, provided that the materials are sufficient.

However, the demons that Qin Shaofeng killed were not a few, and there were some materials suitable for strengthening the flying feather sword.

Especially Qin Shaofeng's emphasis on Feiyu Dao was a bit stronger than Moyun.

If it weren't for the fact that the Flying Feather Knife couldn't be strengthened quickly, Qin Shaofeng had already purchased a lot of materials to strengthen the Flying Feather Knife to the level of an artifact.

But even so, today's Feather Sword also possesses extremely powerful power, and it penetrates the forehead of a five-layer realm king master without any difficulty at all.

My Renyu died like this?

Although the forehead was pierced and the sea of ​​consciousness was completely shredded, after all, Renyu was the realm king of the five-level realm, and he didn't directly kill him. He still had some consciousness thoughts.

But these thoughts are full of disbelief and endless unwillingness!

how can that be?

My Blade Yu is the master refining master of the Blade Demon clan, and even the future master refining master of the Demon Realm, how could I die here?

Die in the hands of a mere human?

Not reconciled!

I'm not reconciled!

Ren Yu roared with incomparable anger in his heart, and his final consciousness was filled with incomparable unwillingness.

But no matter how unwilling he was, no matter how unbelievable he screamed, it was gone.

The darkness quickly swallowed the last bit of his consciousness and disappeared completely!


Is this impossible?

Similarly, there is another person who can't believe it, this is the Blade Cloud Dragon who is entangled by three mechanical puppets in the distance!

How could Ren Yunlong couldn't believe it, Ren Yu was killed like this.

This is incredible!

Because even if it was him, it would be difficult to take Ren Yu down even if he burst out with all his strength.

Yes, just win!

With this tens of thousands of feet in the picture, the blade cloud dragon has no ability to kill the blade Yu.

But now such a thing was done by a human being.

Damn it!

With a low anger in his heart, Jian Yunlong's face was extremely ugly.

The development of the things in front of him had completely escaped his expectations, and Blade Yu had a special place in the Blade Demon clan.

Now because he avenged his brother, he was killed by humans.

In such a situation, I am afraid that even if he is the next clan leader of the Blade Demon clan, it will be a little troublesome.

In particular, he was confirmed as the next clan leader of the Blade Demon clan. It didn't take long. Now because of his brother's hatred, Blade Yu was killed by humans.

Blade Yunlong can imagine how those of the Blade Demon clan who oppose him will target him.


Thinking of this, Jian Yunlong's heart suddenly became furious, the power in his body sprang up frantically, and then he slashed it violently.


Under the anger of the Blade Cloud Dragon, a mechanical puppet of the Triple Realm King Realm level that had suffered a lot of damage from the Blade Cloud Dragon's attacks during this period was actually directly cut off by him.

But before Blade Yunlong felt slack in his heart, the next moment, the mechanical puppet that was cut into two sections by him seemed to have been set up with some kind of program, and it exploded with an instant boom.


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