Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1038: Big incident

Chapter 1038

Qin Shaofeng didn't know that the person who calculated himself and completely leaked the content of his assessment was actually the person who gave him the content of the assessment.

And Qin Shaofeng didn't even know that Old Bai's jade talisman to the space was very powerful, and could automatically inspire the master to be sent back to the battlefield base of the human race at the moment of the master's crisis.

But this must have a prerequisite!

That is, if you want that spatial transmission jade talisman to activate by itself, it must be refined and completely integrated into oneself.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't do this, because after the jade talisman, Qin Shaofeng found that it could be inspired by the power of his own world, so he thought that this space transmission jade talisman of Bai Lao, like other jade talisman, was inspired by the power of the world.

How could Qin Shaofeng know that the things in Elder Bai's hands would be ordinary things?

Moreover, Mr. Bai didn't say that to Qin Shaofeng at the beginning, and then it caused the situation like this.

After Qin Shaofeng knew this, his heart was speechless to the extreme, and at the same time, old Bai was also complaining in his heart.

Because if he knew this space transmission jade talisman and possessed such an ability, how could Qin Shaofeng hide in hiding!

Refining the jade talisman directly, and then rushing into the Demon Realm King to kill the Quartet.

Since it can be activated by itself, Qin Shaofeng is still worried about a hammer!

It is a pity that Qin Shaofeng doesn't know this now, so now he can only shrink up and wait for the assessment period to end.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng didn't really relax completely.

During this period of time, Qin Shaofeng has killed a lot of Demon Realm Kings. At first, Bai Lao said that he can kill ten Demon Realm Kings himself, and he can exchange 1 billion military merit points for five hours of cultivation in the base realm. time.

Although the Demon Realm Kings required here were all above the triple realm, most of the Demon Realm Kings killed by Qin Shaofeng during the later period were above the sixth realm.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng is now worried about his own military merits, rather than the question of how many Demon Realm Kings he has killed.

This kills more Demon Realm Kings, even if an average Demon Realm King can only directly bring 200 to 300 million military merit points, if the number of Demon Realm Kings killed increases, this military merit is lost. Up.

And most importantly, killing the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan also brought Qin Shaofeng more than 30 billion military merit points.

As the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan, and his deeds back then, it is only a reward of more than 30 billion military merit points, which is not in line with it.

However, this is only a reward offered by the battlefield base to the ancestors of the Blade Demon clan. According to Qin Shaofeng's understanding, it seems that killing the ancestors of the Blade Demon clan has been awarded with military merit points and some additional special rewards.

But these rewards can only be obtained after Qin Shaofeng returns to the battlefield base.

As far as Qin Shaofeng is concerned, the military merit point is only the representative of numbers.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng directly exchanged enough time to cultivate in the realm of the base, through the special channel given by the old man, and began to cultivate with the power of the world from the realm of the base.

At the very beginning, Qin Shaofeng practiced with the power of the world in the realm of the base, and within five hours he could raise a hundred layers of realm to the realm of saturation and consummation.

Although he was promoted to the late stage of the Tenth Realm King, his demand for the power of the world was relatively many times more than before.

But there is a situation that is more favorable to Qin Shaofeng.

Because there is no limit to the amount of world power that can be absorbed when enjoying the base realm environment. You can absorb as much as you can, depending on your own ability.

And now with Qin Shaofeng's current realm, the speed of absorption has naturally increased.

Therefore, with the full absorption of these five hours, Qin Shaofeng can at least elevate the triple domain to the realm of saturation and consummation.

It's just a pity that Qin Shaofeng slightly, because it is the channel opened by the treasury space disk, even with the help of Old Bai, the speed of the world power that can be transmitted from it is still limited.

This also gave Qin Shaofeng the idea of ​​returning to the battlefield base.

Although there is a treasure house, he can open the base treasure house at any time, but now as his authority increases, Qin Shaofeng has learned that many things in the base treasure house, or factors that are beneficial to him, can only be done in the battlefield base. Enjoy it.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng has already decided that he will return directly to the battlefield base as soon as the assessment period is over.

And Qin Shaofeng also felt that, at least for a while, he had better not go out.

But now there are many demons staring at him with red eyes!

It's dangerous!

However, let's concentrate on practicing now!

If possible, you can finally reach the emperor realm through cultivation, and you will reach the peak of the realm king realm no matter what!


While Qin Shaofeng was practicing honestly, a major event happened on the outside battlefield.

This is the seventh domain battlefield of the two races of humans and demons, and the battle on the core battlefield belt of the seventh domain has already entered a tug of war.

Whether it's the human race or the demons, neither side has the upper hand, everyone is fighting hard.

According to this situation, if nothing unexpected happens, this kind of tug-of-war continues for more than ten or two decades, and it is a very common thing.

After all, this kind of situation has not happened in the past ten thousand races battle for hegemony.

However, this time an accident happened.

Coincidentally, this unexpected situation is closely related to Qin Shaofeng Beast.

Because of Qin Shaofeng’s'excellent' performance, the Blade Demon clan, the main force in the seventh area, was hit one after another, causing morale to fall. Especially after the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan was also killed by Qin Shaofeng, it was even more remarkable. Up.

In the eyes of most disciples of the Blade Demon clan and other demons on the battlefield of the Seventh Domain, the ancestor of the Blade Demon clan is just a legendary character.

But now the legend has wiped out humans, which has a very serious blow to morale.

And what's terrible is that now the Blade Demon clan is in arrears, and several big clans have a large amount of refining materials, causing the position of the Blade Demon clan in the seventh domain to be shaken.

The Demon Race is a very aggressive and selfish race. Some Demon Races whose strength is similar to that of the Blade Demon Race, when they see this situation, they feel that this is an opportunity.

An opportunity to pull the Blade Demon clan from the commander!

If you can be the leader of a regional battlefield, you will naturally have great power, and you can get more benefits in battle!

The two races of humans and demons are fighting on this huge battlefield. You kill me and I kill you, and then **** all the resources from the other side.

Maybe not everyone has Qin Shaofeng's wealth, which is too unrealistic.

But even if it is a master of the Realm King Realm, how unsatisfactory he is, his net worth has at least 30-50 million military merit points, right?

Even the poor world king, no matter how bad it is, there will be ten or twenty million!

Although this is really rare, how many people are there in the human race and demons of the realm king realm on the entire huge battlefield?

It's just the realm king in the seventh domain battlefield, that is, there are already tens of thousands.

War is to kill people!

This sentence is very straightforward, but it is a famous saying!

And if you can become a leader, then the ultimate benefits will naturally be the richest.

If it were the past, this would be fine.

But now the Blade Demon clan has successively lost hundreds of world kings, and for a group of people, the world king is already an important combat power.

But now the realm king of the Blade Demon clan has lost a lot, and some chaotic conditions have also caused many clans that are attached to the Blade Demon clan to shake.

Under such circumstances, although the battle strength of the Emperor Realm is still there, the overall strength of the Blade Demon clan has declined.

After all, war does not rely on the highest-end combat power, unless it is the high-end combat power that can completely crush the enemy, otherwise, the mainstream combat power is the key to the end of the war.

Because of this situation, a somewhat chaotic situation appeared on the side of the Demon Race of the Seventh Region, and this also gave Lao Bai a chance.

The entire human-devil battlefield is a huge battlefield!

But in fact, many people don't know that in this battlefield area, the more you lean in, the more fierce the battle is. In fact, it no longer belongs to the ancient sanctuary.

To be precise, starting from the battlefield of the third realm, there is a very special secret realm, which can be regarded as an independent space in the ancient sanctuary.

I don't know what kind of space power exists in this independent space, and the battlefield between the human and the evil is densely distributed in a stepped space. This is the division of one to ten areas.

Although starting from the fourth area, the remaining seven battlefield areas are not within that secret space, but because of the spatial power it emits, these seven battlefield areas have some spatial restrictions.

In fact, this situation is not just the two races of humans and demons.

Because this independent secret space seems to have a lot of space in it, there are such space entrances in many places throughout the ancient sanctuary.

In fact, in the battle for hegemony among the ten thousand races in the entire ancient sanctuary, each of these battlefields is a battlefield formed around an entrance to this independent secret space.

This gives people the feeling that the current battle for hegemony among all races broke out because of this independent secret space.

Of course, such things are only known to the real powerhouses of various ethnic groups.

At present, the battlefield of the seventh realm, except for a few individual characters, such as the clan master of the Blade Demon clan, and some powerful emperor realm masters, they only know.

But even they have limited knowledge and are not very clear about the real situation.

However, most emperor realm masters know one thing, that is, the space of the seventh field battlefield, especially the space of the core area, is actually a small space-like existence.

And this kind of local space is extremely easy to be manipulated.

Mr. Bai did just that!

In fact, Mr. Bai didn't spend any extra time, he just confined the entire core area of ​​the seventh realm in a way of confining space.

Now the core battlefield zone of the seventh domain, except for the original imperial masters, can no longer allow the imperial masters to enter.

Although the cultivation base below the emperor realm did not get any restrictions, it could still enter, which did not interfere.

But the problem is that at this moment, many of the masters of the Realm King Realm Demon Race on the seventh domain battlefield are chasing and killing Qin Shaofeng!

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