Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1063: Silly bird

Chapter 1063

After throwing the piece of gray-skinned porcupine meat, the three people stepped back for a while, and then carefully covered themselves.

Not long after the piece of meat was thrown out, I saw a flamingo about the size of a domestic chicken flying out of the big tree, and then flying directly to the piece of meat on the ground, and finally fell to the ground.

this is?

Is it?

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng's eyes widened instantly, a trace of disbelief flashed in his eyes, and he had already guessed something in his heart.

Sure enough, after the three flamingoes landed, one of them slowly retracted the string.

Then, just as Qin Shaofeng had guessed wrong, as the gray-skinned porcupine meat was slowly retracted by the string, the blazing firebird actually jumped and followed.

When the flamingo was close enough to the three people, the three violent at the same time, and then appeared with all their strength in an instant to attack the flamingo.

There is no doubt that under the full attack of the three realm king masters at the same time, the flamingo was directly bombarded and killed without even screaming.

And watching the three people's hands is already very proficient, especially after the successful killing of the flamingo, the smiles on the three people's faces are obviously not the first time they have done such a thing.

When Qin Shaofeng saw this place, his eyes were staring, and there was an incredible look on his face.

It can still be like this?

However, this bird is too stupid!

Seeing the whole process, I can only make this flamingo really stupid!

Obviously they already have the realm of a great realm master, but even such a simple trap has not been seen through, and it is so easy to be fooled.

Is this really a monster of the Great Realm Lord?

Qin Shaofeng remained suspicious!

However, Qin Shaofeng was relieved when he thought of some monsters, even if they reached the emperor realm, they didn't have much intelligence.

Here is the ancient sanctuary, the monster beast bred, the strength is naturally strong.

But if the strength is strong, that does not mean that the intelligence is also high!

It seems that this blazing bird should be a monster with low intelligence!

Well, it's a silly bird!

Now that he knew the method, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and then slowly withdrew from here.

After turning around for a while, and found a place where there was no one, Qin Shaofeng also began to plan to hunt down the flamingo by this method.

Qin Shaofeng took out a piece of gray pork, then found a string from his storage ring and tied the gray pork.

Then, Qin Shaofeng also learned from the three people before, and threw the gray-skinned porcupine under a big tree full of flamingoes.

After throwing out the meat, Qin Shaofeng carefully hid himself.

Perhaps the gray pork is more attractive, or perhaps Qin Shaofeng's luck is good, and three flamingoes were attracted in one fell swoop.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care much when he saw that it was three flamingoes.

Three are three, anyway, at most it is the strength of the great realm master. He has the pill of law, and the power of the law can use the power of the inner world.

Not to mention the three flamingos, even if there are thirty flamingos, there is no big problem.

With the three flamingoes, that would not be a problem!

Although Qin Shaofeng had only read it once, Qin Shaofeng had fully understood this method, and slowly put the string away, and the three blazing birds slowly approached Qin Shaofeng stupidly.

Haha! This flamingo is really stupid!

It seems that this hunting of flamingos is much faster than hunting gray pigs.

Seeing the silly look of the three flamingoes, Qin Shaofeng felt a little funny.

I knew there was such a stupid silly bird, what grey-skinned porcupine would I kill!

It's near, well, it's time to shoot.

When the Flamingo was about seven or eight meters away from him, Qin Shaofeng jumped up violently.

With this jump, Qin Shaofeng jumped in front of the three flamingoes, and then with a punch, the flamingo closest to him would blow the bird's head with one punch.


There is no doubt that the spike!

On the premise of directly using the power of the world, this blazing bird was not Qin Shaofeng's opponent at all, and was easily killed in seconds.

Then, Qin Shaofeng quickly turned around and punched a flamingo next to him.

It may be that the flamingo is small in size and easy to be killed by people. In addition, Qin Shaofeng's strength is relatively strong, which is far from what these flamingo can contend, so this flamingo was also beaten to death by Qin Shaofeng.

The third blazing bird, after Qin Shaofeng killed the other two companions, finally discovered his own danger, screamed and flapped its wings, wanting to leave.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't give it a chance to escape. When Qin Shaofeng saw the last flamingo, it was about to fly, and the power of the world smashed it towards his back.


After this punch was blasted, Qin Shaofeng's fist did not fall on the flamingo, but Qin Shaofeng's fist burst out with the energy of the world, directly blasting the flamingo's back.


After this flamingo was hit by Qin Shaofeng, it left a scream and fell to the ground motionless.

Qin Shaofeng, who used the power of the world, the power of this blow, at least the power of the emperor realm, could it be that a flaming bird could resist it?

With a punch, naturally you can't die anymore.

Ha, this flamingo is easier to hunt than the gray-skinned porcupine!

Looking at the corpses of the three flamingoes in front of him, Qin Shaofeng smiled in his heart, very proud.

At this moment, even Qin Shaofeng had the idea of ​​hunting blazing firebirds here in the remaining days.

But as soon as he thought about it, Qin Shaofeng heard the quack of flaming firebirds coming from behind him.

Qin Shaofeng turned around and looked at it subconsciously, but just this look made Qin Shaofeng's face pale.

I saw a layer of fiery red flames on the forest of flamingbirds behind Qin Shaofeng. Upon closer inspection, the layer of fiery red flames turned out to be like burning flamingos!

Like fall leaves in autumn, countless flamingos fell from the big red trees.

Piece by piece, pile by pile, the sky instantly turned fiery red!

Countless blazing birds flew towards Qin Shaofeng!

Even though Qin Shaofeng's current position is still far away from those flamingoes, Qin Shaofeng seems to have felt that the wind flapping from the flamingo's wings has blown to him fiercely.

This feeling made Qin Shaofeng's hair stand upright!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng understood why the three people would kill the flamingo at the same time after attracting the flamingo, one flamingo far below his own realm.

In fact, according to the strength of those three people, as long as one of them does it, they can kill a blazing firebird in seconds.

But the three of them didn't act alone, but the trio of unnecessary actions appeared at the same time.

Qin Shaofeng still couldn't understand it at first, but now I think about it, it's all because of avoiding such a situation! ! !

Seeing the scene behind him clearly, Qin Shaofeng directly used the power of the world without even thinking about it, and immediately fled frantically.

Indeed, with the strength of this blazing bird, Qin Shaofeng really didn't care about it.

Qin Shaofeng could calmly deal with even a group of flamingoes.

However, the situation is a little different now.

Because this is not as simple as a flock of flamingos.

That black and crushed piece, as if a large burning cloud was forcing him, the flamingo in this situation has exceeded the concept of a group of numbers.

Qin Shaofeng just glanced at it, and he was sure.

Even if the number of this black flamingo bird is not tens of thousands, there will be seven or eight thousand.

Facing such a large number of flamingoes, Qin Shaofeng had no intention of fighting at all.


Faced with such a situation, there is a pitfall in the brain to choose a battle!

I don't know if it is a psychological effect, Qin Shaofeng, who is fleeing frantically, always feels the sound of fluttering wings in his ear.

This made Qin Shaofeng no longer even have the idea of ​​stopping, because it seemed that as long as he stopped for a while, he would be divided by the countless flamingoes.

Fortunately, because Qin Shaofeng condensed the pill of law in advance, he can still use his own world power in this environment that suppresses the inner world.

Otherwise, relying on the pure strength of the body to escape, Qin Shaofeng would have been overtaken by the angry flamingoes behind him.

When Qin Shaofeng was fleeing frantically, not far from Qin Shaofeng, there were still those three people just now.

The three of them seemed to have heard the movement of Qin Shaofeng's side, they all looked here for the first time.

"Ha, I knew at a glance, this must be another rookie, hunting flamingo." One of them said a little gloating.

"Cut, what are you laughing at, you weren't the same back then." The other person scorned, but the gaze looking at Qin Shaofeng also revealed a hint of mocking pleasure.

"Okay, let's leave this alone, anyway, there is a teleportation charm. At most, use a precious teleportation charm to leave here, and that person will not have an accident. Let's continue hunting our flamingo!"

"If something like this happens, we should also pay attention, otherwise we will be beaten by flamingoes, and we can only consume teleportation charms. That one is 10,000 merit points, and in this way, it will not only consume a lot of merit points in vain. , This face cannot be justified!"

This person should be the leader of the three. When he said this, the other two did not speak any more, and they immediately gathered their minds and started hunting the flamingo.

This task of cleaning up monsters is the easiest task. Basically, as long as it is not the blood mold of eight lifetimes, there will be no casualties.

No matter how dangerous it is, it can be teleported directly to a safe place by means of teleporting charms.

It's just that, in that case, I'm afraid it will be known to the rest of the entire Celestial Corps, and it will be dull.


After half an hour, Qin Shaofeng finally got rid of the chasing of the flamingo, and the extremely tired Qin Shaofeng found a tree hole to hide himself.

Despite having the blessing of the power of the world, Qin Shaofeng's physical consumption was not very much.

But Qin Shaofeng was exhausted by being chased by countless flamingoes!

Although getting rid of the chasing of the blazing birds, Qin Shaofeng was still terrified.

If it weren't for the pill of law, and the pill of law can offset the power of suppressing the inner world here, so that you can use the power of the world normally, then the ending is another story!

It seems that I still know too little about the situation here.

The three people must have known the situation just now, but they just took a look and started hunting the flamingo.

This completely puts the phrase ‘knowing oneself, knowing one’s enemy, victorious in all battles’ aside completely.

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