Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1053: Auction starts

Chapter 1053

This one……

When he saw the four girls in this box, Qin Shaofeng was speechless.

However, at the same time, Qin Shaofeng was also secretly surprised, because he discovered that these four girls were actually in the realm of the realm, and their cultivation bases were all higher than that of He Chendong, basically all of them were in the realm of the seventh realm.

This made Qin Shaofeng even more concerned about this treasure pavilion.

The maidservant in a box in a small box is actually the cultivation base of the master realm of the Seventh Realm, this treasure pavilion is really interesting!

However, Qin Shaofeng didn't think much about these four beautiful women.

After all, although these four women are beautiful and beautiful, they are far from Meng Xin'er and Zhao Yun'er, and Qin Shaofeng has nothing to say.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng let the four women go out.

However, Qin Shaofeng asked one of them to take out one of his storage rings.

And the storage ring contained some things that Qin Shaofeng planned to auction.

Not long after the four women withdrew, the middle-aged steward came back in again, and then said something to Qin Shaofeng.

To be honest, the middle-aged steward did not expect that the Yanyang Master actually came to their Treasure Pavilion for a commissioned auction, and the auctioned items were not simple.

Although Jumbo Pavilion accepts auctions commissioned by others, some fees will be charged as commission fees.

But this time, facing Qin Shaofeng's commission, the middle-aged steward didn't even mention the commission fee.

Very on the spot, the identity of this mysterious rank heaven soldier still has some effect.

After the middle-age manager retired again, only half an hour had passed, and the auction had actually begun.

Among the boxes on the fifth floor, each box has a light curtain, from which everyone in the box can see everything on the auction platform outside.

Of course, if you don't want to use the light curtain to watch and participate in the auction, you can completely open the box facing the wall of the auction platform in the square below.

Although most of the boxes on the fifth floor are people who have a certain status and status, they can get them.

But there are some special circumstances, such as what items are commissioned for auction at this Jumbo Pavilion auction house, as long as its value reaches a certain level, then Jumbo Pavilion will prepare a box for it.

Not long after, the auction began.

However, after the auction started, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the auction of the Treasure Pavilion was a little different.

This time, the auction of Jumbo Pavilion will last for several days, as did the previous auctions.

It's just that the auction of this Jumbo Pavilion is somewhat unique, because its auctions do not start again and again, but several auctions at the same time.

At this moment, on the auction platform in the auction square, there are more than two dozen auctioneers who are all auctioning an item at the same time.

This means that although there is only one auction station, it is auctioning more than twenty items at once.


Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng's mouth curled slightly, looking interested.

However, after thinking about it, Qin Shaofeng also knew the reason why Zhenbaoge did so.

This time the auction has gathered a lot of people. If it were to be auctioned one by one, it would take a very long time.

And even though it is a one-time auction of more than 20 items, the more than 20 items auctioned on the auction stage at this moment are not of the same type.

For example, the auction item No. 1 is an elixir to improve the realm, No. 2 is a big sword, No. 3 is a jade charm, No. 4 is...

In short, these items are diverse. This also prevents comparisons between the twenty-odd auction items each time. If someone needs them, they can only compete for bids.

In this way, all auction prices will naturally rise to high prices.

Although it is a one-time auction of twenty-one items, it does not appear here. If you fancy two or more items, it is too late to bid.

The auction of Treasure Pavilion here will not be urgent, and there will be some pause in the final drop of the hammer, and there will be no lateness.

Besides, here are the cultivation bases of the Seven Realms of the world. Even some people in the realm of the realm, with the realm of their spiritual consciousness, will not have time to bid when facing a mere 20 items. Situation.

Especially in a box on the fifth floor like Qin Shaofeng, all the auction items will be displayed on the light curtain at the same time. At a glance, it is completely clear. There is no need to remember too much. At a glance, you can know the auction situation of all auction items. .

Qin Shaofeng didn't care much about this situation, because there were not many items that met his needs.

Although it was prepared for He Chendong and the others, Qin Shaofeng didn't want to make it too bad.

However, this auction of Treasure Pavilion was not just an auction like the one it is now. Such an auction was only in the first three days, and it was all facing people from the first three floors.

After three days, it will be regarded as a real auction. At that time, it will be a real good thing, and the auctioned items will be normalized, one by one.

However, having said that, although the items auctioned in the first three days did not show real good things, in fact, the three days of auctions were still a bit beyond Qin Shaofeng's expectations.

Others, unlike Qin Shaofeng, do not need any handling fees after commissioning the auction at the treasure pavilion. On the contrary, conducting a commission auction at the treasure pavilion not only requires a handling fee, but the higher the value of the auction item, the more handling fee it needs.

Therefore, many people can't afford to pay the auction fees in Naye, or don't want to pay so much, they can only choose auctions that have not a lot of fees in the first three days.

Although there will not be a lot of people who pay attention to this, and there will not be a lot of competition, in fact, the handling fee is more cost-effective.

So, in fact, during these three days, Qin Shaofeng had purchased enough resources for He Chendong and the others to cultivate.

According to the resources Qin Shaofeng has purchased for He Chendong and the others, this is enough for the four of them to cultivate to the sixth or seventh level of the Great Realm Master.

However, Qin Shaofeng was not satisfied yet, because Qin Shaofeng planned to purchase all the resources for He Chendong and the others to cultivate to the Realm King Realm.

Moreover, in Qin Shaofeng's view, He Chendong and the others did not have a lot of resources to cultivate to the Realm King Realm.

He Chendong and the four of them are all ordinary people with ordinary qualifications. If they don't have enough cultivation resources to practice alone, they will probably not be able to cultivate in the realm of the realm in this life.

Even if he cultivated to the pinnacle realm of the Great Realm Master, it was somewhat unreliable.

Because their qualifications are too ordinary.

But if it is possible to cultivate to the Realm King Realm with the help of some special pill, it is still possible.

Even if you have more resources and treasures of heaven, material and earth, not to mention that you have cultivated to the Realm King Realm, even the Emperor Realm is not impossible.

But in that case, the cost of cultivation would be terrifying.

However, it is precisely because He Chendong's four people have average qualifications, the resources purchased now are not worth mentioning in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

Of course, in He Chendong's view, these resources were not available to him for decades or even hundreds of years.

Although the resources purchased for He Chendong and others have already been purchased.

But Qin Shaofeng still did not leave, because some of the resources that allowed He Chendong and the others to cultivate and break through to the Realm King Realm were all in the next auction.

After three days of auctions, this Treasure Pavilion has no idea how many items have been auctioned.

However, the real auction is only now starting!

At this moment, even after taking a picture of what he wanted with satisfaction, no one in the first three layers planned to leave.

Although all auctions on the auction stage have stopped at this moment.

But everyone knows that next is the real auction.

Although I can't afford to take a picture, it's okay to take a few glances and have a long view. Therefore, no one left at the auction house at this moment.

Not long after, Qin Shaofeng sitting in the box soon saw a person appear on the screen on the light curtain.

This person is the middle-aged manager who brought Qin Shaofeng three days ago.

"Hello everyone! I, He Changchuan, is today's auctioneer."

The middle-aged manager clasped his fists and greeted everyone in the auction room.

At this moment, on the box floor on the fifth floor, many people had already put down the light curtain of the box, and then appeared in front of everyone face to face, looking at He Changchuan on the auction stage.

After the greeting, He Changchuan smiled and said, "Okay, I've also said hello. I believe you can't wait for this auction. Then I won't delay everyone, let's just start! "

He Changchuan obviously knew what everyone was expecting at this moment, especially those on the fifth floor, so there was no nonsense at all.

After He Changchuan clapped her hands, a young girl dressed in red veil came up with a plate covered with red cloth.

Although this girl was just dressed as a maid, the aura on her body had reached the realm of a great realm master.

Feeling the girl's realm, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with light.

A maid, and judging from the aura of life, she was at most thirty or forty years old, but the other party possessed the first level of cultivation of the Great Realm Master.

This Jumbo Pavilion is really capable, not simple!

When the girl got close, He Changchuan lifted the red cloth, and then the medicine bottle appeared on the plate.

Looking at the appearance of the medicine bottle, it was obviously filled with some kind of pill.

This first auction is obviously an elixir.

as predicted!

Soon, He Changchuan picked up the medicine bottle and shouted to everyone: "Everyone, this bottle of medicine is Black Domain Pill. As for the effect, I won't say much. There are ten Black Domain Pills in the medicine bottle in my hand. The reserve price is ten Yuan Yuan Dan, and each price increase shall not be less than one Yuan Yuan Dan."

Black Domain Pill, as the name suggests, is a pill made from Black Domain Fruit.

Black Territory Fruit: Three-star medicinal material. When you do not have a thousand domains, you can use this fruit to forge your body, temper your blood and flesh, so as to achieve the effect of improving your own cultivation level. The only drawback is the process, which requires a certain amount of endurance. pain. The exchange price is 300 military merit points!

Hei Yu Guo Qin Shaofeng has also used it once, with 300 military merit points.

And this black domain pill is a pill made from a large number of black domain fruits and a large number of world source marrows with some precious special medicinal materials.

In terms of grade, this black domain pill is already equivalent to a seven-star pill.

Moreover, this black domain pill is an elixir that can improve the realm king, and even more black domain pill will be of great help to the realm king realm to impact the emperor realm.

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