Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1041: Mutation

Chapter 1041

This is the base boundary?

After passing through a special teleportation array, Qin Shaofeng came to a special space.

Although there are bursts of white light everywhere in the bright space, there is a layer of mist in this white light.

This mist is surprisingly gathered by the power of the world that exists in the realm of this base.

Rao was somewhat prepared, but after seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng was still shocked!

This is the power of the world, not the aura of heaven and earth.

If the aura of heaven and earth is strong, it will condense into a state of mist formation, and to a certain extent, it will condense into liquid or even solid.

But the power of the world is different!

Perhaps the inner world of an emperor realm master, because of the fact that all areas of the inner world are brought together by cultivation, will cause some changes in the power of the inner world.

But no matter what the changes are, these are just the progress of personal cultivation.

But the power of the world that exists naturally in the outside world will not change in state. It avoids the phenomenon that it is condensed in one place and becomes atomized or liquefied to the limit.

However, the power of the world in the realm of the base seems to be somewhat different from the power of the world that appears naturally.

Because the power of the world here is actually condensed into mists because of the strong relationship, and Qin Shaofeng has also discovered that, the deeper the place, the denser the mist of the power of the world.

This made Qin Shaofeng very excited, because cultivating in such an environment was definitely more than several times better than the spatial channel that he opened with the treasury space disk.

Without too much hesitation, Qin Shaofeng searched for an excellent place for the first time, and then began to practice.

There are no restrictions on cultivation here. As long as the time when you enter the realm of the base is not over, you can still absorb the power of the world here.

Although there was a month, Qin Shaofeng still didn't want to waste much.

After all, his own situation does not seem to be very optimistic now, this reward is over 50 billion, how can he be optimistic!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng is now trying every means to improve his strength.

The world power of this base realm is not only effective for realm king realm, but also effective for emperor realm masters.

Qin Shaofeng wanted to break through to the current realm as soon as possible, to be promoted to the emperor realm, and then to raise several realms on the emperor realm.

With this thought, after Qin Shaofeng was ready, he quickly sat down cross-legged, and then entered the cultivation state.

However, after this practice, it is incredible.

Qin Shaofeng was already at the pinnacle of the Realm King Realm at this moment, and the domain of the inner world had reached the realm of saturation and consummation, and even the entire inner world was at the limit of its current realm.

This distance to the Emperor Realm is only a thin line away, as long as you have enough world power, you can break through smoothly.

And under such a realm, Qin Shaofeng absorbed the power of the base realm world at an astonishing speed.


With an invisible shock, after completely letting go of constraints, Qin Shaofeng's inner world was like a dry riverbed, swallowing all the rain to his heart's content under abundant rain.

The rate of absorption is too fast!

Then because of this extremely fast absorption speed, the power of the misty world around Qin Shaofeng was suddenly surging after a shock.

It seems that there is a black hole between the world and the earth, wanting to swallow all the power, swallowing all the power of the surrounding world.

This caused the power of the world in this area to begin to gather towards Qin Shaofeng, and then a whirlpool-like gathering point appeared, which looked very amazing from a distance.

Such crazy absorption of the power of the world naturally caused others to practice in this base realm at the same time.

"this is……?"

"My grass, what's the situation? Who is so exaggerated?"

"Oh my God, the speed of absorbing the power of the world is too terrifying, who is this?"

"Unbelievable, the absorption speed is at least a hundred times faster than mine, the King of Ten Realms!"

"Awesome! A genius and awesome, this speed is afraid that some emperor realm masters are far behind!"


For a while, other people practicing in the realm of the base were shocked by this scene.

If it hadn't been stipulated in the realm of the base that you must not disturb other people, it is estimated that many people have been to that place to see what happened at this moment.

Look at what the evildoer is, far from such a shocking performance!

But when I thought, no one dared to move forward with the strict regulations in the realm of the base.

However, some people near Qin Shaofeng were very dissatisfied with Qin Shaofeng's behavior.

Because of this, a large amount of world power here has been absorbed by Qin Shaofeng alone, and with that crazy absorption situation, they can't absorb much world power near here for cultivation.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know the situation of other people in the realm of the base, and Qin Shaofeng was only excited at this moment.



With such a strong world power, at this speed of cultivation, I am afraid I will be able to break through to the Emperor Realm soon.

Qin Shaofeng felt a little excited when he felt the power of the world that was constantly pouring in.

Because under the impact of the power of these surging worlds, Qin Shaofeng clearly felt that his inner world was becoming more and more complete and stronger, as if he could enter the emperor realm in the next moment.

But before long, Qin Shaofeng's brows wrinkled slightly.

Because it feels weird!

Obviously, his realm is constantly improving, and he is constantly approaching the emperor realm.

But what made Qin Shaofeng feel a little weird was that he had a feeling in his heart, as if he could continue to improve like this infinitely, and then he could not reach the threshold of breakthrough.

Yes, it is to be able to continuously improve on the peak realm of the realm king realm, but it can't break through the current realm and promote myself to the emperor realm!

This feeling was very strange, Qin Shaofeng just thought that he had been thinking too much at first.

But three days later, Qin Shaofeng didn't think so.

"Damn, why haven't I broken through yet?"

Maintaining the power of absorbing the endless world of the base boundary, Qin Shaofeng whispered with an ugly face.

Three days ago, Qin Shaofeng felt that he could break through.

But in these three days, Qin Shaofeng stopped absorbing the power of the world every moment, and he was absorbing the power of the world here all the time to improve his realm.

But until now, he has not been promoted to the Emperor Realm!

What an incredible thing this is!

Qin Shaofeng was already a little dazed, because he knew very well that in these three days, not to mention breaking through to the emperor realm, even if it was to raise two or three levels of world power on the emperor realm, he had already absorbed enough. .

Even according to Qin Shaofeng's own estimation, if it were a realm king of the general pinnacle realm, in terms of the power of the world he absorbed, he would have broken through to the emperor realm long ago.

Even the total amount of these world powers is enough to allow a dozen or twenty ordinary peak realm kings to make breakthroughs in emperor realm promotion.

However, he still hasn't made a breakthrough himself!

The kind of breakthrough is still in front of him, as if he absorbs some world power, and then he can smoothly promote to the emperor realm.

But this is simply impossible, because Qin Shaofeng had this feeling three days ago.

"Damn, what the **** is going on?"

Faced with this situation, Qin Shaofeng was a little worried.

Because of this situation, he himself couldn't figure out what was going on!

Obviously the breakthrough is right in front of you, this feeling is like a piece of paper, you can penetrate it with a poke, and then break through.

But in fact, it feels like one thing, but when it comes to implementation, it's another thing!

In Qin Shaofeng's eyes, this piece of paper is like an extremely hard space barrier, and it is simply difficult for him to break through!

However, Qin Shaofeng discovered that as he absorbed more and more world power, the change in the world power of the inner world in his body became more and more unusual.

The same is the domain where the power of Yin and Yang are fused, but compared with three days ago, Qin Shaofeng feels that the world power of his inner world at this moment is twice as strong as the world power three days ago!

"The stronger the power of the world in the body, the more naturally this will be felt, but if I don't break through, it's still not the same thing!" Qin Shaofeng was a little tangled.

The cultivation of the imperial realm is to integrate all fields, and this process of integration is actually a process of assimilating all fields.

The cultivation before the emperor realm, the realm that was cultivated, were basically realms that were realized by several realms.

The areas of the nine basic laws, or special laws and superordinate laws.

In short, with the exception of very rare cases, when everyone in the ancient sanctuary cultivated, they all practiced in the realm of several laws.

After all, the inner world only needs three thousand layers to reach completion and then merge.

In addition to integrating all fields, the most important thing in this fusion process is to assimilate the law fields of other attributes!

Assimilate all areas of the inner world into one attribute!

After all, only a domain with one attribute can attack the Nirvana Realm and become a Nirvana Realm powerhouse above the Emperor Realm.

"Is it because I have the relationship between yin and yang in my body?"

With a flash of inspiration, Qin Shaofeng seemed to have thought of something.

Qin Shaofeng didn't pay much attention to this because of the power of yin and yang in his body before, but now it seems that he has not been promoted to the emperor realm for a long time. Could it be the relationship of the power of yin and yang?

Qin Shaofeng suddenly thought that the 6,000-fold domain he had cultivated before, although the yin and yang were merged in the last 6,000-fold domain.

But in fact, his inner world still has six thousand domains!

"In that case, maybe it's because I have six thousand domains. This breakthrough requires more world power?" Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but guess.

"In this case, then..."

His eyes flashed, Qin Shaofeng's heart was cruel, and he directly increased the speed of absorption.

For a time, the power of the surrounding world became more turbulent.


"Not enough, not enough, this speed is not enough!"

Although the absorption rate increased, Qin Shaofeng still felt that it was not enough.


The right hand shook slightly, the next moment, Feiyu Dao was summoned by Qin Shaofeng instantly, and then entered Qin Shaofeng's inner world.

Qin Shaofeng wanted to use the flying feather knife, the powerful devouring power, to help him absorb the power of the world, hoping to break through as soon as possible.

But as soon as Feiyu Dao entered Qin Shaofeng's inner world, an accident happened!


As if being detonated, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's absorption speed instantly skyrocketed a hundredfold!

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