Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1027: Such a strong old man

Chapter 1027: A Strong Old Man

The first stage of Emperor Realm?

The emperor realm demon master who just broke through?

Qin Shaofeng remembered that this was the result of the Moyun detection.

Moreover, after seeing the other party at this moment, Qin Shaofeng also sensed such a result from his breath.

Well, it is indeed the breath of the first realm of the emperor realm.


Looking suspiciously, Qin Shaofeng always felt something was wrong with the old man who appeared suddenly not far in front of him.

The breath is the breath of the first layer of the emperor realm!

And from the point of view of induction, what is really special is that you just broke through and then stabilized and consolidated the state. This is true!

But for some reason, Qin Shaofeng felt a threat of threat from the old man.

And it's the kind that is extremely dangerous!

Obviously something was wrong with this situation, and Qin Shaofeng became alert for the first time.

Although it was the result of the Moyun's detection, the same situation was felt by himself, but Qin Shaofeng still kept an eye on it.

As long as the situation is not right, turn around and run away immediately!

Qin Shaofeng's vigilance was right, and he felt right, because the old man of the first stage of the emperor realm that appeared in front of him was not someone else, but the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan.

After determining the location of Qin Shaofeng's appearance, the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan rushed over immediately.

However, because of his previous judgment, he was a little closer to the area near the human battlefield base in the seventh area.

Therefore, in order to prevent some powerful human masters from being aware of his breath, he deliberately hid his traces.

It was precisely because of this situation that it took him an extra day or two to get to Qin Shaofeng's location.

No, just as soon as Qin Shaofeng's breath was sensed, the ancestors of the Blade Demon clan couldn't help it, and they broke out at full speed and rushed over in a very short time.

It's just that the ancestors of the Blade Demon clan puzzled that this human named Yan Yang didn't escape?

This is not right!

No matter how much he hides his aura, the aura can definitely be noticed by other people when he burst out at full speed just now, and he will definitely be able to discover that his realm is the aura of the emperor realm!

But the current situation, how the ancestors of the Blade Demon clan looked at it, thought that the other party was deliberately waiting for him.

Is there an ambush?

Thinking of this possibility, the ancestors of the Blade Demon clan were shocked, and immediately sensed the surrounding situation. After sensing, the ancestors of the Blade Demon clan frowned slightly.

No other human breath!

Within this radius of a million miles, there is no human aura at all except for the scorching sun in front of him, and even the aura of the demons is very small.

No ambush!

The ancestor of the Blade Demon clan is very confident about his own sensing abilities, he is an emperor realm master who has attacked the Nirvana realm twice.

Although in the end he still didn't ascend to Nirvana, and now his realm has fallen a lot.

But compared to other emperor realm masters, the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan is a bit unusual, and he is confident that unless he is a strong man in the Nirvana realm, otherwise, it is impossible for any human or demons to escape. His induction detection.

But if there is really a strong man in Nirvana here, how can it be hidden?

Even if there is a strong imperial realm with a slightly higher realm, there is no need to hide oneself at all, and carry out ambush and sneak attacks on him, the first-level demon clan of the emperor realm.

Since there was no ambush, and no weird situation could be sensed in this place, the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan came to a conclusion.

Could it be that this human being's scorching sun is playing mystery?

As soon as this thought appeared in his mind, the ancestors of the Blade Demon clan immediately affirmed.

This is absolutely true!

This Yan Yang must have sensed my breath, and then felt unable to escape from the hands of an emperor realm.

Maybe the scorching sun in front of him was so mysteriously bluffing himself, but secretly he had already called for the help of the human powerhouse.

For a time, the ancestors of the Blade Demon clan thought a lot, and then suddenly made a decision in his heart.

You must make a quick decision, and you must get things back before the opponent comes to ask for help!

Well, in such an instant, the ancestors of the Blade Demon clan determined that at this moment a master of the emperor realm came here again.

I have to say that sometimes this is too cautious. After thinking too much and too complicated, there will be big deviations.

Qin Shaofeng naturally didn't know that the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan thought so much in his heart.

However, in this very short period of time, Qin Shaofeng felt that the aura of the old demon clan in front of him was somewhat familiar!

"Blade Demon Clan?"

Qin Shaofeng asked tentatively, his voice indifferent.


Qin Shaofeng responded with a cold snort from the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan: "Yes, the old man is a member of the Blade Demon clan. Humans, you kill a large number of my Blade Demon clan. The old man will take you down today and return to my Blade Demon clan. , Let you suffer thousands of punishments from my Blade Demon clan, you can realize it!"

The last word fell, and the ancestors of the Blade Demon clan seemed to worry about some nights with long dreams, and did not intend to continue talking nonsense with Qin Shaofeng, but actually did it directly.


With a flash of stature, the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan flashed towards Qin Shaofeng.

So fast!

At the moment when the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan disappeared, Qin Shaofeng's heart was shocked, and he exclaimed in his heart.

This speed is too fast.

Qin Shaofeng asked himself that he didn't have such a speed, even if the Feiyu Knife didn't enter the flashing state, it would probably not be as fast as the Blade Demon clan.

Qin Shaofeng has a big doubt in his heart now, is this old man really the first level of the imperial realm?

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng also knew that it was not the time to think about these things.

Because I had long felt that the old man of the Blade Demon clan was not quite right, Qin Shaofeng became vigilant in his heart, and even secretly made preparations to take action.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng also moved at the moment when the ancestors of the Blade Demon clan acted.

Although the speed of the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan was somewhat beyond Qin Shaofeng's expectations, Qin Shaofeng, who had been prepared for a long time, did not panic.


A huge hot fireball appeared instantly, and it was the spiral pill that Qin Shaofeng had displayed with his indestructible incarnation of Yin and Yang!

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't use the spiral pill this time to attack, but to resist it.

Because the opponent is unexpectedly wrong, I am afraid that the strength is not what an ordinary first-tier master can describe.

Therefore, this time it was at Helix Wan, and Qin Shaofeng directly broke out with all his strength.

After the realm was promoted to the realm king, Qin Shaofeng's yin and yang cloud pills had already condensed twelve.

And Qin Shaofeng seemed to be able to sense that the twelve Yin Yang Yun Dan seemed to be the limit of his indestructible incarnation.

Because after possessing twelve Yin-Yang Yun Pills, Qin Shaofeng exhausted all means and was unable to condense the thirteenth Yin-Yang Yun Pill.

But even if he only had thirteen Yin-Yang Cloud Pills, that was amazing.

Because the twelve Yin-Yang Cloud Pills represented Qin Shaofeng's ability to have twelve storages, his own limit to the power of the world.

It can even be said that Qin Shaofeng has twelve sharp weapons that store the power of the world for his inner world.

Although the twelve Yin Yang Yun Pills did not completely represent that Qin Shaofeng could have twelve more inner worlds.

But with the special ability of Yin Yang Yun Pill, it is the power of the world that can accommodate Qin Shaofeng's inner world.

The inner world really only has one, but not counting the inner world itself, Qin Shaofeng still has twelve yin and yang cloud pills in his body equivalent to the amount of world power stored in the inner world.

Because of the relationship between the spirit of the yin and yang sacred fire, the power of the world that Qin Shaofeng's inner world can accommodate is more than ten times more than that of the general world king of the same realm.

If this were to add the power of the world stored by twelve Yin Yang Yundan, I am afraid that under the Emperor Realm, no one could compare to Qin Shaofeng in terms of the amount of world power stored.

Even putting aside the qualitative changes in the power of the world after the fusion, only in terms of capacity, this is afraid that the general emperor realm masters, the world power possessed by their inner world, is not like Qin Shaofeng.

Because the power of the world was sufficient, Qin Shaofeng fought, very unscrupulously squandering the world power of his inner world.

It doesn't matter, even if the power of the inner world is exhausted, there will be twelve Yin Yang Yun Pills to replenish.

This was Qin Shaofeng's previous thoughts, but under the current circumstances, Qin Shaofeng soon realized that he was too naive before.

Because he felt that his opponent was not easy, for reasons of caution, Qin Shaofeng's explosion of the spiral pill made a Yin Yang Yun Pill in his body, which directly dimmed half of the color.

Well, that's right, Qin Shaofeng used the spiral pill this time, but it consumed half of the world power stored in a Yin Yang Yun Pill, which was 50% of the world power of Qin Shaofeng's inner world.

With Qin Shaofeng's current strength, directly consuming 50% of the world's power in the inner world, the moves that erupted are absolutely extraordinary, not to mention the extremely aggressive moves like Helix Pill.

On the hot fireball, the spiral and swirling flame stream was extremely terrifying. This allowed it to bloom completely. I am afraid that it could easily burn a demon king of the seven or eight realms. Killed.

And the fireball of the entire spiral pill, the power has exceeded the limit of the Realm King Realm, and it has indeed reached the level of the Emperor Realm!


Even with such an astonishing attack, the next moment, he was directly shaken by a fist and collapsed.

But the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan felt that something was not right, and quickly flashed towards Qin Shaofeng's figure, gave a violent stop, and then slammed a punch without thinking about it.

It is indeed a master who has attacked the Nirvana Realm twice, and his rich experience has allowed the ancestors of the Blade Demon clan to make the right choice in a flash.

Otherwise, he rushed to Qin Shaofeng rashly, I am afraid he would be pitted by Qin Shaofeng's spiral pill before he attacked Qin Shaofeng.

Although even if it was temporarily unprepared, Qin Shaofeng was pitted once, but this would not allow the ancestors of the Blade Demon clan to be solved in this way.

However, this caused the attack of the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan to be successfully intercepted by Qin Shaofeng.

But for this situation, Qin Shaofeng's face was a bit ugly.


too strong!

Who is this old man from the Blade Demon clan?

Obviously it is only the first realm of the emperor realm, but it is so easy to block my spiral pill, this strength is definitely not just a simple realm of the first emperor realm!

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