Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1072: Who is he?

Chapter 1072 Who Is He?

Qin Shaofeng, who was running wild, felt that his whole body was cut by a knife.

Soon Qin Shaofeng felt that his whole body was bleeding outwards. Especially the wounds on his right shoulder and stomach, the blood was pouring out without money.

Wherever Qin Shaofeng passed by, there was a blood stain.

This was all because Qin Shaofeng had not dealt with the wound on his body, and he was in a frantic run, causing the wound to bleed heavily.

If it weren't for the two pills that Qin Shaofeng had taken before, I'm afraid Qin Shaofeng's current situation would have become more serious, but even in the current situation, Qin Shaofeng would feel abnormal pain in his body.

Although it was painful, Qin Shaofeng's speed had improved a lot, and he had slowly opened the distance between himself and the unicorn blue demon wolf pack.

But Qin Shaofeng soon discovered a situation that was very unfavorable to him. That is, there are too many unicorn green demon wolves here.

There are all-horned green demon wolves everywhere, and anyone who accidentally can take the initiative to fall into the encirclement of the single-horned green demon wolf.

Qin Shaofeng looked back at the unicorn green demon wolves with difficulty, and smiled bitterly. It was really difficult to escape like this!

However, Qin Shaofeng had no other choice but to bite the bullet and continue to flee.

After a while, Qin Shaofeng looked behind him. Although there were a little more than ten meters behind him, there were unicorn green demon wolves, but the number was only seven or eight.

Although more one-horned green demon wolves were still not far away, Qin Shaofeng had already seen a glimmer of hope in the situation before him.

At a distance of more than ten meters, at the speed of these unihorned green demon wolves, they can catch up without a breath at all.

But Qin Shaofeng discovered that his stamina was finally stronger, and now there are many one-horned green demon wolves that can't keep up with his speed.

Obviously, the one-horned green demon wolf had consumed too much, and the speed began to drop.

This made Qin Shaofeng a little excited.

And soon, another thing happened suddenly, making Qin Shaofeng's situation completely improved.

Just as Qin Shaofeng ran away frantically, a loud howl of a wolf came from the jungle behind Qin Shaofeng!


As soon as this wolf howl came, the one-horned green demon wolves who were chasing Qin Shaofeng stopped unanimously, and all wolves howled in the direction of the loud wolf howling.

Then, what made Qin Shaofeng feel unbelievable was that the one-horned green demon wolves flew in that direction after the wolf howled.

Soon after less than ten breaths, those one-horned green demon wolves chasing Qin Shaofeng had completely disappeared before Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

Those one-horned green demon wolves seemed to ran over there because of the loud howling of the wolf before.

Although Qin Shaofeng didn't know what was going on, he made the unicorn green demon wolves give up chasing him, but Qin Shaofeng looked at the direction of the unicorn green demon wolves that had disappeared, and Qin Shaofeng knew that he was no longer in danger.

Qin Shaofeng, who was no longer in danger, did not take a rest immediately, but immediately gave the confession old jade talisman directly from the storage ring, and took it out directly.

Then, he shook it directly in his own hand, a look that inspires this to transmit jade amulet at any time.

Qin Shaofeng was really scared this time!

High in the sky, where Qin Shaofeng can't see, there are two people here!

At this moment, these two people are talking about Qin Shaofeng.

"Ha, I won!" one of them said happily.

When another person saw this person, he said a little unhappy: "He Yun, what are you proud of? You can only be considered lucky this time. I don’t know what happened to the wolf of the one-horned green demon wolf pack. Horn Green Demon Wolf, otherwise you can win?"

As soon as the man named He Yun heard this, his mouth twitched, and he shrugged and said, "I said Lao Lin, you won't be fooling you?"

When Lao Lin heard that He Yun said this, he became anxious and yelled at He Yun, "What do you think? Do you think I'm going to shame you for just 10,000 merits? Stretch out his hand."

He Yun's words obviously made this old Lin angry.

Upon seeing this, He Yun was overjoyed and smiled and handed a special token to Lao Lin.

Even though Lao Lin said that, his heart ached to the extreme.

I'm silly, this is a 10,000 points of merit!

I'm here as a patrol escort, only 30,000 points at a time.

These ten thousand points are quite a lot! Now say that if you don't, it's gone!

At this moment, this old Lin's expression said that it was impossible for him to feel painful.

Like Qin Shaofeng, the two people on this high altitude were also members of the Celestial Corps.

As for the reason for their presence here, it is actually very simple, because there are already some risk factors in the newly added area this time.

Therefore, the Celestial Corps definitely sent some masters to guard this place.

This is for people who come here to do missions for the Heavenly Armed Forces, without casualties.

If it were normal, the high-levels of the Celestial Armed Forces would not be like this, and at best regarded the danger this time as some training for these disciples of the Celestial Armed Forces.

But now we are in the battle for hegemony among the ten thousand races. If this training is done, let's go to battle with the demons!

If you lose some of the geniuses of the Celestial Corps here, you will lose more than the gains.

Then, this is why He Yun and Lao Lin appeared here.

Both He Yun and Lao Lin were already subterranean celestial soldiers of the celestial battle group, and both of them were masters at the peak of the emperor realm, and they had already touched the power of the law.

Based on the situation of the two of them, once Nibbana, they can definitely enter the Nirvana state 100%, and even have a 50% chance. After entering the Nirvana state, they will immediately practice the power of law.

It's just that both of them thought that at the time of Nirvana for the first time, the pill of law could be condensed, and then they stayed for a while at the peak of the emperor realm.

If not, the two would have entered the Nirvana realm long ago and become a powerful man in the Nirvana realm.

Seeing He Yun's grinning face, Lao Lin really wanted to give him a punch, but just think about it and forget it. After all, he lost his bet.

No way, Lao Lin took out his Heavenly Weapon Talisman with a stern face, slammed into He Yun's Heavenly Weapon Talisman, and immediately retracted his right hand.

Merit points have shifted!

Upon seeing this, He Yun immediately checked his own heavenly weapon.

Then after seeing his own meritorious deeds, the smile on He Yun's face became even brighter.

It's so easy to get 10,000 merit points, which is great!

But when He Yun saw that Lao Lin's face was getting worse, he immediately put away his joy, and said to Lao Lin, "Actually, you don't need to rush. Isn't that 10,000 points of merit? It's easy to earn back."

After hearing He Yun's words, Lao Lin asked He Yun weirdly: "It's easy? Yes, it doesn't take ten thousand feats to get it right away. It's hard for you to stand up and talk!"


He Yun didn't pay attention to Lao Lin's words. After all, people like them, no matter who they were, lost 10,000 merit points at once, and it was strange to have a good face.

For them, the merit of 10,000 points is not a small number.

And the most important thing is that if the bet is lost, it is naturally a little bit hard to make it through.

After a light cough, He Yun said to Lao Lin: "Really I am not lying to you, do you know who the next kid is?"

Lao Lin seemed to hear something different, and his heart moved.

That kid is indeed a bit face-to-face. As soon as he saw him, he assumed that he was a newcomer. This was a bet with He Yun.

But now it seems that something is wrong with that kid!

And listening to He Yun's words, does this kid have any unusual status?

This old Lin bet with He Yun that they were a little bored when they were on patrol.

It happened that at this moment, Qin Shaofeng came to this area, and then appeared in front of the two of them.

Finally, because of Qin Shaofeng's series of behaviors, Lao Lin became interested in Qin Shaofeng.

When He Yun saw this, he made a bet with Lao Lin.

Just bet Qin Shaofeng could escape the chase of these one-horned green demon wolves.

The old Lin didn't care much at first, because in his opinion, Qin Shaofeng's face was very strange, and he believed that the opponent was a newcomer to the Celestial Army.

Since it's just a newcomer, it naturally has no abilities.

Lao Lin knew the situation of this unicorn green demon wolf very well, so in the end he bet that Qin Shaofeng could not escape, and he and He Yun would definitely help him.

But the final result of the matter was far beyond Lao Lin's expectations, and he lost the bet.

Although it was the one-horned green demon wolf who let Qin Shaofeng go on its own in the end, with Lao Lin’s eyesight, he could naturally see that even if the one-horned green demon wolf did not leave in the end, Qin Shaofeng could easily escape the catastrophe under this situation. He and He Yun didn't need to act at all.

For a while, Lao Lin became curious about Qin Shaofeng's identity.

At this moment, after hearing what He Yun said, Lao Lin asked He Yun: "Who is he?"

He Yun did not answer Lao Lin immediately, but instead Zhang headed around for a moment, lowered her voice and said to Lao Lin: "Who is this person, in fact, I don't know very well. I only know his name is Yan Yang. But I can tell. You, this person was recruited personally by Mr. Bai. And when he was recruited, Mr. Bai gave him an assessment, but our Heavenly Soldiers had the highest assessment ever, and even after this assessment, Mr. Bai granted this Sunshine Land. The rank of the Heavenly Soldier. As for the rest, I won't say much, you know."

At the end, He Yun blinked at Lao Lin.

Originally, Lao Lin thought He Yun looked a bit funny, and after all, he lost his bet, so he didn't care about it anymore.

However, when He Yun said that he knew the kid's name, but didn't know the kid, Lao Lin was angry.

You, mother, what the hell!

I don't know, I still play mystery like this, play me!

But before Lao Lin broke out, the few words He Yun received made his eyes widened in an instant.

Bai... Elder Bai personally recruits the assessment?

Lao Lin was scared silly!

As the ground-level heavenly soldier of the heavenly army, Lao Lin was already considered an old man.

Therefore, Lao Lin is very clear about the existence of Bai Lao.

Although Lao Lin didn't know the true identity of Lao Bai.

But Mr. Bai alone was one of the founders of the Celestial Army Corps, enough to make him maintain the highest respect for Mr. Bai.

But it was such a big man who actually assessed a person, and what was terribly bad was that he was given the right to directly become a heavenly soldier.

Who is he?

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