Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1023: Semi-finished **** pattern

Although Qin Shaofeng himself understood the tempering of the Mingkong Stone, he could not do it himself.

But there are ten mechanical puppets of ten-fold realm king level, and hunting some demon realm kings is nothing at all.

Even because more and more world kings appeared in this area, they all existed in small teams, which caused the ten mechanical puppets to hunt very smoothly.

Think about it too!

These Demon Realm King squads are fifteen or six Realm Kings at most, and most of the Demon Realm Kings with the best cultivation bases are in the realm of the Eightfold and Nine Realm Kings, and only a few of the Ten Realm Kings appear.

However, in order not to expose the mechanical puppets and to prevent the demon clan from being aware of the abnormality, Qin Shaofeng only asked the mechanical puppets to hunt the team led by the seven or eighth realm demon kings.

With Qin Shaofeng's current level of over 4,500 levels of the Seventh Realm King's realm saturated with Consummation, he now has no effect on absorbing the inner world below the Sixth Realm King's realm.

Although it is not to say that there is no improvement effect at all, but at least a few hundred six-level demon world kings can raise the first level of his inner world to the saturated and complete state, and then merge with the first level.

Even the Demon Realm King of the Sixth Realm would need at least ten inner worlds in order for Qin Shaofeng's First Realm to reach a saturated and complete realm.

Moreover, even in the inner world of the seven-layer demon king of the same realm, at best, it could only raise the three-fifth layer to a saturated and complete realm in the past.

Although the inner world of the eight-fold, nine-fold, and ten-fold demon world kings can improve even more.

However, because of the need to maintain the condition of tempering the Mingkong Stone, it was difficult for Qin Shaofeng to absorb too much and too strong inner world at one time.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng allowed the mechanical puppets to only focus on the weak Mozu team.

Then, the mechanical puppet team hunts, captures or hunts the Demon Realm King, and brings it back for Qin Shaofeng to absorb the inner world and improve his realm.

Although this speed is much slower, it is far not as fast as he can fully absorb it, and because of the need to maintain a lot of energy for tempering the Mingkong Stone, this also makes Qin Shaofeng waste while absorbing the inner world of those demon kings. A lot of power.

So, in general, even if there were enough Demon Realm Kings, Qin Shaofeng's cultivation speed during this period was still slower.

But even so, after Qin Shaofeng had thoroughly tempered the Mingkong Stone, that is, six days later, Qin Shaofeng's realm was elevated to the realm of the Eighth Realm King.

In the Eightfold Realm King realm, more than 4,800 levels of the inner world have reached the state of saturation and consummation, and there have been 1,800 levels of saturation and consummation in which the yin and yang have been merged.

This allowed Qin Shaofeng's strength to improve again.

However, what delighted Qin Shaofeng most was that at the same time his realm improved, the Yin Yang Pill Fire in his body had actually improved a lot.

This made Qin Shaofeng's speed on tempering the Ming Kong Stone also increased a lot.

And what made Qin Shaofeng most concerned about was that because of the improvement of Yin-Yang Pill Fire, the subsequent process of incorporating the tempered Mingkong Stone into the Flying Feather Sword would also go smoothly.

"Well, with the current power of Yin Yang Pill Fire in my body, this fusion is at most three or five days."

Seeing that under the fire of his Yin-Yang Pill, the Netherspace Stone, which has been tempered into a pure power, is slowly blending into the Flying Feather Knife, without a trace of hindrance, Qin Shaofeng's mouth is slightly raised, and a trace of excitement and expectation flashes in his eyes. And a touch of excitement.

If such a huge underworld stone is completely integrated into the flying feather knife, how will the flying feather knife improve?

And this time refining the Flying Feather Knife, Qin Shaofeng not only simply blended this piece of Mingkong Stone into the Flying Feather Knife.

Because of the integration of the Netherworld Stone this time, the flying feather knife's ability to contain the space has also directly improved a lot.

This allowed Qin Shaofeng to finally be unscrupulous and add other materials to the Flying Feather Knife according to his previous thoughts.

Even if it weren't for the **** pattern in his hand, Qin Shaofeng would like to directly incorporate the **** pattern into the flying feather knife, so that the flying feather knife would be promoted to a divine tool.

And once there is a **** pattern, with Feiyu Dao's previous quality, this can at least be integrated into the three **** patterns, which is enough to promote Feiyu Dao to a high-level artifact in one step.

Even after the integration of the Mingkong Stone this time, Qin Shaofeng was confident that Feiyu Sword would have the qualities to become a treasure.


Just thinking about it, Qin Shaofeng felt very excited.

Because a heavy treasure-level flying feather knife can definitely have the power to kill any realm king realm master below the emperor realm.

It's a pity that you can only think about things like this now.

Because the magic pattern is not easy to obtain.

The existence of the **** pattern is based on the power of its own domain, the power of the great road between heaven and earth, and the power condensed from the great road with its own power.

The difficulty is not small, usually only some powerful Nirvana masters can condense the **** pattern.

And even if it is a **** rune condensed by a master of Nirvana, it is an ordinary **** rune.

Such a **** pattern can be purchased with military merit points in the base treasure house, and with the authority of Qin Shaofeng, the seven-star warlord, it just reaches the point of buying a **** pattern.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't want to be like that. It wasn't that the **** pattern in the base treasure house was too much.

On the contrary, the **** pattern of the base treasure house is very cheap.

It's really cheap, and even some extremely basic **** patterns can be purchased with just a few million military points.

But this kind of **** pattern is because the grade is too low and the power is too ordinary.

The divine artifact refined with such a **** pattern had limited power, and it was only the divine weapon with the lowest power.

The artifact Qin Shaofeng saw from the base treasury before, that is, the artifact worth tens of millions of military merit points, is such a class artifact.

But such an artifact, but in terms of quality, it is far inferior to Qin Shaofeng's Feiyu Knife!

Very limited power!

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng didn't want to let his flying feather knife become such an artifact.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng had to make careful calculations for the **** patterns that his flying feather sword had incorporated. Even if he didn't incorporate extremely strong **** patterns, it would definitely not be too bad.

At the very least, in the case of the Feiyu Knife itself, some better-grade **** patterns should be integrated.

It's just a pity that there are only ordinary **** patterns sold in the base treasury.

Of course, this does not mean that the treasure house of the human battlefield base is only sold by such gods, and there must be high-end powerful gods.

It's just that Qin Shaofeng knew very well that with his current status as the Seven Star Warlord, the **** pattern that could be purchased was probably just such a **** pattern.

Maybe after you really enter the Celestial Band, you will be able to buy a more powerful **** pattern, right?

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng's speed in refining Feiyu Knives even accelerated.

Strive to complete the refining of the Flying Feather Knife as soon as possible, because Qin Shaofeng knew that even if it was not integrated with the Divine Mark, as long as his Flying Feather Knife was integrated into this Nether Sky Stone, its power would be absolutely terrifying.

And the most important thing is that it can absorb more inner world power, so that it will be enough to quickly improve oneself.

In this case, it is also good to successfully complete the white old assessment, and then join the Celestial Corps.

While Qin Shaofeng was refining Feiyu Swords in a tight and orderly manner, the entry channel of the Demon Realm side finally ushered in a big man.

This is the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan!

The ancestor of the Blade Demon clan was very cautious in order not to let himself leak a trace of news.

A matter of such a large amount of refining materials, for the Blade Demon clan, but a major event, the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan naturally attaches great importance to it.

Therefore, under the premise that his identity is not leaked, he is naturally slow to move forward.

After only a few days of talking, I came to the entry channel of the battlefield.

But that's it.

Because as long as he enters the battlefield, he doesn't need to hide himself so carefully.

At most, it is to hide one's own realm, so that it is not noticed by the clan.

But as far as he had reached the peak realm of the Emperor Realm twice, hiding his own breath couldn't be easier.

The ancestors of the Blade Demon clan are confident, with their own abilities, once hidden, unless it is the powerhouse of Nirvana, or the imperial master of those special races in the ancient sanctuary.

If not, no one would find him at all.

But this time when he entered the battlefield, he did not go to the core area of ​​the seventh area battlefield, but a place close to the core area.

That place is not like the Demon Realm on his side, there will be some powerful Nirvana masters, and he can advance at full speed.

The danger seems to be getting closer!


Three days later, Qin Shaofeng finally ended his retreat.

The process of integrating the tempered Mingkong Stone into the Flying Feather Sword was better than Qin Shaofeng had expected. The speed was very fast, and the process went smoothly without any obstacles or twists.

Even if it weren't for Qin Shaofeng to finally incorporate a lot of other precious materials, then Qin Shaofeng could end this retreat and refining as early as a day and a half ago.

The re-refined Flying Feather Knife was not the slightest difference in size from before.

It is as thin as a cicada's wings, with silver luster!

However, the flying feather knife now exudes a hint of silver light, and the entire thin blade has a crystal clear vision, just like a transparent knife.

Even if Qin Shaofeng deliberately did it, he would be able to completely weaken the existence of Feiyu Dao itself, and between the flashes, it was at best a faint silver light.

If you don't pay attention to this, you can't find the existence of Feiyu Dao.

These are the abilities brought by the Netherworld Stone!

After joining the Ming Kong Stone, the Feather Knife not only possessed extremely strong storage capacity, but also had its own capacity to accommodate it. Under the special spatial attribute ability transformation of the Ming Kong Stone, it became even better.

And what surprised Qin Shaofeng most was that after completing the integration into the Mingkong Stone, the faint silver light emitted by the Feiyu Knife itself was shining, and it seemed to outline a certain pattern!

God pattern!

Yes, it is the **** pattern!

I don't know if the Flying Feather Knife has been raised to the limit of the god-level spiritual tool after all, or because the addition of such a huge Nether Sky Stone has caused the Fei Feather Knife to evolve a **** pattern on its own.

It's just that this single evolved **** pattern seems to be incomplete, and the state of its own faint spirit has not completely formed.

Feiyu Knife is still a god-level spiritual tool at this moment, and it has not been promoted to a god-level tool, which also shows this.

At most, it means a semi-finished **** pattern!

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